Wednesday, 5 March 2014

IWSG: Have A Beer With Me

Lately, my writing has taken a nose dive into the dismal abyss of meritocracy. But this time, instead of moaning and groaning, snapping pens in half, popping keys off my keyboard, or setting my manuscript on fire, I’ve decided to take a different approach, a more calm and religious path to my latest self-loathing. I’ve decided to sit back and have a beer. Now I know that’s not very lady-like but at this point, I don’t care. Besides, I don’t always drink beer, but when I do… I make sure it’s a great tasting beer. Name that meme! ;) 

Anyway, this is an IWSG post, not a beer tasting post and yet… I will find a way to transition this in into a beer post, so hang on. 

Have you ever tried describing how something tastes in your writing and gotten stuck? 


No? Well, humor me for a second. Geez. 

I like drinking all kinds of different beers. One of the things I enjoy is reading the label before I start peeling it off into little strips and making a mess on the table. On the back of one of these labels, I read a short, highly pretentious description of the beer I was holding. Luckily, the beer was a good one and it prompted me to look up some beer tasting reviews. This is where things got interesting. Beer and wine tasting reviews are some of the most imaginative, colorful, sexy, flowery, BS descriptions you’ll ever read. Here are examples I pulled from random beer descriptions online:

“. . .candied sweet hops pucker the mouth; pear and apple make for a perfumed blend, supported by a surprisingly hearty malt base.”

“. . . dark cumulonimbus, Everest-like white climbing head--”

“The foretaste is very prolonged because of its rich and unctuous development throughout the mouth.” I swear this is talking about BEER. 

“Bitter and sugar tendencies compete and come back together to the taster's great satisfaction.”

“It confirms the initial impression in the first mouthful, with a sharp body that is balanced with a certain fruitiness.”

...malty caramel aroma, with obvious cherry and floral notes...”

“Some traces of burnt wood are detectable, but never scorched even if it contains this kind of malt.”

It's not easy describing something as subjective as taste. But even if some of these are laughable, if you keep digging, you'll find wonderful imagery and many creative ways for describing taste through beer and wine tasting reviews. 

So there you have it. 
My writing sucks. 

Many thanks to Alex Cavanaugh our IWSG host and his super co-hosts this month. If you'd like to know more about the IWSG monthly bloghop, feel free to click the IWSG button on my side bar.


  1. Burnt wood? That's a plus?
    Taste is the one sense I struggle with the most.
    Now, go enjoy your beer!

  2. I had to have a snigger at some of those descriptions! Taste is a tricky one to get right.
    Enjoy the beer, cheers!

  3. I rarely drink beer but every once in awhile I get a hankering. Had one just the other day at a baseball game and it was sooooo good.

    Never thought about reading reviews/descriptions of beer etc before. I read somewhere once that if you're looking for strong, powerful action words, read the sports pages.

  4. Actually, those are pretty good. What a great idea!
    Smells and tastes are something I struggle to describe. Thanks for posting this. :)

    IWSG #268 (until Alex culls the list again or I goof and get myself deleted. :P)

  5. Very nice drink descriptions. I'd say you are pretty darn good at it!

  6. Never touch beer, nasty to me. Rum is all i ever drank. You can break pens in half too? My aren't you strong lol

  7. Some descriptions sound a little bit raunchy. I always read the labels on wine bottles before my eyes become too squiffy to read the words. Enjoy your beer.

  8. I don't know, Elise, I enjoyed that bit about the beer reviews. I guess the idea is to elevate beer to a certain standard, something that craft beers approve of. Some beers are def more tasty than others, I agree, but I prefer wine. That said, we made sure to visit Le Voltaire, the restaurant in Paris named after the writer, and sampled their fantastic beer on tap in large glasses. It pleased the hostess that we liked it. . .

  9. I don't like beer. I cannot for the life of me understand how a bitter-tasting drink can appeal to the taste buds... yucky! But that's just my opinion...
    Give me a sweet rose' wine.
    Enjoy your beer!
    Writer In Transit

  10. I never smell all those subtle scents they claim in the advertising copy. Maybe my nose just isn't sensitive enough. I also eat and drink too fast to notice.

    Moody Writing

  11. LOL! I've only once had a beer that would've lived up to any of those descriptions.

  12. Not a beer drinker as such. However, I do drink wine and have read some of those pretentious descriptions. One could sometimes be forgiven for thinking they were describing intercourse rather than a beverage.

  13. I say enjoy your beer. I personally don't like beer, but I would totally have downed one by now if I did. My writing isn't going well either and I have problems describing taste too. Whenever my characters are eating something delicious, I come up sounding dull and blah...

    I hope you enjoy that beer and that your writing gets back on track soon.

  14. Every now and then a beer is perfect. Although I prefer mine on hot days. Enjoy, I'm sure you're writing will blossom soon.

  15. Oh I knew I liked you. I love a good beer, especially the quirky craft kind and yes, they can have some great labels. What a fun way to kick start your creativity!

  16. I like a nice beer now and then. We have lots of micro brews around here. Reading those descriptions are a great way to improve our imagery.

  17. I think you've found the land of purple prose--otherwise known as advertizing copy. My writing sucks too. Can we form a club and have a big pity-party? Get back to me when you finish your beer. ;)

  18. Ha, Dos Equis.

    I get stuck on tastes sometimes. I try to imagine how it tastes and come up with really boring descriptions. Those beer/wine reviews are a bit overwritten, though.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. “dark cumulonimbus, Everest-like white climbing head”? o_O
    One burnt wood tasting beer for me please. ^_^

    And you do not suck. Seriously. I'm sending some conceited vibes your way. Lol!

  21. Hope you find inspiration soon, Elise. Now those beer descriptions are so imaginative as to be fiction.

  22. Hey Elise,

    I think your descriptions certainly don't leave a bitter taste in the mouth. I remember the first time I went into a British pub. I asked the bar dude to recommend a beer to me. "Bitter?" he stated. "Not really. Why do you ask?" I replied.

    Seriously, don't be down on yourself. Maintain that sense of humour (humor) sorry spell check. Hey, why not have a "Beer Hop Blog Hop"? What am I saying. Somebody help me. LOL

    Gary :)

  23. Your writing doesn't suck, Elise. Theirs does!

    I've read books where the authors could barely string a sentence together. You're not having that problem, clearly. ;)

  24. I think if I read a book where someone (who wasn't a food critic) described taste like that, I'd be laughing too hard to continue reading. Yeesh!

    And I read recently that alcohol has an effect on the brain's language centers, so yes, drinking and writing go together just fine. ^_^


    And you know what? Some of us strive for mediocrity, so don't knock it.

    Beer aside, have you ever noticed just how dirty sounding car manuals are? All that lubing and inserting of this into that. Hot stuff.

  26. I've never set a manuscript on fire. I should try it. It sounds very cathartic.

  27. I've read some of the descriptions of wines and beers - they can be pretty funny. I especially like the ones that mention 'floral notes.' What kind of floral notes, I wonder. Lilac? Dandelion?

  28. I could never date a guy writer who writes like that. lol

    I don't always drink beer, but when I do, it has to be a Miller Lite!

  29. Is that the DosXX commercial? And I doubt very much that your writing sucks. Enjoy your beer, then have a good nights sleep. I'll expect you'll feel much better and able to enjoy your own writing after.

  30. Your writing does NOT suck! *pops beer tab open & throws the cap over shoulder and then makes a mental note to pick it up before the kids dump it into the toy bin or husband steps on it*

    The beer descriptions are hilarious. You're right. It's totally subjective. It's like when they say wine has an oakey flavor. Who the heck wants their libation to taste like a tree? Just saying. *gulps beer and curses because of forgot the lime."

  31. I'm not a big drinker by nature, but I think sitting back, relaxing and popping the cap off a nice cold beer to help you chill out when your writing has got you down, is a good way to let that writerly stress go. Sometimes, I just pop up out of my seat, and take a walk. Taking a quick break and a nice walk away from the computer, does wonders to help restore my sanity.

    Hope you enjoy that beer, take a nice peaceful break and are ready to go back at it later!

  32. You writing doesn't suck, not at all!

    Enjoy the beer. We need to give our minds and bodies opportunities to recharge every now and then.

  33. I am totally a beer girl! I've been using up the last of my wine store but really what I've wanted in the hot weather we're having is beer, beer and more beer!

  34. Hi Elise!! I hope all has been well with you! I have a difficult time with taste, but I have any easy time with every other sense. I love trying new beer and even collecting beer glasses! Not an alchy by any means, just enjoy a good ale from time to time :)

  35. Let's hear it for a good yeasty beer! It's one of my favorite drinks after a long hike and the burps are the best. They clear the belly and the head and allow for some wonderful prose to flow. Keep at it. Everyone's writing sucks at some time, but write through it, sip your beer and know you'll be up and at it with verve soon.

  36. Great post! I love beer, generally just craft beer is my favourite!

  37. Well considering I haven't been around for a while, why not stop by and have a beer... although for me, things have recently changed... After 20 years of loyalty to Samuel Adams and his crafty 12-pack medleys, I am now back to my first true love: Cider.

    We shall not mention the boxed wine :)

    Write well, write often and right on, Dude-ette :)

  38. girl, give yourself a break...your descriptions aren't bad at all! I would google it. I did that for cologne smells and they have the best descriptions ever!!! ps...I miss you babe. we shall go running together now that the weather is better here. unfortunately you'll be sleeping while i'm running and vise versa! haha!

  39. I'm back to support the beer industry and give you a bit of a Blitz! Are you ready, Elise? If not, I suggest you do a beer tasting, write some prose to describe each taste and enjoy the afternoon. :-)

  40. Hi! Don't give up on your writing. I'm coming to you today via Blog Blitz.

  41. Ha! The beer tastes descriptions are hilarious.
    Have a blitz-rific day.

  42. I love your humor. I like to write and like you I find it hard to say things at times. It sounds stunted. Perhaps I need to be reading beer reviews and just use similar words for all flowery descriptions.

    Thanks for the wonderful post.

  43. Cheers!
    Don't worry, flowery descriptions don't make a writer.

    Happy Blitz!

    anna @ Deeply Shallow

  44. Greetings from Australia. Happy Blitz Day

  45. You're about to be BLITZED as a barrage of busy-bee bloggers descend upon you!

  46. Happy blitz day.

    Fun post, and keep writing. Drink a beer and get out of the funk. :)

  47. Loved this post! My husband is into home brewing and craft beer, so I often talk about whatever beers we've been sampling on my blog. Many a time he's compared his brewing process to my writing process, because it's so involved. Nothing like a good beer to get the creative juices flowing! I hope you feel encouraged about your writing today and that you enjoy your Blog Blitz! :)

  48. Happy blitz day, Elise! I'm not much of a beer drinker, more of a soft red man myself, but I do understand pretentiousness.
    However, I live in France, am a member of Blog Blitz and IWSG, so we must be almost kindred spirits. Will we be seeing you in the Blogging A-Z this year?

  49. Sounds like a Blitz is in order! So, Elise, Happy Blitz Day!

  50. I have no sense of smell...which means I have a muted sense of taste. Doesn't mean I don't have a favorite beer though...and I usually prefer the dark ones. Hmmm...what does that say about me? :) case you haven't figured it out by've been BLITZED! Dawn Allen is also being dog-piled today, if you can drop by. Enjoy!

  51. Burnt wood in beer? Hilarious. I tried Kenya's favourite beer, Tusker, once when I was 13 and it tasted like shit . . . well, like I imagined shit could taste--awful, repugnant. Never tried again.
    Your writing is fine, by the way. You sound a bit bored, though. I am recently-registered member of Blog Blitz and I saw that you were to be blitzed today. Have a great day, won't you?

  52. Bonjour and Happy Blitz Day. Your post made me thirsty. It's morning so time for some orange juice. Enjoy the day and your writing is juicy!

  53. You have to love those descriptions. Not much of a beer drinker, I I'll need to find another relaxation technique. Lol

    Happy Blitz Day!

  54. Oh Elise, you are such a talented blogger, and I'm sure your current manuscript shows promise. I would be happy to critique or beta for you when you get to that point. I LOVE reading wine labels. How can you not love this one: Our Zinfandel bursts with spicy, black raspberries, cherries and plums, with hints of dark chocolate, licorice, and crushed black pepper. These smooth, fruity flavors make a dynamite match with boldly flavored foods, especially spice-rubbed pork, grilled flank steak or sausage-laden pasta.

    The inspiration for the name Dynamite came from hillside vineyards so thick with volcanic rock that we blasted with dynamite to plant the vines. Our colorful label, by Stephen Ward, illustrates the Pomo Indian legend behind the diamond-like quartz that sparkles in the soils of one of our volcanic vineyards.The moon wept when she could not be with her love, a Pomo chieftan, and her tears fell to the earth, forming glistening "Moon Tears". Taste the magic in our legendary wines.

    Gosh all that great description and a little mystical story as well on that wine label.

  55. Great post! Sometimes food and drink reviews really make me laugh. So full of overgrown prose! Happy blitz day! :)

  56. I love your post! I never really put too much thought into describing taste in my writing. How funny that beer and wine have such interesting reviews.
    Happy Blitz day :)

  57. I don't focus much on taste in my writing. I think it appears in manuscripts here and there, but it's never a focus for me.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  58. Suddenly I'm in the mood for a beer...
    Happy Blitz Day!

  59. Love the descriptions! I had to explain the taste of cognac in my current WIP. Since I never drank it, I started searching the internet for ideas. I found quite a few great descriptions. Of course, I had to go and try glass, too. All for the sake of my writing, of course. Sigh, sometimes this job is really tough. ;)

    Love the post! Happy Blitz Day!


  60. I hate beer but you made it sound good. Happy Blitz!

  61. That's been a long beer break. Are you coming up for a breather soon? HAPPY BLITZ DAY!

  62. Hello, Elise! That's so interesting how wine and beer are described. I don't like beer or wine, though. Sadly my tastebuds do not at all understand what these people are so poetically describing!

    I hope your writing spirits are boosted after today. Happy Blog Blitz Day!!

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  63. Lovely descriptions actually - and yes I frequently get hung up on using tastes/smells - so hard to describe sometimes. You writing does not suck. #Happy Blitz Day.

  64. You're writing doesn't suck.

    And now, I'm incredibly thirsty.


    BAZINGA! You've been blitzed!
    Have a great day!

  65. "foretast" ooh la la. What...what is that exactly?

    I hope you're digging yourself out of your rut -- I'm sure your writing doesn't suck, but even if it does, let it flow and fix it on the next draft...and the next one...and the next one...

  66. Hahaha.. Boy that was a sensual way to start the morning! Who knew beer could be so.. good..? ;)

    Happy Blitz Day!

  67. Great article, expressing drink tastes has always been a particular problem of mine and I tend to end up more prosaic than poetic ;-) Happy Blitz Day!

  68. Exercises like this are just one of the reasons your writing does -not- suck!

    You are awesome.....repeat that to yourself, at least, five times per day :)

    Oh, and by the way, Happy Blitz Day!

  69. My favorite: the malty caramel.
    The funniest: the burnt wood. :D

  70. Great post, and I have to ask, have you discovered Bitterman with New Belgian? His videos are hilarious! Happy Blitz Day!

  71. Woo! Happy Blitz day! I always find whenever I'm writing about taste, I typically just fall into the habit of using other foods as description. Does it work? Who knows!

  72. Ha ha ha! Clearly your writing doesn't suck! I don't even really like beer, but I certainly now want to experience all those tastes. Happy blitz day! :D

  73. very happy blitz day, m'lady :)

  74. Nah, your writing couldn't possibly suck, because you made me laugh.

    Describing a taste is always a toughie, but when it comes to drinks, I don't worry about the label or descriptions. No fancy description is necessary. Either I like it or I don't.

    Oh, and by the way, if you're feeling a little woozy, it isn't from that beer you drank. You, my dear, are getting BLITZED today. Enjoy!

  75. Your writing doesn't suck. But enjoy the beer, anyway. Happy Blitz Day!

  76. Well, I'm not a beer drinker but I'd love to know what "obvious cherry and floral notes" tastes like. Smith Brothers Cough Drops wrapped in rose petals?

    Happy Blitz Day.

  77. So clever! *raises beer* Cheers to you, Elise! Happy Hops Blitz Day!!! :-)

  78. Okay, first let me say your writing has NOT taken a nosedive! I thoroughly enjoyed this post. It was very entertaining and reminded me of a post I’d written called Pick Your Poison (or something like that). My husband loves trying different brands of beer and keeps the bottles as souvenirs (prominently displayed in the garage, of course, not the fireplace mantel, lol). While I was drafting the post, I read the label on every one of those bottles with great amusement. Oh, and I always peel the labels off my beer too, but I try to remove it in one piece :) Happy blitz day and stay thirsty my friend!

  79. You're too funny! These tasting descriptions . . . hmm, I should try to do this exercise, preferably after I've finished a bottle of wine (not a beer drinker), and see what I come up with. I will suck badly, but at least I'll be able to blame it on being drunk lol

    Happy Blitz Day! ;)

  80. I'm not a beer drinker, but I like Guinness, which is more like a meal than a drink. Even so, I'm often baffled when drinking wine or other alcohol, trying to taste what the "pros" tell me I'm supposed to be tasting.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  81. Oh my I've been Blitzed! Thanks for stopping by everyone! :)

  82. I hate beer but am frustrated enough I might have to try it. Happy blitz day.

  83. I'm not a beer drinker, but still enjoyed reading this post.
    Happy Blitz Dsy

  84. Too bad it's breakfast time, or I'd pop a beer. :)
    No, your writing does not suck.
    Silvia @

  85. I don't like beer. Prefer wine. But it's the same idea.

    It reminds me of the scientist Luca Turin. He loves fragrances, and often his descriptions having nothing to do with smell. On the surface.

    Happy Blitz Day! Hope you get out of your bad writing feeling. We all hit it.

  86. Pile on, it's BLITZ. Congrats on being chosen. Used to love beer, then developed an allergy to it years ago when I was pregnant, that's actually how I knew I was pregnant...long story, lol. I do though get a kick out of the wine labels, and I do love my wine. Am your newest follower. I sometimes try my hand at being creative writing on Bridge and Beyond. Not that easiest of chores.
    Bridge and Beyond Blitz

  87. happy blitz day! haha I don't like beer...but my favorite band made their own beer and I've been dying to get my hands on it, just for the collector's item factor

  88. Don't be frightened. I have not lost my memory and started commenting on posts I've already read. This is a Blitz. Take cover.

  89. I'm a wine girl myself, but occasionally I just want a nice cold beer! Those selections you posted made me giggle, especially "dark cumulonimbus." LOL. Happy Blitz Day!

  90. Those are certainly...interesting. LOL I think beer is all nasty, but that's just me. :-)
    Happy Blitz Day!

  91. You have made me thirsty, and ready for 5 o'clock. Happy Blitz Day!

  92. I hate IPAs. Not sure why. Just...ew.

  93. Your writing doesn't suck, and I personally love the descriptions. They set the mind on fire with possibilities. Happy blitz day, my friend!

  94. I've been on a mission lately to try all the new craft beers being made across the country, so every week I buy 2 new ones to try. And some of them are amazing!

    Your writing doesn't suck. We all get there at some point, but it's not true. Happy Blitz Day!

  95. I'm a teetotaler so I'll take your word for it. Happy bltz day.

  96. Happy blitz day! Everyone has days when they think their writing sucks, but don't listen to the voices! This was a really entertaining post, anyways. Those reviews might find their way into your writing and make for some really unique descriptions!

  97. Happy Blitz! I've been having a tough time hitting my writing stride these days as well.

  98. Oh wow, those are some pretty good descriptions! Happy Blog Blitz :)

  99. The most interesting gentleman in the world meme! Ha. :)
    Happy blitz day! :)

  100. Hi Elise,
    Happy blitz day and best wishes.

  101. LOL those are awesome :) Happy Blitz Day!

  102. Happy Blitz day!! I am always to see your posts in my feed!

  103. some of these are funny ways to explain the taste of beer. Happy Blitz Day!

  104. Happy blitz day. Have a beer to celebrate.

  105. We all have those moments Ellise! Never fear, your self-esteem is bound to return in full force. Enjoy your fine beer and its great flavors. I'll have one with you. I prefer Anchor Steam. Got one chilled?

    Happy blitz!

  106. Loved the beer blurbs! Too pretentious. And I'm glad to discover that I'm not the only one who shreds beer bottle labels. :)

    When the writing gets tough, the tough drink beer--I've got a Russian Imperial Stout homebrew chilling in the fridge.

    Happy Blog Blitz Day!

  107. I'd love to have a beer, but it's a bit early for me so maybe I'll have some buttermilk instead.

    "B" is for Blitz Day. You're going to get a lot of comments on this post that already had a lot of comments.

    The descriptions of beer, wine, and food in reviews always kind of fascinate me. I haven't tried describing tastes that often, but I'd probably not be very good as a food or drink critic anyway.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

  108. Ooh, I'll drink a beer to that! LOL It's wonderful to meet you, Elise. I write YA paranormal, too. Only I also dabble in the tween who's not so average, as well. #MG Have a magical BLITZ Day!

  109. Damn, I want a beeah-my New England twang kickin' in. Happy Blitz Day to you~
    I'm having a beer when I get home~

    Hope you are doing well

  110. Happy Blitz!

    I love those descriptions! A couple were pretty funny, but they did get me thinking about describing taste.

  111. Hope you are having a happy Blitz Day, Elise :)

  112. Sorry you're having a rough time. My stress-relieving vice of choice is (are?) cigarettes. Hope being BLITZED (as opposed to being blitzed) (*haha* I made a joke) will make this a happy day! :O) New subscriber/follower.

  113. I had a lot of beer this past weekend, but still not enough to come with half a good description as the ones above. Let's have another beer.
    Happy blitz day, Elise!

  114. I also appreciate a wide range of beers, and having a beer can be helpful when things aren't working out the way you want them to.

    Happy Blitz Day! The next time I crack open a beer, I'll think of you!

  115. Those descriptions are awesome! I'd have no idea what to expect from any of them :)

  116. Chocolate has been scientifically proven to increase writing success... I think. Don't know much about beer's effect. Have a great day. I've enjoyed looking around your blog.

  117. Coming by from the Blog Blitz. Have a lovely Wednesday.

  118. Happy Blitz Day, Elise. Make my beer a Red Stripe and plunk me down on a Jamaican beach!

  119. Hey, you got double jeopardy! Blitz AND IWSG! :)

  120. Well I have to disagree with you on a couple counts. First, who says drinking bear ain't lady like. We ladies enjoy a good beer as much as any he-man. Perhaps its a bit more lady-ish to put it in a glass, but I am all for enjoying a good beer. Second, I love your writing style. A little bit of a lull in trudging along on your projects is no reason to suggest your writing is on the sucks scale. Enjoyed your post. God bless, Maria

  121. Inspiration can be found just about anywhere, even on a good beer! Happy Blitz Day to you :)

    MJ, A to Z Challenge Co-Host
    Writing Tips
    Effectively Human
    Lots of Crochet Stitches

  122. Happy Blitz Day, Elise! And I'm so sorry I missed this on IWSG day- poo on me!! Never thought to look to those (to me) super pretentious wine and beer reviews for inspiration- what a great idea! And I agree with everyone else- your writing far from sucks. You rock, in fact!

  123. Enjoyed this post so much! You got me thinking about how we describe tastes with a heavy does of humor. Happy Blitz Day!

  124. Every writer loses confidence in their talent at times. Hang in there and take baby steps until you get inspired again. Happy Blitz Day!

  125. Love your humour! Thanks for sharing - and you're right, so interesting to see beer and wine tasting descriptions, but fun to read! Happy Blitz Day!!

  126. I don't like beer :O but I enjoyed this post very much. Happy Blitz Day!!! :D

  127. This is great advice. I bet writers could get the same sort of help from reading art or music reviews as well. It reminds us that we need to choose better adjectives than it was warm or she was pretty. Thanks for the reminder and Happy Blitz Day!

  128. I go through spells of thinking every word I write sucks. Hope it leaves you soon. Happy Blitz!

  129. Greetings human, Elise,

    Of course, we already commented on your beer blog. So, happy Shitz, sorry, Blitz Day. I must now go and unsubscribe to this pawst. My poor email account will blow up!

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny and the Alphabark Challenge 2014! :)

  130. Elise! Long time since we last hung out together! Let's go have a beer! Or wine...I like both, and martinis...I enjoy alcohol at the end of a long day. Besides, I have teenagers and it makes me a better mother! I swear.
    I hear you about the whole feeling like everything you write isn't good enough. The more writers I meet, the more mediocre I feel. I think that's our insecurities trying to drown out our positive thoughts. It's hard to work through, but I have confidence you'll make it through this bump and be back to feeling good about your work again.

    Meanwhile, having a beer is a great idea. I think I'll go get myself some chardonnay. Don't happen to have any in the house right now. I'm part of a wine club and one of our favorite things is reading the BS on the label. We have actually invented our own words to describe wine...and it's working for us. Two of us are writers, one runs an in-home daycare, and the other is a Feldenkrais Practitioner. We always have a blast. If you find yourself in CO, give me a holler and you can join us!
    I hope you're enjoying your Blitz!
    Tina @ Life is Good
    A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014

  131. I love describing how things smell and feel and taste in my writing. I'm usually not so concerned with where they are or what they look like, which might go a ways to explaining why my writing has yet to find its audience. Lol


  132. There is nothing mediocre about you at all, Elise. You're an Everest-like, cumulonimbus of excellence wrapped in fruity awesomeness. I don't always chat up the ladies, but when I do, it's with those who dazzle. ;-) Glad to see the blitz found you.

  133. I could do without the anti lady like judgement, each to their own gumboots or stilettos we each define our own womanhood. Apart from that I saw a blog hop the other day about describing things without sight, what a great idea to check the beer and wine reviews for taste. Nothing mediocre or sucky writing about that :)

  134. Happy blitz day! I'm a beer kind of girl too, so cheers (and who says it's not lady like to drink beer?). I've talked to lots of authors who are feeling crappy about their writing this time of year. I'm blaming it on the winter blahs. I say keep trying to write a little each day, even if it sucks, even if it isn't on your current WIP. And get out to see movies, read different books, enjoy life. Hopefully you'll be into a new groove in no time!

  135. Happy blitz! Aren't you delighted that you get to be a YA/NA writer instead of having to be a beer critic? We went on a wine tasting outing in Australia recently, and by the third winery I was absolutely giddy. Not from the (sadly, mediocre) little wine samples, but from holding my breath and avoiding my husband's eyes in (vain) hope of not cracking up as as yet another vintage was fulsomely described as chocolate-iced lashings over a sensual chili-raspberry base, yada, yada. For the love of all that's holy, I wanted to yell at our tour guide, It's grapes. Rotten grapes, squished, poured into barrels and then into bottles, but yeah. Grapes.

    Anyway, best of luck with the writing. As a fellow YA/NA fantasy writer, I know how much fun it is to tell yourself the story. Good luck, and I can't wait to read about your projects. If you're looking for readers or CPs, let me know!

  136. I'm writing something filled with scents at the moment, and I'm right sick of thinking of different ways of saying you smelled something. We all have those 'this sucks' moments, but you already know if you push on, you can edit a draft. In the meantime, I'm all for a beer break.
    Happy Blitz.

  137. Thanks for this humorous post! I really needed it, as I've been at my own writing and networking all day. I could almost taste the beer...really. So, cheers to you and your talent! Happy Blitz!

  138. Hi Elise, happy blitz day! xx

  139. *raises glass* Shitty writing is still better than a blank page. Cheers! Happy Blitz Day.

  140. Oh, have I got a just the video for your beer-chugging enjoyment:)
    "Cheap Beer Reviewed by a Wine Expert"

    Your welcome:)
    WriterlySam Join the A to Z Theme Reveal Party March 21st!

  141. Coming by again to say Happy Blitz Day to you! :D

  142. I love to cook, and I love to eat, but I'm bored by descriptions of food on the page unless the taste or appearance somehow reveals character or moves the story along. That said, I too enjoy beer and reading beer labels. :)

    All that beer brings a whole new meaning to Happy Blitz Day!

    VR Barkowski

  143. Have some extra beers, Elise. Happy Blitz Day.

  144. Ha, I love those commercials w/that white-bearded guy! Happy Blitz Day, Elise!

  145. What a fun post and a great exercise in descriptive writing. Now onto the REAL topic. I know how you feel. I am currently deep in edits and have decided I hate one of my MC's. YIKES! All that aside, I keep plugging along because I am in love with the story. Maybe that's the problem in a nutshell.

    by now I suppose you've figured out that you've been blitzed, unless of course you've been drinking beer since the fifth of March. Enjoy your day!

  146. Describing your senses in words takes thought. Happy Blitz Day.

  147. Fantastic approach Elise! Now that's a great way to relax AND use your writing talents!

    Keep on going, you'll do great!!!


  148. Love the idea of reading the beer/wine descriptions. You're right some of them are hilarious! Keep writing, you'll get into the groove again! :) Happy Blitz Day!

  149. I had a smile on my face reading this amazing post. Happy Blitz Day :)

  150. Hello! Great blog. Love the humor! Happy Blitz Day!

  151. LOL. every writer can relate. When I have bad writing days I indulge in smooth, sweet, creamy milk shakes. Happy Blitz Day.

  152. I'm not a beer drinker, but you're making me want to drink one. And I know your writing doesn't suck. Happy Bliltz Day a day late!

  153. I wish I were more of a beer / wine drinker so I could read these kinds of reviews and then make up my own mind...I think a lot of them probably use random word generators, LOL. "Okay, Bill, I got flowery, medley and pungeant. Make it happen."

    I REALLY struggle with writing anything descriptive, and I think it's partly because I always skip over that part when I'm reading. :)

    I'm a day late, but Happy Blitz Day anyhow!

  154. Hope you had a wonderful Blitz Day! Cheers!!

  155. Popped back to see how many comments you got from the blitz...awesome. So cool to see this working, I only joined a short while ago. I know what you mean about the following, I tried several times before I got the widget on your blog to work as well. Not sure what the problem is, as it's not a new widget, one they've had for a good long while? I considered doing something with plarn also, but then though with the amount of yarn I had on hand it was best not to change my focus, lol. I considered adding the plarn mats I know some folks to the blog as sleeping mats for the homeless we serve, but after a good deal of research learned they weren't helpful for keeping people dry or warm, in fact made things worse. I think there are areas in the country, warmer and dryer areas where it's probably more beneficial. Does your mother donate any of knitting? Thought I might mention it's faster for folks if you leave the url to your blog vs the url to your profile page in the name and url option in the drop down box. You don't have that option in your drop down, so I'll leave the hyper text alternative.. Either of those methods works for getting people right to your blog vs your profile page.

    Bridge and Beyond, Sandy from Blitz

  156. Your writing is awesome!!! And I love the way you handled your funk - I think taste is hard to describe but you picked up a group of inspiring selections. :)

  157. Happy Blitz Day!

    I don't think I could ever write a good, convincing description of taste, since it's so subjective, and one can't understand if it's compared to something one has never tasted before.

  158. That is some really intriguing imagery conjured up by such playful language :)

  159. Sorry I'm late but HAPPY BLITZ DAY!
    Those are amazing descriptions. I often use taste to describe scenes--like what it would taste like if it had a taste. It's fun. And I think sometimes we just have to sit back and relax and not force the writing. :)

  160. Happy belated blitz day!

    Awesome descriptions! Personally, I am not a beer girl at all. Give me the girly drinks. :)

  161. Happy belated blitz day! Such an awesome IWSG post - finding new descriptions for anything is hard, let alone beer. I know I like the darker ones, the stouts, but to try to describe their flavour... Eep!


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