Tuesday, 24 September 2013


This platform building opportunity is for writers who want to meet other writers, have a few drinks, socialize, and stalk each other. If you'd like to know more about the Follow Fest (there's still time to sign up), click on the Follow Fest badge over on my left sidebar.
<======  (; 

If you don't know Melissa, (who is fabulous by the way) please check out her blog site. She's a wonderful blogging friend who's always giving back to the writing community. She shares tips about blogging and social media, and has a Monday feature called Grammar Police Monday which is really great and helpful.  

Below is my Follow Fest Answer Sheet. 
Nice to meet you.  
Now I'm off to read yours!


Name: Pen name is Elise Fallson 

Fiction or nonfiction? 


What genres do you write? 
Mostly YA/ NA fantasy and paranormal. 

Are you published? 
Only in my dreams. *don't wake me up*

Do you do anything in addition to writing? 
Yes, rewriting.

But,  I also beta read when I can, and enjoy spotlighting blogging buddies, cover reveals, releases, etc.  

Where can people connect with you?

    My online avatars
Is there anything else you’d like us to know?

I'm an expat living in France and would love to join an on-line writer's group but don't know where to start. Any suggestions you may have would be greatly appreciated! 


Thank you Melissa for hosting this Follow Fest, can't wait to check out new fellow writers!


  1. When you do get published it will feel like you're still dreaming :)

  2. Try Google+, it has several active writing groups/forums. It just depends what you are hoping to get from it/them?


  3. Nice to know more about you. You reminded me of a Chris Brown song.

  4. Shh, no one wake up Elise...
    You will be published one day!!

  5. Couple of things: Elise Fallson is your pen name? What's your real name? Harold Poindexter? I bet it's something like that.

    Totally cracked me up with your answer on "Do you do anything other than writing?" Yes, rewriting. Priceless, absolutely priceless.

    I think I follow you on all venues, but will check. I'm a part of G+, but not active, and yes, there are writers groups that plan "hang outs" and stuff. I need to get more involved in that. I'll try to remember to look into it and let you know, because I'm a part of one (just never do anything with it).

    Since you are active on FB, look for writer groups that appeal to you. I'm in a couple of closed ones there. You can even make one. What do you want from a group? Critiques? Support? Start a group with that as its main focus.

    I want to see us all published one day, and yes, as Lyn said, it will really feel like we're dreaming then. ;)

    M.L. Swift, Writer

  6. Hey, Elise,
    I missed your cartoon Elise! Cute. Not sure what kind of group you're looking for but thenextbigwriter.com used to be good, but I haven't renewed in ages. You can check it out and lurk for a bit to see if you like it. Hope that helps.

  7. "...drink, socialize, and stalk each other."
    The best part of FF is reading the clever intros you guys come up with. :P

    Thanks for the kind words and thanks for participating, Elise. You're the best. :)

  8. Fantasy and paranormal? Sounds good. If you start an online crit group, count me in. Yeah, rewriting seems to be what I end up doing all the time, too.

  9. maybe you could try getting published in France :)

  10. The best online writer's group is right here! I know what you mean, though. I don't know anyone in my immediate area, and it would be different to chat about writing out loud!

    Melissa is great. I love Grammar Police Monday.

    And very intrigued that Elise is your pen name... I never knew!

  11. I promise I won't wake you!

    Just followed you on twitter! Hi!

  12. Yep, blog land is the best place to find me too. The rest I am there but just some left over cat hair haha

  13. Hi Elise!

    Good luck with the FOLLOWFEST! I host a WRITERLY WISDOM WEDNESDAY on my blog (www.donnalmartin.com) where authors, agents, and illustrators chat about writing and the publishing industry. I'd love to have you join us!

    Take care,

    Donna L Martin

  14. I've tried a bunch of the larger online writing sites in search of feedback and I'd say the best one is critiquecircle.com, which is free and very active (an active site being especially important). I think with online stuff you can't count on guaranteed quality so you have to try and get as much feedback as possible and then sift through it all to find the useful in the not so useful.


  15. Nice to meet you, Elise! I'm having the same dream you are ;)

  16. I'm sure one of these days you'll get published . Keep working on it!

  17. Elise-have you ever thought of signing up for NaNoWriMo? It's full of online advice/groups and plus, since it's worldwide, there are local groups, too. I haven't met with mine yet, but I will soon. They gather once a month at a local coffee shop.

  18. Elisa, what kind of writer's group are you looking for? I belong to a couple of closed groups on FB, but they both focus on different things. Let me know.

  19. "Yes, rewriting."


  20. I'm connected with you all of those places, Elise! My favorite is your G+. You're a very good follow over there, because I catch most of your blog stuff AND get a glimpse at the things you're finding interesting around the Web, too. :)

  21. "Yes, rewriting." XD

    Ha ha. Nice to meet you!

  22. Hi Elise .. sounds like there are some ideas around for you - there must be English writers in France though .. and local groups - maybe the nearest big town .. it's great having blogging friends everywhere - but I agree it'd be great to have a few nearby ...

    Good luck - all will be well and I love your cartoons .. cheers Hilary

  23. Yep. We're all connected on the social networking front. And I totally understand the re-writing.

  24. I like this follow fest. How fun! I hear ya with the rewriting. I never ends, huh?

  25. Writing in France sounds like a dream! (Have you seen the movie "Midnight in Paris?") Best of luck with your WIPs. Looking forward to following your journey to publication.

  26. Rewriting -- mos def! Following you on Twitter and Goodreads.

  27. awww you sound so lovely, don't worry, you'll be published before you know it, I'm sure. :)

  28. I loved your answer to what you do in addition to writing LOL.
    Think I'm already following you everywhere but I will check to make sure. :)

  29. Okay Gary, stay calm, breathe, relax....Arggghhhhh!!! make it stop! Not another blogfest. Great post! Thanks for sharing! Pleased to meet you. I follow your blog! :)

    I hope the Grammar Police spell in proper English as in English, English, like they do in my neighborhood, um neighbourhood.

    In addition to commenting, I've been know to recomment. And yes, Grammar Police, "recomment" is not a real word.

    Gary :)

  30. I want to join an online writing group as well! Totally ping me if you find something! :)

  31. You will be published! And I can't wait.

  32. Rewriting - yes, I know this as well. hehe

  33. Thanks for stopping by my blog today, Elise! I bet with your young children, you'll be writing children's stories soon! I am sure your dream will become reality if you keep on writing, my friend!

  34. Bonjour Elise! It's always great to meet another paranormal writer. I so relate to the re-writing thing. :-)

  35. "Yes, rewriting." <---Hahaha! And yeah, same here.

  36. I found one beta reading buddy from WriteonCon and when I was at the Backspace Writers conference they talked about their forum where writers connect for critiques and advice. There is a fee to join that one, however. I'm happy to exchange MS pages with you. I'm working on a tricky MS right now that is out for beta reading so I can get input on what's working and what's not. I'm sure I'll need more input as I revise it. Also have a MS that all my beta readers loved but isn't going anywhere, so revising that is my next project. You can contact me at kimvansickler@gmail.com if you're interested in exchanging pages.

  37. Awesome follow fest. I'm searching links to follow you!

  38. While trying NOT to wake you up, let me mildly suggest you find me on facebook and I'll totally hook you up with a couple awesome writing groups. (Mine are all virtual.)

  39. Wow, stupidly, I was not following you on Twitter before. Problem remedied. :)

  40. I hope you wake up soon to finish that book,lol.Managed to follow you an assortment of ways!Good luck with your writing!

  41. Good to meet you. ^_^ And the 'rewriting' answer was funny and... kind of painful...

  42. Already following you everywhere. :-)

    Good luck with getting that book finished!

  43. So cool to learn a little more about you, Elise....and I'm always looking for a trusted beta...hint hint ;) Hope all is well with you, sister!

  44. *Tries to tiptoe around you but inevitably trips over something and makes a ton of noise because God MUST have a sense of humor*

    I did not realize that Elise is a pen name. You just added like ten mysterious points to your street cred. I would love to be an expat in France someday. I definitely miss that beautiful country :(

  45. I followed you where I didn't already before.
    Melissa did good :)

  46. Finally made it over for the follow fest Elise! I'll be sure to wake you up once your book is published. :)

    On Google+, the Writer's Dojo is pretty good. They're located at https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/105703395862658371216

    I believe that link will take you there. Good luck in finding what you're looking for! Writer’s Mark

  47. I never knew Elise was your pen name!!

  48. Hi Elise. I'm catching up from follow fest--nice to meet you!


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