Friday, 22 November 2013

A Post About Ultimate, Sh*t, Luck, And Breaking Legs

What does breaking a leg and shit have in common? 


"Break a leg" is a popular idiom in the States which means "good luck," and is often used by actors and musicians before a performance. The origins of the phrase is unclear but it has always been considered bad luck to wish someone good luck before they go on stage. Therefore, wishing them to 'break a leg' is supposed to do the opposite. Anyway, over the years the term has filtered outside the theatrical world and people will sometimes use it to simply wish someone good luck.

In France, we have a similar saying which is simply "merde" which means 'shit.' Though it's also common to hear people say "Je te dis merde!" which roughly translates to "To you, I say shit!" So before dancers, musicians or actors go on stage, people will wish them shit (merde) for good luck. And just like with ‘break a leg’ you can also use this term for someone who is about to do something difficult like take an exam for example. Who says the French aren’t romantic! Bah!

So what does this have to do with anything? Well, today I'm asking you all to please wish me shit or merde if you prefer.

Here's why...

Two months ago I joined an Ultimate club. It's not a well known sport, but oh is it SO MUCH FUN to play. It's also the first time I've ever played a team sport. Unfortunatley, my love for Ultimate doesn't equal to how good I play. In fact, it’s pretty much the opposite. I'm a terrible player. However, my teammates are awesome, really supportive, and patient. (^_^)

Anyway, tomorrow I'll be heading out for a two hour drive with the team to play in our first tournament. Six games in two days. Just thinking about going is stressing me out to no end. I worried about all kinds of things, but here's a sample:

--Forgetting the plays and being in the wrong spot at the wrong time,

--My disk handling skills (or lack thereof), 

--Not being good enough to play,

--Costing the team points because I suck, 

--Dropping the disk, 

--Disappointing my teammates and the coach . . . 

. . . The list is embarrassingly long folks. And oddly enough, when I place my worry list next to my insecurities about writing, guess what? They are freakishly similar. I guess it boils down to not wanting to disappoint or be a disappointment. 

*le eternal sigh*

So, in light of my first official Ultimate game, I would love for you to wish me 'shit' in the comment box. You know you want to. Feel free to write it anyway you please. Be creative or not. You can write a simple 'shit' or a big ‘SHIT’. You can italicize your shit if you like or be bold with it. You can star your sh*t if you prefer or if you're feeling your French side, you can just tell me 'merde.' That'd be ok too. In short, if it sends good luck my way, I'll take your shit in any language. (: And, if--IF I'm at all lucky this weekend and we win a few games, and I don't literally break a leg . . . then I'll give an update. If not well, tough shit. :P

Have an awesome weekend everyone, and "merde" if you need it!


Oh and if you're interested, check out the highlights of the Mixed (men and women) Finals I found on Youtube, as well as some of the top plays shot this year. These folks are crazy good. 


A need to let you know how potent your shit has been and I can't thank you all enough. (^_^) Despite a bruised hand and chin, and feeling every muscle in my body ache, of the six games played, we left Sunday night undefeated! Of course we still have a ways to go, our next round of games will be in February, but we’re now ‘a team to beat.’ Now, being the worst player on the team I can't take much credit for this, however I did catch and score two points in two different games and that feels awesome. Big hugs and congratulations to my teammates who are INCREDIBLE! 


  1. crap I can't think of anything to say - except I wish you all the best, smelliest shit this weekend....

    and I can't wait to hear the progress reports.... I have a feeling they will be so funny I will poo myself laughing :-)

    1. Thank you for the stinky Hawaiian shit, I have a feeling it will last all weekend! :P

  2. Break a shit! There, I covered both.
    Elise, whatever you think you lack in talent, I'm sure you make up for in spirit.
    Now, go get 'em!

    1. BAHahaahah! Break a shit! I'm going to wish my whole team this!! XD

  3. Hey...first, let me tell you the origin of "break a leg." After a performance, during the curtain call, men and women would bow and curtsy...taking the left leg and placing it way behind them and bending their right leg to get as low to the floor as possible, hence, making it seem like their leg was broken. So when someone wished for an actor/actress to have a good show, therefore many curtain calls, they were wished to "break a leg."

    Then again I could just be shitting you. But I'm not. Regardless...I've always thought you were the shit. Now I can wish that upon you!

    M.L. Swift, Writer

    1. I like your 'break a leg' story, much better than the shit I wrote about. ;)
      Thank you for the shitty wish! :)

  4. Don't shit your knickers.
    Merde. :)

  5. I remember my days in a theater group and we always wish each other shit, hahaha. Good old days. So here it is, MIERDA, mucha mierda! Dragon size. :)

    1. I have been blessed with dragon sized MIERDA! Thank you Father Dragon! There's no stopping me this weekend for sure! :D

  6. If a frisbee-catching dog gets loose on the field, they're in trouble. :P

    1. LOL! "Quick, get that dog a jersey!"
      Good thing it's a no contact sport. (:

  7. Break a leg originated in Shakespearean days. It is as M.L. Smith said, related to curtsying or bowing.

    Je te dis merde mon ami.

  8. or, as they say in Scotland, Shite - and have fun!

    1. I'm getting shit...I mean shite, from all over the world. This is great! Thank you, and hopefully I'll be able to bring back some fun pictures to share. (:

  9. On Battlestar Gallactica, they said, "Good hunting." Good shitting doesn't sound right . . . but there it is.

    1. Hahahaahaha! Now that's some funny shit right there! :D

  10. I do love rolling my French 'R' in 'merde' you know :) In my language we say throw them of their feet

    1. Thanks Dezzy! It's fun hearing how other countries say it. (:

  11. The comments here have me cracking up! Anyhow, mierda para ti! I'm totally going to have to go see if there's a Spanish idiom along these lines--I've never heard it, but it must exist!

    1. The comments are always the best part. ¡Gracias! for the Spanish shit! Hahaha! And if you find a similar idiom in Spanish, let me know.

  12. LOL. Je te dis merde, of course!!!!

  13. Merde! :)

    This post cracked me up because it reminded me of when I was a kid and one of my aunts used to say "merde" instead of cursing in English in front of us. :)

    1. LOL! One of the things about raising bilingual kids is not being able to do stuff like that. I need to learn shit in a different language like German or Swedish. (:

  14. The game looks like a heck of a lot of fun! I hope your worries about writing (and gaming) will make you more determined to be great! -- and -- "Je te dis MERDE!!!!!!"

    1. Oh! Forgot to mention how much I love your comics! <3 <3 <3
      -- and a double dose of merde coming your way -- "Je te dis deuxieme MERDE!!!!!!"

    2. Thanks Lexa! A doubly whammy--Wow!
      I'm glad you like the comics, they can be a lot of fun to do. :)

  15. I have to say, I am feeling the shit from you guys and it's GREAT! Thank you!!!!! :D

  16. Have a 'crappy' weekend and I'm wishing much excrement your way! :D

  17. I guess I can shoot the shit here today, have a merry shitty weekend. Shit up the place!

  18. Wow. How about if I wish you cheese instead? It's a winner, so you can be too. =)

  19. Oh merde .. here's a puddle of sh*t to jump across or run around .. good ploy to lay a load for the opposition to have a slip in ...

    Absolutely merry shitty weekend .. and very good luck ... Hilary

  20. Well, merde, then! (feeling a little Frenchy this morning. . .)

    I'd say you wrapped up that subject of Sh*t fairly well. Succinct. Show them what you're made of Elise, it's the effort that counts.

  21. Love, love, love ultimate! I'm going to be conventional, but my wishes are so sincere that they could never bring you bad luck. I hope for a fabulous, accident free game for you, I wish you the top spot and a great scoring record. But most of all, I wish for you to have a fun, confident game. The kind you look back on thirty years from now and remember with joy. Good luck!

  22. Merde! There I said it. Kick the Merde out of the game Elise.

  23. France gets to say "shit" and it means good luck?! That is so lucky! Also, thank you for telling me this. I will use it often.

  24. Ooh, how fun! Hakuna Matata. ^_^
    Best of M*e*r*d*e to you!!!

  25. You know you're the sh*t, so I wish you more of it.

  26. Merde! Holy crap, I'm cussing in French. *so cool!* But I'm sure you'll do awesome, just relax and have fun!

  27. So, it's American football with a frisbee? Interesting and perhaps a little less violent, lol.

    I say to you, merde for the weekend! :D

  28. Hi Elise,

    Bonjour n'stuff. How coincidental that you have made note of a bunch of crap :) And "break a leg" is also a common idiom in Canada, eh.

    Yes, the shit hit the fan with your posting. Pooetic justice poohaps. Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar likes to catch a Frisbee. Of course, she would never mange la merde :)

    Enjoy yourself, Elise. I've run out of turds to say.

    Gary :)

    1. I soooooo had to Tweet both of you, cos there was way to much shit to share...

      PS.... Shit in Ireland is simply Shuite!

      PPS: if you won the tournament, and I hope you did, you are now "the dog's bollocks" :)

  29. I hope the shit lands all over you- in the very best of ways of course. Have fun!

  30. Hahah! Love your artwork, Elise!

  31. Of course, with two daughters who love the stage, we wish for them to "break a leg" all the time. I was not familiar with the French version, but I have now shared it with the daughters, who thought it was hysterical.

    As for you -- I wish you CRAP! :D

  32. Here's hoping you kicked the shite outta the other teams:)

  33. I'm late getting around on blogs, so I hope you had fun and pooped all over the place! :)

    Sounds like fun and a great way to mingle with people and get a good workout.

  34. I'll wish you it in Spanish, MIERDA! But seriously, I'm sitting here in bed with my pudge hanging out and you're playing in a 6 ultimate games this weekend. I'm going to have to get motivated :)

  35. So, now that I am so late in visiting, do I still wish you shit, or say hope game was shitty? I hope not. How was it?

  36. So what's the verdict E? Did you guys win?


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