Monday, 22 December 2014

Christmas Tree Selfie Bloghop and Happy Holidays

Finished wrapping all your Christmas gifts? 

Well, not this procrastinator! 

Leave it to me to wait until the very last damn minute. You'll be lucky if I remember to take the price tag off.... 

ANYWAY, the fabulous Tammy Theriault (who just so happened to have a birthday yesterday and has finally hit the legal drinking age :P  ) has put together an unofficial Christmas Tree Selfie bloghop! So before I wish you all wonderful end of the year holiday celebration and New Year, here is are my Christmas Tree selfies.....

So here I am in front of my first Christmas Tree. 

I know you're disappointed Elizabeth,
I should have been wearing my hat!
 I know it's hard to see this tree in its full glory with such a glowing personality in the foreground (ahem), so here is a slightly different angle...

If you look closely, I'm standing at the base of my tree, waving... oh and don't mind the little building behind me. It's nothing, just some Parisian church. ;) 

Then, I though it'd be nice to show you my second tree...

This one I added just a few more lights and bling. We decided it'd be fun to hang it upside down from our living room ceiling. At least the cats can't get to it. Anyway, we humbly call it the Gallery Lafayette Tree.

Here is a better view of it, from about a mile away.

And last but not least, I thought it'd be fun to surprise Tammy with an extra special picture of me with my last trees. 

You see, I have fabulous onion goggles. I know you're probably wondering what the hell onion goggles have to do with anything, just suffice it to say that Tammy loves them. She secretly wishes she had a pair [of onion goggles]. In fact, if she hadn't been so bad this year, I'm sure Santa would have gotten her a pair. And yes, I'm still talking about the goggles! 

ANYWAY, to rub it in a little (surprise, I'm not all that nice, barely squeaked by the naughty list this year), I took a selfie of my extra special Christmas Trees. These trees are special because they come directly from the North Pole. You see, Santa gave them to me last year for helping him with an elf union strike....long story. But in short, these trees are so precious, that I planted them inside a protective bubble in the back yard. 

True story.

So, here you go: (((((WARNING, it's possible that there is too much fabulousness in this picture, viewer discretion advised)))))

JUST for Tammy, 
IN my onion goggles, 
IN front of my bubble Christmas trees:

Again, here are a few more shots of these precious trees from a couple different angles....Oh and don't mind the tower standing over us, that's just my NPRA (North Pole Radio Antenna) I use to communicate with Santa during the holidays.  



Wishing you all a wonderful and safe Christmas, Hanukkah, and end of the year holiday season. 
See you all in 2015.


  1. You've had some awesome trees.
    Tammy is going to get a kick out of that.
    And I think there's a velociraptor eyeing your ornaments. Not to mention a cat chewing on your branches.

  2. Merry Christmas, and thanks for sharing your photos. I'm not sure mine will be finished before the 25th, but if I get them loaded, I will definitely share!

  3. Ahhhh, Paris. Love your trees Elise. Upside down one would certainly defeat the cats. Next time you communicate with Santa, through your radio beacon, remind him where Canada is please. Merry Christmas to you. Heureux Nöel

  4. You sure have the tree selfie down, trees all over town. Cats even got in on the act. Merry Christmas!

  5. I love this idea! You two crack me up. Have a wonderful Christmas and a great new year!

  6. Hi Elise - fabulous fun to read and see thee without sed bobble hat .. onions goggles really should be a best seller though I 'ain't' seen any around here .. maybe 'cos I'm not cooking! Gosh the Santa antenna is such a brilliant idea .. I must get one for Eastbourne .. maybe BT wouldn't cut me off - or the gales wouldn't strip us of our connections ...

    Happy Christmas and have fun with kids, cat, bugs, there's a husband I believe!!! - Hilary

  7. Wow, what fabulous trees you have. How nice of you to put them in public places for everyone to enjoy. It must take a lot of time and money to decorate them so nicely.

    Also, fab onion goggles.

  8. Absolutely gorgeous trees you have there! A very merry Christmas to you and yours. :)

  9. Ooh, I like that last pic. Where'd you get the dragon? I want one!

  10. You guys have the most beautiful buildings over there! Pictures of cats under trees are the best. ^_^
    Merry Christmas, Elise!!

  11. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  12. Ohhhh myyyy goshhhhhh!!!!! (Falls over and gets back up) where do I begin???? It was so brilliant. The goggles the dome the antenna that looked nothing like a famous landmark the cute girl in front each time and the upside down lights like a funnel about to smear chocolate everywhere?? I...I...LOVE LUST you!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you Elise (and everyone else here too!) - you are quite literally barking mad

  14. "woof." Hey human, Elise,

    My lovely human friend, you've outdone yourself with this one. And a mention of the ever lovable, ever giggly and gosh golly gee whiz, Tam-bare aka Tammy :)

    My idiotic human, Gary, thought that a "selfie" was a euphemism for um and arf, self-pleasure. It seems he might well of been wrong. Great photos! I thought the Gallery Lafayette Tree was one of your hats. Oops.

    A peaceful Christmas and an upbeat 2015 to you and your loved ones, my dear human friend.

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny :)

  15. Oooh!
    I love those pics esp. the Eiffel Tower... one of my favourite spots EVER!
    Hope you had a Merry Christmas, Elise!
    (((Ubuntu Hugz)))

    1. Happy New Year to you and your family, Elise!!!

  16. What a gorgeous set of pictures. Naturally, I have an upside down tree in my living room too ;) it's so handy.


  17. What great pics! You're such a cutie. I love the mall pic - US malls always did such a fabulous job with decorations and those are one of my favorite parts of Christmas. Thanks for letting me remember them. I'm wishing you and your family a wonderful 2015!

  18. Bonne année, mon cher - moments heureux à venir!

  19. You're right. That last picture was beyond fab! Glad you had a great Christmas. Here's hoping your new year is just as exciting and colorful.

  20. Oh all you French people are so stylish. I'm jealous mmhmm.


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