Thursday, 20 December 2012

Lockmeupology: Happy Holidays

I'll be traveling with my family during the Christmas holiday, so I'll be taking a blogging break.
I truly wish you all a fantastic, safe and happy holidays. 
And have FUN on New Years Eve! 
and then tell me all about it (;

But before I go, I want to leave you all with these inspiring words from Grumpy Cat.
I love Grumpy Cat, possibly because I can 
relate all too well at times.


And never forget...

Have a good one and see you all in January. (;


  1. Happy Holidays! Best wishes for 2013.

  2. And it ended with a laugh! Have a great Christmas and no Grumpy cats.

  3. You have a terrific and safe time with your family. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  4. Safe travels and have a great Christmas.

  5. hmmmmm... xmas holidays inna south of france, how droll ;) lol

    be good, and if not... DON'T name it after me! :P

    bon chance, mon amie :D

  6. Two Christmases ago I unexpectedly got the present of representation by an agent. So, you never can tell! Have a very merry Christmas!

  7. Hahaha - I needed this.
    Too funny! xD

  8. Loved these! :-D Merry Christmas Elise!

  9. I hope you and your family have a joyous holiday season, Elise! Let the prancing begin! :)

  10. Okay that comic strip was hilarious!!! "I'm keeping the hat." Lol. I love grumpy cat too. Have you seen the one where after he watches My Little Pony he has a smile. Bahaaaa! Really funny. My kids and I sometimes scan the net for grumpy kitty. I'll make sure & show them your post.

    Live mini captain ninja Alex too!

    Have a wonderful holiday! See you next year!

  11. Have a safe trip. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  12. Oh now Alex is a meme. That's awesome. Have a safe trip.

  13. Hi Elise .. love the images and thoughts expressed - Cap'n Ninja in Paris is just wonderful .. have a lovely Christmas and New Year holiday time with the kids and family .. see you in 2013 ... cheers Hilary

  14. LOL! Too hilarious! Have a Merry Christmas, Elise! :)

  15. Yes,

    Have a great, wonderful and Merry Christmas :)

    PS... heads up... No. 3 Son will be one on New Year's Eve, so now you know what we'll be doing :)

    PPS: Sending best wishes to the Fallson family for a very Happy New Year :)

    Vive le Baguette Choud!

  16. Those were hilarious images.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. :)

  17. LOL. Wouldn't that be a perfect gift?
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, E! Enjoy your holidays!

  18. Have a wonderful holiday!! Cute pictures! I'd be curious to see what that cat would say to fruit cake.

  19. Hey, I'm asking Santa for the same thing! LOL!

    Hope you get your wish. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  20. Santa gave you a sweater last year??? Luckeeeeeeeeeeee!

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday!
    Some Dark Romantic

  21. ♥ Merry Christmas! ♥

  22. Have a fun Christmas and Happy New Year when it comes.

  23. Yes, we all need a break. Season's greetings and hope you have a good time.

  24. bet you say that to all the girls...


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