Saturday, 1 March 2014

Sunday Mindgasm: Immerse Your Readers

Happy Sunday. 
Now go out and immerse your readers into your world. 


  1. We do want to immerse ourselves completely.
    He was a little excited, wasn't he? The he'd been metabolizing more than belief...

    1. LOL, I know what you mean. I've watched several of his clips and he's like that in all of them, very excited about philosophy and the sciences. :)

    2. What was he talking about? Oh, yeah, immersion. NOT exuberance. LOL

  2. I felt like giving him a nice cup of tea and telling him to calm down. His point was a good one though, immersion is very seductive.

    Moody Writing

  3. Thanks for the wonderful, mesmerizing video. He sure captured and held my attention.

    1. Me too, Rhonda. I like the message he delivers and he makes me wish I could get this excited about my writing again.

  4. We do like to fantasize within or going to such worlds. WOW he is super duper energetic about it lol

    1. I do like to escape into the fantastic--I wonder what he puts into his coffee. ;)

  5. Love his energy!! Makes me want to get to work. Love the idea of captivating a reader...that is what it's all about, right?

    1. Right on, Seckman! Oh, I mean write on..... *groan* ;)

  6. Everyone wants to escape. He sounds like he did and then some

    1. If I could get this passionate over my work, I'd get a lot more done.

  7. Sounds like he's saying "Like What You Read"...and I totally agree :)

    1. Me too. I'd like to know what books captivate his imagination.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I agree with him completely, but our lives are stories already. Immersing ourselves into story is something we don't need to strive for because we do it every second of our lives.

    1. Except, my life is not a story that could captivate anyone else. My life is ordinary and I crave the extraordinary, which is why I write. But I get what you're saying. (:

  10. Replies
    1. It does have that feel good vibe to it. Glad you liked it, Krystal. (:

  11. Hi Elise .. if I talked like that I'd get told to shut up ... he was certainly expressive ... fun to immerse ourselves in our passion ... sometimes I go for it - then need to retreat quickly ...

    Cheers Hilary

    1. I know I need some of that excitement, he reminds me that I was once passionate about the work I used to do.... I need to get back there, somehow and quit being a wall flower. Thanks for stopping in, Hilary. (:

  12. Lots of energy in this video. The images were beautiful, too.

    1. The whole thing is captivating. Now if only I could write the same way.....

  13. That guy seems! He's right on, though. I love speculative fiction because it's easy to immerse myself in the fantastical. So very true.

    1. That's why I like fantasy and spec fiction too, the boundaries of what's possible are only limited to your imagination.

  14. A very enthusiastic narrator, but his message is powerful to me because he suggests that we are all struggling to define what it is to be human. The inimitable power of literature is to give context and meaning to the trials and triumphs of living. James Baldwin once put this thought in this way: "You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me the most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, who had ever been alive." I would have to say that there is no intellectual equivalent to allowing oneself the time and space to get lost in another person's mind, because in so doing we find ourselves. This is the human need for "immersion" as the video so puts at its most basic level.

    1. To me, books also give hope that there are solutions, a space beyond the heartbreak that we can all access if we try. Getting lost is sometimes the best way to find ourselves.

      Here's another one that pretty good, heck he's got a bunch that I like. I'm totally hooked.

  15. Hi Elise,

    I have immersed myself on a very early Tuesday morning. The dude needs to be a bit more animated :) I reinforce my world of writing into a shared experience. The reader becomes a part of the story. An important character in whatever I write. I write to the one person reading.

    Did you know that I'm a character created by Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar? Amazing and trippy.....

    Gary :)

    1. Gary! I have immersed myself in....well nothing at the moment. The little ones are on holiday as the English would say, and I need to keep them occupied else they set the house on fire. *Boom* Ooops, looks like I need to get going. Hugs and pawsitive wishes to you and Penny!

  16. Very cool video! Definitely something to think about! Going to have to watch that again (I kept getting distracted by the images...where did he find all of those?!?) and take some notes. Thanks for sharing!!

  17. If that doesn't inspire you to go write (or read!), I don't know what does. :)

  18. This is so inspirational. Thanks for sharing! :)


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