Thursday, 27 February 2014

Elizabeth Seckman, France, and Fate Intended

Hi there! I'm here with the fabulous Elizabeth Seckman. She's published several books and is an all around wonderful person, I'm thrilled to have her stop by my humble blog. Today, we're gonna talk about the French and the love shared between siblings, as well as Elizabeth’s new book, Fate Intended.


Hello Elise!

Bonjour Elizabeth!

Long ago, you posted a get-to-know-Elise video (it was marvelous, by the way). In that video, you said some French people wonder...does America really hate France?

Yes, I remember that video. I still live in France and I've gotten that question a few times, especially during the time right after 911.

Lafayette at the Battle of Yorktown
Wow. What a sad question.

It really is, Elizabeth. 

If America ever had a solid friend, it's France.

I will venture to say, there would be no United States of America without France.

It was the French who had our back in the Revolutionary War against the British crown.

Without French gold, blood,and brains...the American Revolution might have gone down in history as a failed revolt.

I agree, Elizabeth--Vive la France! :)

So much gold was spent, the French government was deep in dept.

There were more French soldiers at the Battle of Yorktown (1781) than American. And that battle was a turning point in the war and it turned the war in our favor, thanks to the leadership of the Marquis deLayette (a French dude...can't you tell by the name?)

Yep, and one of his most famous quotes was: "Humanity has won its battle. Liberty now has a country.

Thank you France!

Our victory against England was signed, sealed, and a new country was delivered by the Treaty of Paris.

France even gave us our symbol of freedom. Yes, Lady Liberty welcomes her huddled masses with a smile and, “Bonjour!”


So, see? France is like our big brother. And granted, sometimes big brothers and little brothers fuss, but behind every noogie and wedgie...there is real love.

I can't agree with you more, Elizabeth. France and the US are the best of siblings. And speaking of siblings, in your latest book Fate Intended, a hansome devil named Trip also happens to have siblings as well! Can you tell us a bit more about the story?  :) 

Fate Intended is the third book in the Coulter Men Series.  Trip is the last of the Coulter sons to find love. He’s a handsome man with all the skills a young spy needs to succeed. But when it comes to love, he misses the target. Jane is a sweet beauty who may or may not be wanted for murder. She’s hiding out as a cleaning lady when chance brings her and Trip together. It looks like a happily ever after is in the cross hairs until reality tries to destroy what fate has intended.

Elizabeth Seckman is a simple chick with a simple dream…to write stories people want to read.

photo credit: aherrero via photopin cc


  1. Yes, I can tell by the name it's a French dude! Great history lesson - and very entertaining, ladies.

  2. LOL Very educational, ladies.
    Best of luck, Elizabeth! :)

  3. Thank yo for having me over Elise!! I have to say, the feeling is're an all round good gal to know too.

    LOVE the cartoon by the way!! Just love it!!

  4. Fun post and love seeing the lovely and well-traveled Elizabeth here.

    1. I've been everywhere! And I don't even have a passport :)

  5. haha the french were surely a good ally to have, could send all their booze to the british, get them drunk and win, easy lol

  6. Bonjour n' stuff, Elise and Elizabeth,

    My dream has come true. Two lovely ladies on one site. This American, France love affair. So, I guess that means that y'all are now calling them "French Fries" again, instead of ahem, "Freedom Fries!"

    Seriously, a delightful interview involving to of my most adoring fans! :)

    Hugs n'stuff,

    Gary :)

    1. I never did quite understand the freedom fry thing. I think some of that stuff just gets hyped by the press to get ratings.

      Hugs from one of your adoring fans :)

  7. Here in Britain we feel the whole American revolution thingy was a bit unfair, two against one and all that, very unsportmanlike.

    Moody Writing

  8. No wonder the Brits always fought the French for many years. LOL. I have always loved France anyway.

    Sounds like a good series of books,

    Pat Hatt, we Brits are pretty hard headed when it comes to drinking.

    1. Fortunately for our rebelling nation, the bad blood was running pretty strong at the time!

  9. Thanks for the history lesson. I had fun and learned a lot. Elise seems to have a crush on Tripp.

  10. Wonderful post. I think a lot of folks don't know that bit of history, but it's an important part of the origins of this country.

    1. I don't think we are spending nearly enough time teaching history. So many mistakes that nations repeat time and time again...just learn from the past and quit messing up the future!

  11. Great interview with two of my favorite blogger buddies...well done.

  12. I've always heard the French hate Americans. It is pretty silly to have so many hate rumors flying around when the french and the Americans have been allies for so long.

    1. I've always heard that too...that we are called Ugly Americans. But you know how rumor and gossip go...

  13. The US and the French are allies. There's always going to be loud people in both nations that spout off with "hate speech" but they are (thus far) just a minority.

    1. But haters make the news, huh Michael? I've found people have way more in common than the press want us to believe. But hey, good news doesn't bring the numbers.

  14. France is cool! I don't know why people think we're not friends.

    I like how you segued into the book. It looks like a good one!

  15. For many years, I worked in a Belgian-managed Egyptian hotel as a singer and often sang in French (which took a lot of time and effort to learn to do). Sometimes French people would come and fawn all over me saying it was wonderful an Egyptian had such good French pronunciation. When they learned I was American, they'd give me that sour superior look they do so well and never talk to me again. So from experience I must agree with the dislike on both sides.

    1. Well that stinks. I say we should do a goodwill tour. Just travel around France, drink wine and meet the people. Show them Americans rock. Even if we're ugly.

  16. Love the format of this--very fun! Best of luck to Elizabeth, and Viva la France :)

  17. Hi Elise .. I've gone off both of you!! Thankfully we all got along at one time or another .. and liberally spread our genes around ..

    Well Vive la UK .. but I love France and it'd be great to be able to visit America often .. must save my pennies, or is dimes, or cents?

    Cheers to you both .. Hilary

    1. And I want to visit both. Sadly, I think it will tale quite a few pennies!


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