Wednesday, 7 January 2015

IWSG: Off To A Crappy Start

Well, it only took a week, but it's official... 2015 officially sucks.

Instead of starting the year off with optimism and dancing unicorns, I got sick. And I'm still sick. I've come down with flu-like symptoms that are kicking my a$$. I've been sleeping on the couch in the living room that has turned into my new quarantined sleep/coughing quarters. I've been so sick it's made my skin itch. It's crazy. And the coughing, and coughing, which only gets worse at night when I'm trying to sleep. Bastard virus. I swear there will be hell to pay if my abs don't end up looking like Stephen Amell's by the time this is all over. And what's worse, I can't even blame it on wild partying and heavy drinking. Just dumb icky luck.

I took these pictures this morning and it pretty much sums up how I'm feeling about EVERYTHING right now. In a fog. Mind. Body. Spirit. (a bit of melodrama goes along way don't cha think?)

Anyway, I had planned to start January 1st with a little writing challenge. Write one page a day on my new ms until December 31st. One page a day, easy right? Well, I'm already 7 pages behind. Story of my life. So thank you, stuffy nose, sore throat, hacking cough, runny eyes, ear ache, head ache, and did I mention the coughing? 

Also, you may want to wash your hands after reading this post, because I wouldn't be surprised if it's that contagious. 

I really, REALLY hope you all are doing better than I am right now. Thanks for stopping in and good luck to everyone this year, I hope you all reach your writing goals and beyond. :) 

Many thanks to Alex Cavanaugh our IWSG super-host and his awesome team of co-hosts this month. To find out more about the IWSG monthly bloghop, or theIWSG website, feel free to click the highlited links or the button on my sidebar.


  1. I'm sending you some chicken soup! Sorry you're so sick. Your photos are awesome though.

  2. Sorry Elise!
    I'm sending a boost of positivity accompanied by ((((((COUNTLESS UBUNTU HUGS)))))).
    These hugs NEVER fail!
    Your photos are gorgeous... so atmospheric!
    Take care of yourself.

    Writer In Transit
    January IWSG co-hostess.

  3. The pictures are great. I love the look of the fog when it's like this.

    Sorry you're feeling so bad. Coughing is awful and does get worse in the evening. I have to camp out in the recliner--I cough less. Take care of yourself. BTW, if you see any extra unicorns that need a dance partner, let me know. :-)

  4. I know this doesn't help, but those are great photos. Try not to be so hard on yourself - beating yourself is not going to help you heal any faster. Take care!

  5. Got my hand sanitizer all ready haha hopefully those germs hit the road soon. I had to go to the vet for new years with the cat, so started off sucky too with a nice big vet bill.

  6. Get well soon, I can sympathise, we've had it all over Christmas and only got better in time to go back to work!

  7. I hope you get well soon. Take care. *HUGS*!

    Lovely photos, by the way.

  8. Happy New Year Elise! it's a long year and plenty of time to get healthy and catch up. Like Pat, I have my hand sanitizers. And my flu shots.

  9. Ouch. Sounds like a nasty flu bug. My husband had one that left him coughing for more than a month.

  10. Aw, get well soon! Dreary January fog sucks.

  11. I'm so sorry you're sick. Take care and feel better soon.

  12. So sorry you're sick! Surely a sucky way to to start the new year. But maybe it's a sign, like a poor dress rehearsal. It only goes up from here!

  13. Did you get a flu shot? Well I suppose even if you did that it's no guarantee against getting sick because this year's flu appears to be resistant to the vaccine. Sigh. At least it's not ebola. That would really ruin your year. Happy New Year, Elise.

  14. Hi Elise - sounds very horrid, rather unpleasant and definitely not nice .. reminds me of me two years ago .. I sincerely hope I'm steering clear this year .. take care, take your time, don't fret and just sweat it out quickly ... good luck and here's to a healthy Spring - cheers Hilary

  15. Sounds and looks dismal. I'm sending this non-drowsy nyquil-tainted message in hopes it will help. Now I'm off to wash my hands with Purile or soap. Get well.

  16. I hope you get well soon. The rest of Paris, too.

  17. Oh no! I hope you rest and get better very soon. Don't worry about the writing. You're sick and your health is more important--trust me on that. You can write with the wind when you finally feel better. I'm sure your year will be great if you're determined, so don't give up. It's too early for that!

  18. I had the flu over Christmas break and it was HORRIBLE. If you feel anything like I did you are not being melodramatic at all. And for the record, despite the sore ab muscles, I didn't gain a six pack. So not fair. Take it easy. This is a killer illness and if you don't rest and take care of yourself you will only end up sick for longer. Poor girl. Wish I could bring you some soup.

  19. I'm so sorry to hear your sick. That sucks and it is a sucky way to start the new year.I wish you a speedy recover.

  20. Ooh, fog!! So sorry you've been icky feeling! You're still taking great pictures though. No stressing yourself out, lady. It's bad for the immune system, your writing, and literally everything else in life. Rest up. Sending happy, get well vibes to France!!

  21. Oh dear, I hope you feel better soon. Do you have NeilMed sinus rinse over in France? I used that for congestion when the saline sprays weren't doing anything for me. Just hang in there, and give yourself permission to take lots of breaks...and naps too!

  22. I hope you feel better soon. Sending hugs to you (even if you are contagious) and to the rest of France as well. A terrible start to the year indeed.

  23. Awww sorry you are feeling so poorly. I really hope you feel better soon. :)

  24. Sorry about the virus...drink chicken soup and get well! And enjoy that your photos are really nice :)
    (I'm off now to wash up. I've had some kind of cough--without other symptoms--since early November. It's just starting to get better, so I have to be careful!).

  25. You poor thing. Same thing for me, only it's an intestinal infection. Can't keep anything down - which is playing havoc with my abs and they better end up looking like Stephen's too. I had wanted to write a new chapter this week. Instead, I'm nibbling dry bread and soup... I hope you feel better soon.

  26. Your feverish condition has obviously confused you. The writing year actually starts February 1st. Until then it's all pre-production.


  27. Even horribly ill, you're funny as hell. Sorry for enjoying your misery so much.

  28. Hey Elise,

    Seems like you got that darned rebound flu. Just when you think you're getting better, it gives you another surprise.

    I do hope that you are now better. Hell, with my computer that has officially become slower than a parked car, it's amazing I got here this soon.

    Take good care and now I shall work on my sixpack! :)



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