Wednesday 3 February 2016

IWSG: Sometimes All You Need Is BIC HOK and a Cat

Developed by author and blogger Alex Cavanaugh, IWSG is a bloghop for writers by writers. To find out more about the IWSG monthly bloghop or the IWSG website, click the links. And many thanks to Alex and the courageous, torch sword wielding ninja co-hosts this month!

Oh, I just can't stand it anymore! I've been trying nap here for almost an hour, but all I can hear is you, mumbling, growling, and barking at your computer. Apparently, you're not satisfied with whatever it is you're typing. Shall I take a look at it? I don't mind. Especially if it can help you write without interrupting my beauty cat nap

Oh. Wow. This does need a bit of work. Excuse me while I cough up a fur ball. This is positively horrendous. Go put on another pot of coffee, this may will take a while. Trust me. 

There. I fixed it. Your character now has motive, is well rounded, and doesn't sound like a drooling pooch. My fee is payable in fancy butt-flavored cat food. You can pay me immediately. All that editing has made me hungry. 

Le meow.


I had a breakthrough yesterday and all I needed was some good old fashioned BIC HOK (butt-in-chair, hands-on-keyboard) time. It feels like I've written over a hundred different variations of this book, but today, I finally have a reasonable outline of the story. It's the best feeling when you've been working on a problem for a while, and all of a sudden, it comes together. I know I still have a super long way to go, but the end feels much more attainable. I can't tell you how excited I am about getting the scenes written down. Hope none of you are stuck on a problem, but if you are, remember sometimes all it takes is some BIC HOK and a smart alec cat (cat optional)

Now, let fun part begin!!!!! 




  1. HA! That's awesome! Glad you had your breakthrough. Or did the cat really do it?

    My cat says the cat is never optional!

  2. Could I maybe borrow your cat to help with my revisions? All mine seem to do is steal my chair and vomit when I'm actually starting to make progress.

    And nothing beats BIC, HOC time. Yay for reasonable outlines and being excited to write!

  3. Awesome!
    Although I bet you wish your cat really could fix everything for you. Less the furballs of course.

  4. Too funny! :)

    Congrats on the breakthrough! Keep going!

  5. Well done that cat, glad you got your breakthrough.

  6. Sounds like a great 'light bulb' moment. Whether is came from the cat or not doesn't matter :) Great post!! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Great idea! I'm going to go and find myself a cat. :)

    Nice job!

  8. Wonderful you had a breakthrough. Shucks, my cat doesn't help me like that.

  9. I love those moments when it suddenly all comes together. I usually find it about 2/3 of the way through a novel.

  10. Hi Elise - your tortoiseshell .. is a delight and they're always around .. and I bet he/she did it for you!! Well done .. and so pleased you feel so happy with the outcome .. cheers Hilary

  11. Yes,it's wonderful with it finally clicks! The pics of your kitty are perfect--especially the last one.

  12. Cats are such wonderful helpers. They always know what you need to work on. And usually they get right in the way. :)

  13. Great when it all comes together indeed. The cat likes to help too.

  14. Cats rule. Glad you are on your way Elise.

  15. Congrats on the breakthrough. Wish my cat was so helpful.

  16. Your cat is quite the editor! I say he's good and cheap. Lucky you!

    Congrats on getting past a writing block. That is really fun when the creative flow actually flows.

  17. Congratulations on your breakthrough. I'm still waiting on my cat to do that for me.

  18. How funny! I have learned lots of tips from my cat too. I hope the steam keeps rolling for you. :)

  19. Hi, I'm still making the rounds trying to get in more blogs than normal. Great post. Loved the smart alec cat. Congrats on the breakthrough. Happy IWSG
    Juneta Writer's Gambit

  20. Sure you had a break through. We saw who's doing the work. La Meow.

    (Does kitty do overseas work? I could use some inspiration.)

  21. I love making a breakthrough. Nice job! Both of you :)

  22. Hi human, Elise,

    Bonjour n'stuff! :) Yes, lucky, lucky you. For you are receiving a comment from me, yes me, Penny that famous internet dog sensation.

    Hearty congrats on your breakthrough. Nice to see the cat helps you out. Pawhaps, a pawblishing cat. Just be careful of the peeboard, um, keyboard, my delightful human friend.

    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

    Penny xx

  23. My cat helps me trim down excessive word count by periodically walking across the keyboard and deleting sentences, paragraphs, pages ...

  24. Oh I so miss having a cat help with my writing! You are most fortunate. Good luck with your project!

  25. Oh do you write with neon green letters on a black background? That's interesting.

  26. I've never seen a cat look more pleased with itself! Sounds like a great day's work. You make quite a team.

  27. Wahoo! I hope your writing is coming along awesome. I want a cat editor. Gosh, that would make life so much easier, eh?

  28. Yay on the breakthrough, Elise!
    Does that mean I need a cat? I prefer dogs.

  29. Please send cat ASAP. I'll pay freight and will stock up on fancy butt-flavored cat food.

  30. Maybe what I need is a smart alec cat. Actually, BIC HOK is probably where I should focus my attention. Thanks for a good laugh, cat pics and much needed advice :-)

  31. The furry friend is totally gonna take credit for this :)


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