Tuesday 26 January 2016

Bad Things Come in 3s : The Daily (sorta) Journal of an Injured Knee - Day 14

Well, it's been 2 weeks and most of the swelling in the left knee has gone down. There's still a puffy area on the right side of the knee that doesn't seem to want to leave. I still can't bend my knee completely, but I went to practice last night, did a few sprints and for the most part it was ok. I just can't drive my left knee up very high when I run, which leaves me with this lopsided gate, but at least it doesn't hurt too much. Most of my bruising has now faded, and thankfully, no new ones have popped up. So I'm guessing another week before I'm 100% and that'll be just in time for the championships. Plus, we had planned a short ski trip right after the tournament during our winter break. Hopefully I'll be ok for that as well, and I also hope the ski stations will get some snow by then. I was outside in a t-shirt on Sunday it was so warm. It felt like late spring, the complete opposite to what's been blanketing the east coast in the States. It's been so warm here, daffodils and other flowers are blooming. The weather is crazy.

Anyway, thank you all for stopping by and checking up on me and my knee. I think I've taken enough pictures of my knee caps to last me and everyone else a lifetime, lol! 

Have a great week everyone and be safe!!!


  1. Hi Elise - certainly looking better - and glad it's feeling better .. slow but sure - and enjoy that skiing - subject to snow ... the weather is definitely having a mind of its own. Look after the knee - cheers Hilary

  2. Daffodils blooming? I am so jealous.

  3. Glad to hear you're on the mend. Good luck with the championship. Can't complain about the excessive wind and rain here when I see the state of eastern US!

  4. Can you send the warm here? Hopefully the knees are tip top shape soon.

  5. Glad your knee is healing! I'm now walking on my broken foot (in a brace), which is not as freeing as I thought it would be because I can't walk long without it hurting. I also hope to be able to ski by the end of February, and despite how I feel now, my doctor thinks I'll be good to go by then.

  6. It's so frustrating when waiting for your body to heal. So glad you are well on the way to recovery but now is the time not to over do it and re-injure yourself! Take care, enjoy your trip away.

  7. Glad it's just about all better now. Hope you will be OK for all your future plans.

  8. Not much snow in t-shirt weather.
    Good luck with the championships. I'm sure you'll be a hundred percent by then.

  9. I hope that final lump goes away and you're nice and healed for the tournament. And the trip, if it ever snows :). We should send you some of ours. We sure have plenty of it.

  10. It is looking much better! Glad you're on the mend :) Skiing can be so hard on the knees though, better take it easy.

  11. Oh geez, Elisa. I didn't know about your injury. Terribly sorry, but it looks like you're finally on the mend. Here's to the rest of your recovery being quick! And thankfully - for once - Maine did not get blasted in this last storm. Frankly, we've hardly had any snow, which is so strange.

  12. Poor knee. Injuries suck. I'm so glad you've recovered that much. Way to hang in there and kick it!

  13. Looking much better. Hope you're 100% soon.

  14. Glad you're doing better! Enjoy the warm weather. The snow will probably come and kill all the plants.

  15. I'm late to the bad leg party. Glad to hear it's healing.

    If it makes you feel better, even swollen, they're pretty. That's all the consolation I have for weeks of pain. I'd offer wine instead, but they keep raising international shipping rates. If wine shipments are even legal...

  16. Awww! I had no idea Elise! Sending you hugs! So glad you only have a week to go to say goodbye to the pain!

  17. So glad to hear you're doing better. And the weather has been crazy here too. We're getting late spring-like weather this weekend! Outside fun time! :) Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

  18. I'm glad you're starting to feel better. If it makes you feel any better, I have a knee problem too, so I can at least appreciate the discomfort. Hope it keeps improving!

  19. Yay, you feel better. That's good. Just don't re-injure yourself. I may be fat now but there was a time when I was a bit more athletic. I remember reading that "re-injury" is a real danger and a top cause of injuries. It sounds silly, but so many people and the rebound of some injury stress themselves too much because they are over eager and bam...make it even worse than before. Don't be that person.


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