Monday, 6 April 2015

I Spy: E

Welcome to the I Spy...from A-Z game!

The D post gathered some interesting words, you guys are definitely getting the hang of this! Now for E.... this post was a little more difficult for me (hence the late posting--ahem). I had a hard time finding inspiration and words I could photograph for E. 

Anyway, for those of you joining us, this game of I Spy is about identifying words in the pictures beginning with the letter for the day. Some are pretty obvious, but we're trying to go beyond the obvious. So, I'm not limiting to just the names of things. Which means, if an image evokes a feeling, or mood that reminds you of yet another word that fits for the day, then let me know in the comments. Also, if you speak another language and find a word that fits, you can use it too! Just make sure to add the translation for the rest of us. (Thanks for the idea Jo. :) )

So now, without further ado.....

I spy with my little eye things that begin with the letter... 


Picture taken with permission


I'm so hungry. 
You're welcome. 

Happy A - Zing! :D


My D Answers:

Dragon, Danger, Dot, Discarded, Damaged, Detritus, Dark, Dusk, Day, Daybreak, Dawn


  1. Those are some fancy eclairs. Now I'm hungry.

  2. Earth, Earthenware, Enjoyment.

  3. Equator, Elegance, Edibles... I want sugary food, a cup of coffee, somewhere warm.

  4. Europe, Eatery and Matt. Yes I know, but he used to do rounds and on his way home buy two boxes of eclairs. By the time he reached home he only had one box left.

    1. Haha! Love it. I'd have done the a box of eclairs that is. Coffee eclairs are my favorite. :)

  5. Wow, I didn't even recognise them as eclairs. haha. Clearly I have just seen the boring Aussie version and nothing fancier ;)

    I got Earth!

    1. Can you believe it, I took the darn picture and didn't even think of the word Earth! *facepalm*

  6. Delicious eclairs stuffed with creamy goodness. All Mondays should begin this way.

  7. Eclairs, equator???? I'm so bad at this came.

  8. First Picture: Earth, equator, Ethiopia, Enamel (the tiny nick nacks), Education (the text books) :-) How was that?

  9. Equator and eclairs seem pretty obvious (probably still wrong) but the middle one, hmmmm. Empty?

  10. Hi Elise .. great - I got earth and eclairs, perhaps eclectic colours .. the rest .. I'm cheating and looking upwards!! Cheers Hilary

  11. Earth, earn a cup of joe, and eat me!!!

  12. The first one is Earth, but I have no idea about the second. But the third...eclairs! Yummy!

  13. Earth, earthenware mugs?, and "eats"?

  14. I had no idea what the others speak of, earthenware. Totally stumped me. lol

  15. Epic earth and eclairs which evoke energy & ecstasy!

  16. earth, and eclair - That all I know! I'm heading to F to see the answers. :)


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J'écris, donc je suis (: