Tuesday, 26 November 2013

An Excerpt of MOONLESS

Alexia must choose safety and an arranged marriage, or true love and being hunted by the Soulless every moonless night.

Hi Everyone! I'm excited to be part of Crystal's blog tour for her book Moonless. I've really enjoyed the excerpts that have been popping up during the tour. Today, I get to share with you another great little excerpt so check it out and collect an additional hidden word while you're at it. Oh, and don't forget to enter her giveaway at the bottom!  (:

MOONLESS by Crystal Collier

Alexia’s nightmares become reality: a dead baron, red-eyed wraiths, and forbidden love with a man hunted by these creatures. After an attack close to home, Alexia realizes she cannot keep one foot in her old life and one in this new world. To protect her family she must either be sold into a loveless marriage, or escape with her beloved and risk becoming one of the Soulless.

Unravel the mystery of the Moonless night! Hidden in each of the 8 blog tour excerpts is a single word. Gather all 8 and figure out the sentence to win a free copy of Moonless. Send your mystery sentence to crystal (AT) crystal-collier.com with the subject MYSTERY SENTENCE before December 10, 2013, and you will be entered to win one of 10 copies of MOONLESS—just in time for Christmas. Happy hunting!

Kiren unlatched the balcony door with a thin metal hook and slipped inside. He refastened the catch, gut twisting at the moonless sky beyond the glass. How long would his luck hold?
Alexia lay on her back, one arm lost in her mass of dark hair, the other tucked across her chest. A foot dangled off the edge of the mattress, tempting him to slip it back beneath her blanket.
He grinned, envying her carefree abandon. Her latest read lay on the bed beside an extinguished candle. He lifted it. Fanciful words danced back at him. They too made him smile. She wanted adventure. He could supply that.
His eyes landed on the card he’d given her father and his smirk died. It had been shredded and reconstructed. His chest tightened. “Oh Alexia . . .”

Author Bio: 

Crystal, author of MOONLESS, is a former composer/writer for Black Diamond Productions. She can be found practicing her brother-induced ninja skills while teaching children or madly typing about fantastic and impossible creatures. She has lived from coast to coast and now calls Florida home with her creative husband, three littles, and “friend” (a.k.a. the zombie locked in her closet). Secretly, she dreams of world domination and a bottomless supply of cheese. You can find her on her blog and Facebook, or follow her on Twitter.


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a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congratulations, Crystal! I have it downloaded.

  2. Great excerpt! Makes me want to go read the book right now!!! :D

  3. Captivating excerpt! I hope "Moonless" does exceedingly well!

    Happy Thanksgiving to both Elise and Crystal!

    1. Aw, thanks, Chris. (You and me both!)

      Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. It's been fun reading excerpts of Moonless all around the blogosphere!

    1. I guess there are a few of them floating about, eh?

  5. I like Kiren already. :)
    I have it downloaded. As soon as my ipad is up and running again I can read it. ^_^

    Restoring stuff takes forever...*dramatic sigh*

    1. Here's hoping all your electronic woes stay far, far away after the restoration.

  6. Yet another stellar excerpt, Crystal! Your words are always so lyrical...

  7. "...and his smirk died." I love that line! Congrats on your release, Crystal. I think I have 6 of the words now! :-)

  8. Mooooorrrrreeeeeeeeee please ;) just going to have to get this book now

  9. I love reading these excerpts!!! They're REALLY well-chosen - I always reach the end thinking, "Wait!!! Why are you stopping?? Why is his chest tightening?? TELL ME MORE!" So yes, your job here is done!! ;)

    1. LOL! They were thoroughly tested and approved in advance. Thank you for the kind words, Liz. =)

  10. Gosh and yay, finally, I have arrived. Of course, I had to finish off some of that superior British cheese. When I moved to England, I thanked my lucky stars when I realised how much better cheese is in lil' ol' England. Ah yes, delicious cheese that doesn't taste like wax. Not that I eat wax.

    Oh, hello Elise and all your other bloggy friends. And hey Crystal, you are all over the place with your tour. And yes indeed, I another one of your zillions of starstruck fans! :)


    1. Didn't you hear, Gary, I'm taking over the blog world. See, here's my crown. =)

  11. So nice to meet you Elise!

    This is such an awesome giveaway by the way Crystal. Thank's for putting together such a fun event. =)


  12. Congrats to Cystal and an amazing giveaway!

  13. Crystal's done a fantastic job on her launch. I get tired just thinking how much effort she's put into her online presence. Congratulations!

  14. Hey Elise! Haven't been by in a while. Hope you're doing well!

    Awesome excerpt, Crystal. :-)


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