Tuesday 12 November 2013

Duchess: My Four-Legged Writing Companion

This is Duchess, my writing companion. She’s been a faithful companion for the last couple years and so I thought it time to introduce her to you today. At first glance, Duchess looks soft and cuddly and she is. She’s also a Shih Tzu in the body of an 80lb Bernese Mountain Dog. Now, you may wonder how this full-figured lady manages to curl up next to me on this little furton futon. Well, I’m here to tell you--I’m still wondering that myself. If I manage to figure out how she does it, then I may be able to squeeze into last year's jeans. Maybe.

Over the years, I’ve noticed Duchess developing K9 superpowers:

  • The ability to deliver the puppydog look that still works on me after 5 years. 
  • The ability to always be up for a snack, unless it’s dog food. 
  • The ability to keep me warm while I write (by sitting on my feet or napping next to me, sometimes on me). 
  • The ability to not give a f*** if it’s sunny, raining, windy or snowing. 
  • The ability to sneak up . . . well just the ability to sneak up should be a bullet point of its own considering her size. 
  • The ability to sneak up on the couch and render me utterly powerless with the puppydog look. 
  • The ability to listen to my bitching about everything. 
  • The ability to scare the crap out of mail carriers to the point where they no longer get out of the mail truck, they just drive up and beep the horn when they deliver their packages. I'm lucky they haven't started throwing my packages out the window.
  • The ability to produce genuine excitement every morning when she sees me. 
  • The ability to drop enough dog hair on me and the couch to make onesies for an entire herd.
  • The ability to produce silent, toxic smelling gases while in her sleep. 
  • The ability to make this cat person also become a dog person. (:


Do you have a writing companion of the four-legged variety (dog, cat, iguana. . .)? What’s their superpower? (: 


  1. I love dogs, also cats, but these days, living in an apartment, we don't have either. Duchess sounds a real pet.

  2. My old girl settles right by my office chair, the little dog naps on the day bed, and the cat hovers above from the top shelf of the desk. I complain all the time that I have too many critters, but honestly, I'd be lonely without them. Got to love a dog who runs off the mailman...Duchess sound like my kind of pooch!

  3. Don't you just love dogs? I used to be a cat person until I got a dog - now I'm happily both :)

  4. Duchess is quite the lady until she's not. I'm a cat person myself but Duchess is such a sweet heart.

  5. "The ability to produce silent, toxic smelling gases while in her sleep."

    Bwahahaha xD
    She learned that from my dog.

  6. My dogs have the ability to turn my full size bed into a cot—or at least that's all the room left by the time I get in. Good post. Anything about dogs...good.

    M.L. Swift, Writer

  7. My cats know not to bother me when I'm on the computer. I shift around a lot and my lap isn't safe for them. If I'm just reading though, all bets are off.

  8. She has such a sweet face! I can see that the puppydog look would go very far w/her! =)

  9. haha chase that mailman away, good for her. Dogs are grand indeed, but don't tell the cat I said that

  10. Greetings human, Elise and Duchess the dog,

    Yes, a pawsitively pawfect pawst! :) Duchess has all the abilities that will help you be an even better writer. I'm glad you put up that photo of her. I can tell she is wondering when I was going to leave a comment. Bless her.

    "The ability to produce silent, toxic smelling gases while in her sleep." I'm sure Duchess also wonders why you humans try to blame us for your flatulence....

    Hey Duchess, we should pawblish something together.

    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! xx

  11. With that look surprised you get anything done

  12. We used to have dogs - now no more - until the boys get older.

    But, you do bring back good memories :)

  13. Aw, how cute. I love the name Duchess. Very regal :) And at least she doesn't lie across your arms like my cat does.

  14. Oh, I have some similarities with you!

    I have always considered myself a cat person. Until our last cat (beloved Maui, RIP) was killed on the road and in our grief, we bought a big dog. It was temporary insanity, I am certain. But we love her!!!

    Also, she is a 90 lb German Shepherd.
    But she thinks she is a lap dog.
    This occasionally causes problems.

  15. Aww, Duchess is beautiful!! ^_^ Look at that face!

  16. I love Duchess! She's gorgeous! Dog hair everywhere! I know the feeling. :)

  17. We're heading into summer and our dog has also started shedding hair... little clumps that lie all over... and who can resist those eyes...?

  18. That's a beautiful dog! :)

    Mine is Maggie, an English bulldog. Her superpower is .... turning her backside to you for a butt scratch. Forget petting her on the head or giving her squeezes and cuddles, it always ends up...the butt scratch. lol

  19. Aw, what a love! That picture is adorable. And yes, I'd say if an 80 pound dog can fit on your lap AND sneak up on you, she's got super powers for sure.

  20. I prefer to play with other people's dogs. Let them clean up the poo. Same with children, actually.

  21. Great post! The tortoises aren't furry or cuddly necessarily but they're definitely my hard-shelled muses. They make me smile every day. :)

  22. That is totally adorable! Duchess sounds like a wonderful friend. She looked like a border collie in the pic. I want to see a pic of her standing to appreciate her entire Bernese Mountain Dog glory. :-)

  23. Don't hate me! I'm totally not an animal person... *gasp* ... I grew up with them, but I must be missing the "I love animals" chromosome or something... :)

  24. We all need a Duchess at one time or another - she looks absolutely gorgeous! If ying game reference, she would be your familiar ; )

  25. Awww, Duchess is awesome. And so photogenic! *gives virtual cookie to Duchess*

  26. I really wish I had a four-legged writing companion. You are so lucky! Also, how does this sweet doggie scare the crap out of the mail carrier every day? I'm so curious about that now. :)

  27. Duchess looks like a total sweetie! I don't currently have any writing companions, unless you count my fish, Watson. He generally just watches me and chucks rocks at the side of his aquarium to let me know I need to feed him :)

  28. Oh I love your little (ha) fur baby. We have a new dog addition in our house. My son now has a puppy and he's going to be a horse! 3/4 German Shepherd and 1/4 Pyrenees. Oh my! But I just love them. Your doggy has such a sweet face. :)

  29. What a GORGEOUS doggie! You're so lucky, you've no idea how I envy you your Duchess. (Me want doggie too!!!) :-)


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