Saturday, 4 April 2015

I Spy: D

Welcome to the I Spy...from A-Z game!

Welcome back! I got a kick out of your C words yesterday, very Creative! ;) Funny how many people guessed catnip, but no one guessed cat grass, which is what I photographed in the second picture, lol. Still, you guys though up some good ones. Ok, last post before our Sunday reprieve....

For those of you joining us, this game of I Spy is identifying words in the pictures beginning with the letter for the day. Some are pretty obvious, but we're trying to go beyond the obvious. So, I'm not limiting to just the names of things. Which means, if an image evokes a feeling, or mood that reminds you of yet another word that fits for the day, then let me know in the comments. Also, if you speak another language and find a word that fits, you can use it too! Just make sure to add the translation for the rest of us. (Thanks for the idea Jo. :) )

I'm still doing some last minute cleaning....I have about an hour left to do about 2 hours left of work.... think I can just shove the rest into a closet and lock the door?  Have a great weekend everyone and to those celebrating, Happy Easter!  

So now, without further ado.....

I spy with my little eye things that begin with the letter... 



This one may be a little more difficult (<<see what I did there) but still, I can't wait to see your spy words! Thanks again for playing along. 

Happy A - Zing! :)

My C answers:

Cat, Chat (cat in French), Cat grass, Crazy, Chocolatier, Chocolate, Crave, Chew, Cyperus zumula, Complementary Colors, 


  1. Dragon of course! I'm partial to those. Second one - debris? Dirt? Discards?

  2. Dragon, defeated, and dawn. It's like a story waiting to happen! :) Have a happy Easter!

    1. That's an awesome way to thinking about it! Happy Easter to you too!

  3. Dragon, daybreak, damaged goods. debris, dirt

  4. Replies
    1. I like how you combine them all. I'm going to have to make them more difficult... ;)

  5. Al DIAZ, dirt, day's dawning.

    1. This must be Al in his younger years.... ;)

  6. Destitute dragon at dawn! Love this. :D

    1. Ohhh, I like that. Great to meet you Cortney! :)

  7. Hmmm....dragon, dirt, and dark clouds? I'm probably overthinking (which is rare!) :)

    Have a great Easter!

  8. Cat grass, I didn't even think of it. I got dragon easily, but I'm not sure about the second (debris?) and I'm totally lost on the third. Fun though :)

  9. Love the idea of an I spy game! Very visual and interactive.

    1. Oh, words. Dragon, dots, decomposing, dawn, daybreak,

  10. I spy with my little eye a dark dreaded dragon, decaying pots, and a December day (the pic looks a little chilly to me...)

  11. Hi Elise - dragon yes, gosh dirt and debris (hadn't thought of those) and dream sparkling out, dark winter - fascinating to think about .. but brain out of gear! Happy Easter with the family ... Cheers Hilary

  12. Delightfully, dotty dragon!
    Dawn's demeanor - delightful & dazzling designs...


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J'écris, donc je suis (: