Monday, 16 September 2013

CassaStorm And The Ninja's Brain Guitar

To celebrate the release of CassaStorm, Alex J. Cavanaugh (aka - The Ninja Captain) is touring the blogosphere this week and answering questions from his crazy fans. (;  

Here's my question I scrambled to come up with at the last minute brilliant question:

Ummm... I think I'll stick to armpit farts. 

By Alex J Cavanaugh
 (Release date: September 17)

From the Amazon Best Selling Series!

A storm gathers across the galaxy…

Commanding the Cassan base on Tgren, Byron thought he’d put the days of battle behind him. As a galaxy-wide war encroaches upon the desert planet, Byron’s ideal life is threatened and he’s caught between the Tgrens and the Cassans.

After enemy ships attack the desert planet, Byron discovers another battle within his own family. The declaration of war between all ten races triggers nightmares in his son, threatening to destroy the boy’s mind.

Meanwhile the ancient alien ship is transmitting a code that might signal the end of all life in the galaxy. And the mysterious probe that almost destroyed Tgren twenty years ago could return. As his world begins to crumble, Byron suspects a connection. The storm is about to break, and Byron is caught in the middle…

“CassaStorM is a touching and mesmerizing space opera full of action and emotion with strong characters and a cosmic mystery.” – Edi’s Book Lighhouse

"Cavanaugh makes world building on the galactic scale look easy. The stakes affect the entire known universe and yet Cavanaugh makes it intensely personal for our hero. The final installment of this series will break your heart and put it back together."
- Charity Bradford, science fantasy author of The Magic Wakes
“…mesmerizing story of survival, personal sacrifice, tolerance, and compassion. It’s a rare jewel that successfully utilizes both character and plot to tell a story of such immense scope and intimate passion…” - Nancy S. Thompson, author of The Mistaken

$16.95 USA, 6x9 Trade paperback, 268 pages, Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C.
Science fiction/adventure and science fiction/space opera
Print ISBN 9781939844002 eBook ISBN 9781939844019
 One person will be chosen at random to win a
Cassa mug, Cass mousepad, swag, and a
$25 iTunes gift card. (Or Amazon.) 
$4.99 EBook available in all formats

Find CassaStorm:

Alex J. Cavanaugh has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and works in web design and graphics. He is experienced in technical editing and worked with an adult literacy program for several years. A fan of all things science fiction, his interests range from books and movies to music and games. Online he is the Ninja Captain and founder of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. The author of the Amazon bestsellers, CassaStar and CassaFire, he lives in the Carolinas with his wife. 

Find Alex on:


  1. Elise, that made me laugh! Thanks so much. You rock!

  2. I'm not plugging my brain in either. Congrats, Alex!

  3. Elise you are too darn funny :D!!

  4. LOL yeah, armpit farts are far less dangerous

  5. That would be a cool instrument, Alex, but I'm not sure I'd want one attached to my overworked brain, lol! Elise, I can't even do armpit farts. You're a woman of many talents.

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  6. Awesome question! And I loved his answer. Only I want my brain wired to a guitar AND a piano, a harp, and a violin. Lol!

  7. Great question, great answer. But I don't think I want my brain wired to anything. I'm not sure it could focus on anything long enough to work properly.

    Congrats, Alex!

  8. Yeah, have to say I'm not a fan of anything wired into my brain. Though the idea of being able to create exactly what my mind envisions is alluring.

  9. LOL! I don't think anyone would want to hear the music my brain would make. Congrats to Alex :)

  10. Great post! I LOVE your illustrations and your honesty. I think Alex's instrument would be great. Maybe finally I could be musical.

  11. Elise, too funny!
    From the look of those poor twisted notes, I agree that it would be safer if you stuck with the armpit instrument.
    Writer In Transit

  12. *snort* you're way too funny, Elise! Congrats to Alex!

  13. I was all for that instrument until Elise demonstrated how it can go wrong. I'd make an adjustment for myself. Taking Violet from Rachel Morgan's Creepy Hollow series ability to let her enchanted weapons appear at will. I'll only let the guitar appear when I want it to and since it is enchanted will automatically play whatever I want. There, potential brain damage issue resolved.

    Nice way to promote Alex's new book Elise. Loads of fun and congrats Alex.

  14. Alex's dream instrument sounds... painful! LOL Congrats Ninja Captain!

    And let's do a Kickstarter to get that 'armpit fart' instrument made, Elise! :)

  15. That would a pretty amazing instrument! Congrats Alex :)

    Love the drawings.

  16. Never know it might be fun to be hooked in

  17. my son is the armpit fart king! ya'll shall make sweet sweat music together! :)

  18. Oh my are flipp'n hilarious! Bahahahahah!!!

    Go ALEX!!! I bet he'd rock that instrument too. No surprise there.

  19. I loved your comics, Elise. Armpit farts are my best talent, too! Congrats to Alex on the release of CASSASTORM!! Woohoo!! :-)

  20. Best to Alex! My instrument would sound exactly like a river in New Hampshire, when nobody else is around.

  21. Very creative, Elise....your little toons never fail to bring a smile to my face. =)

  22. LOL! And that would be a very cool instrument! I want one that does the piano. :)

  23. LOL! Great question and I love the comics. So happy for Alex!

  24. Absolutely hilarious! *LOL* Yay for Alex!

  25. Bonjour n'stuff,

    Ah yes, a brain guitar. Which in my case, would be an air guitar. Well done to the ninja dude.

    Well done to you, Elise. Your hairstyle is the bestest.

    Where the heck is my clone?


  26. I think I'd prefer an exhibit of your insect collection rather than the armpit music. I like the drawing too!

    Good Luck to Alex - he comes up with some interesting answers!

  27. Interesting comic relief. I always sing better in my head too! Congratulations to Alex!

  28. ooh I'd love a brain guitar too!

  29. hahahaha - Love the question, the answer, and the art!
    Best wishes, Alex. :)

    1. PS - Elise, I've been meaning to thank you for adding the Follow Fest button to your sidebar. So kind of you!

  30. Great cartoons, Elise. I'd stick with armpit farts too.

    YAY for Alex!


  31. Great cartoon! Fun, ha! Congratulations to Alex!

  32. Congrats to Alex, and I love his new instrument.

  33. Very inventive question to pose a sci-fi writer, Elise. And Alex, GREAT answer. 'Twould be neat.

    M.L. Swift, Writer

  34. I love the cartoon Elise-crazy fun and cute!
    I hope you are doing well...
    Congrats to Alex
    and Happy Friday to you!

  35. Hi Elise .. I agree the cartoons are great - as is the Q & A .. thanks I think I'll stick to normal human music!

    Happy Sunday - but Alex is setting the blogging and world alight with Cassa Storm .. cheers Hilary

  36. That instrument sounds fascinating. I bet it'll happen in the future.


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