Wednesday 11 January 2017

Blurb Writing Rage

I haven't written a back cover blurb in a long time, and now I remember why. It's like trying to thread chunky yarn through a tiny sewing needle. You know theoretically how it's done, you've even seen other people do it, but no matter how many times you rewrite the damn thing, it all just sucks, your fingers are bleeding, the yarn is in knots, and now you've got writing rage.

Blurb writing rage.

Blurb rage.




I hate yarn.  

Someone get me some scissors. ;)


  1. Starting is the hardest part, then there are a thousand directions to go. I have one I need to compose for the IWSG anthology soon. I just got through writing a press release for another book, and if I can do that, I can tackle the blurb. Keep after it, Elise.

    1. Good luck on getting yours done, I can't wait to see the anthology come out. :)

  2. Don't blurb angry!
    They are tough. I go through about twenty different versions before I get it right. Or rather, close.

    1. Haha, sounds like a public service announcement. "Don't blurb angry!"

  3. Sorry you're having troubles :( Do you have a query? Sometimes a query can be transformed into a blurb...

    1. I don't have a query. I don't even have a complete MS. *pours glass of wine.

  4. I feel your pain. They are so hard. Good luck!

  5. haha can be a pain indeed, but keep the fingers a tapping and it will take seed

  6. I was just thinking the other day that I'd soon have to start writing a blurb for my book, and that one thought alone was enough to send me into a deep depression. They really do suck. Best of luck with it!

    1. *rummaging through purse for handful of xanax.

  7. Totally get the feeling, it's so frustrating. Hoping you get through.

  8. Tell them what you are going to tell them. Tell them. Then tell them what you told them.

    Not that I'm any expert. I feel that people 'over think' when it comes to blurbage. Image how a 10 year old would sum up a story. No fuss, no mess. Simple, straight and forward.

    I've every confidence that you'll crack this nut, and soon x

  9. You may hate yarn, but I LOVE Melissa McCarthy!!

  10. I wish you the best of luck. You will survive Elise. You will survive.

    1. Oh you just made me belt out (very off key btw) some Gloria Gaynor.......OH NO NOT I, I WILL SURVIVE, OH AS LONG AS I KNOW HOW TO LOVE I KNOW I'LL STAY ALIVE!!!!!! :D

  11. Replies
    1. I wasn't too sure about that one to be honest, lol! :)

  12. I'm super sorry for the struggle- I can relate, but also thank you for the smile, because I needed it. Isn't it awesome your rage is someone elses smile?
    But lots of hugs as blurbs suck major. Mine always start out crap too.

    1. Funny thing is, knowing it made you smile, makes me smile too. It's a win-win. :)

  13. Hey Elise,

    You'll be just fine, my lovely friend. Besides, I thought a "blurb" was some sort of indigestion. Um, maybe it is.

    All the best and keep smiling, even through gritted teeth! :)

    Penny's fictional human,


  14. If you don't know what you're doing, then it is hard, as is anything in life. I bet there are a lot of blogs with some suggestions as to how to write a good one, though.

  15. Good luck, Elise!
    Blurbs also scare me...and yet I am inclined towards shorter writing styles/pieces. But the blurb beast is something else!

  16. hilarious, appropriate gif! and excellent, frustrating example!
    And i've offered to tweak blurbs for friends, but it's tough if you haven't read the novel.
    Good luck - Just remember, MC intro, what's his/her problem, who/what's in the way, and why will he/she try to find a way to fix it no matter what!

    ps - thanks for visiting my cradle rock release party =)


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