Saturday, 13 April 2013


Lipsology is the practice of analyzing the shape of a person's lips in order to discern their personality. This practice is similar to phrenology, palmistry, and graphology, which also examines certain physical traits as a means to deduce one's psychology and morality. However, this is nothing more than pseudoscience at best. 

Ok lipsologists, analyze this!

Other lovely L_ology words:

Latrinology: The study of latrine graffiti or the writings on restroom walls. 
I swear, I am not shi***** you. I guess someone has to document the scribbling of the shithouse poet. And besides, it's where I get the best material for my blog. 

Ludology: Usually referred to as game studies or gaming theory, is the study of games and gaming, especially video games. It is an academic discipline that deals with the critical study of games. More specifically, it focuses on game design, players, and their role in society and culture. Game studies is an inter-disciplinary field with researchers and academics from a multitude of other areas such as computer science, psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, arts and literature, media studies, communication, theology, and more. (wikipedia)

Limacology: The study of slugs. One of you guys asked about this a few posts back. The answer is, yes.

Labology: The collection of beer and wine bottle labels. I'd be a terrible Labologist because when I drink beer, I can't help but pick at and peel off the label in strips that end up in a pile on the counter. Yeah, I'm one of those . . . 


  1. I wonder how psycho lips or lips of one with "bad morals" are supposed to look like.

  2. Interesting, what happens when lips are enhanced with botox and change shape, does it change the person's personality as well? Interesting and latrinology - interesting also ....

  3. I'm not sure about how to analyse it, but I'm pretty sure I can see a face in those lips.

  4. A study of my lips will reveal I like chocolate and cakes. Nothing to do with lip shape, more about my bad table manners.

    Moody Writing

  5. euwww the study of latrine graffiti - because some of the greatest poets like Keats and Yeats started out scribbling on the stall of a toilet!

  6. Ludology is the only ology here I'd be willing to go near to. Latrinology is a no, no. Love that you claim it's where you get your info for your blog though. That's a good joke.

  7. latrinology? You have to be making that up? Why would anyone want to study that? and who would do it?

  8. I can peel the whole label off.
    The writing on restroom walls. Not just any graffiti, but restroom graffiti. That is really odd...

  9. Bathroom poets are like street musicians...gotta get those witticisms out there somehow. As for the lipsology...those lips clearly say, Ho (they're not yours are they?). Loved them all today. Quirky.

  10. What a great clever theme! I'm a peeler too : ) Thanks for visiting my blog, and good luck with the rest of the alphabet challenge!

  11. Latrinology... whodathunk it? So does this officially legitimize all the "broken hearted" limericks I've read over the years?

  12. I love all these -ologies (well, except for the one about slugs). The idea of studying the writing on restroom walls is hilarious. And now I will probably start doing just that.

  13. The shape of lips determine personality? That's news to me.

    Visiting from AtoZ #41

  14. Lipsology? Really? That's an 'ology? Crazy... Noticing Sally's comment up top, once you have injected something into you to look "better", maybe your personality has already changed somewhat.

  15. Well if someone is full of crap, they sure found there place by studying the writing on the wall haha and lips, both have the same idea today

  16. Wow. Wasn't aware of so many ology words. I wonder if you can get degrees in them at any colleges. Latrinology, that'd be cool spending all your time in the bathroom, huh. With lots of hand sanitizer.

  17. They could probably write a book analyzing Steven Tyler's (Aerosmith) lips! :)

  18. So what happens with the surgically enhanced/ botoxed lips? Since they are not the natural shape, I don't think an accurate analysis is possible...?
    And that is a CUTE pair of lips on display, they wouldn't happen to be yours?

    Writer In Transit

  19. Great Post, Elise. I guess that is where the terminology came from..."Read my Lips." Love it. Great idea for L.

  20. Uh... Latrinology. Please tell me people don't actually get paid to do that.

  21. Oh I thought that word said "labiaology" at first and I was like "Oh scandalous..."

    XOXO (that means hugs kiss hugs kiss)

  22. Okay. I'd rather be a latrinologist than a limacalogist. Bathroom writing over slugs any day of the week. can you imagine studying slugs for a living? I don't think I could look at a slug for even an hour. What about slugs is interesting enough that someone would say...hmmmm? You know what I want to devote my life too? SLUGS! haha

  23. Lipsology puts a whole new meaning to "read my lips". And I probably live n a good area for Limacology as we have some serious slugs here in western Washington. Some of the slugs here are six inches long and about an inch in diameter. I once had a slug that big in my hair after being under a tarp in the rain. Talk about slimy!

  24. Interesting L - ologies. Was the slug one your fave? (Yanno, with your bug interest) That is you, right? I hope I have the right bug blogger! :)

  25. I'm sure my husband would love to be a ludologist and study labology on the side! I wonder what sort of dark and dirty bathrooms latrinologists have to go in.

  26. Lipsology - a very interesting science, lol! Latrinology would be interesting if it weren't for the location...

  27. When I read the title for this I was expecting, yet another, false advertising post...but, on reading it, found I got what I was expecting :)

    If those are your lips, the only thing I can discern is that you.....

    ...wear too much lipstick? I guess I'm not very good at it, sorry :P

    Now, do you get a Ph.D in that??

    Have a great weekend!

    1. I piled on the bright colored lipstick for the image. But other than that, I rarely put it on. (:

  28. Human Elise,

    Lipsology. Thanks for reminding me, my human, Gary really needs to get some more lipstick. I wonder if they have a doggy version of lipsology.

    Think we're having a bit of a slug fest in our garden. The magical wee folks are not amused.

    Happy alphabeting, human!

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  29. I never knew people think they can discern one's personality from lip shape. That's really interesting. I also didn't know about ludology. I think I may have a new hobby in my future!

  30. I never knew there's actually a psychological study based on a person's lips. How accurate could that possibly be? Thanks for the nice comments on my blog! I appreciate them!

  31. is it related to 'liplockology? you know, where one gets to study all kinds of kissing, up close and personal? ;)

  32. I wasn't sure if you were kidding or not - this seems too silly to be true! haha. I like the idea of liplockology too ;)

  33. Sorry Mark K. I was trying to delete the comment you deleted but in doing so blogger got rid of both your comment and my reply. I managed to retrieve the content but had to reposted it here.

    Mark K April 13, 2013 9:21 am

    If I had to analyse on that lipstick print I'd say they belonged to someone who loved to talk. I mean REALLY loves to talk, you know, the type of person who just won't shut up.

    And talk about eat! Man, they could put a football team to shame, especially with the doughnuts. They can't sing and like to pick their nose when in the cinema and flick it at peoples' heads in front of them.

    Oh yes, they have size 8 feet (that's UK size), very smelly. Their favourite colour is pizza. Their favourite place to go on a date is a wedding reception: because the food is free and there's dancing later on.

    Their favourite number is, well, whatever - they couldn't give a shit about numbers as they are numerically dyslexic.

    And finally, their favourite animal is the Sloth, only because they love the freaky way it stares at things and freaks people out.

    Ok, so how close was that? Any good? Eh? ;

    *previously deleted due to a cock-up*


    Elise Fallson April 13, 2013 9:40 am

    Not bad Mark. Except I wear a size 5 shoe(US). :P
    Cock-up? That sounds like it hurt.

  34. Well now you've educated me today ;)
    What great words.
    sorry it's taken me this long to get to you. Have read some of your posts - I'll be fascinating at parties now.... lol


  35. I haven't heard of any of these ologies. Interesting stuff.

  36. Who wants to study slugs!!! (you, I think LOL). Lipsology - dear oh dear... Great post I learned a lot!

  37. Oooh! I want to have my lips studied! I can't even believe they have a study of latrine graffiti...oh wait...yes I do. lol.


  38. Haha, studying slugs and latrine graffiti totally cracked me up. I wonder how you get into those fields? Fun words!

  39. I'm suffering from latrinology!

  40. I cannot believe people get paid to study latrine graffiti...I wonder if there's a university degree for that

  41. I'm honestly surprised the networks haven't picked up a reality series on latrinologists *shakes head at shi* on television*

  42. The lips in the photo show a fun loving, cute and perky, female who is flirtatious. Loving your theme, sorry I haven't been by for the past few days.

  43. Dude, bathroom wall graffiti is loads of fun long as it ain't my number referenced in Sharpie. ;-)
    Some Dark Romantic

  44. That's so interesting. I never thought as someone's lip shape being linked to their personality. Strange how you can read a person. Speaking of which, I'm sure I remember seeing a woman on some show who read people's butts instead of their palms. What exactly one would read on a butt, I'm not sure...

    Have fun with a-z.

  45. All those years wasted in the social sciences when I could have been studying lipsology? I'm so depressed, I may have take up labology. :)

    ~VR Barkowski

  46. So, lipsology. Of course there's a name for it, and of course the discipline is just as questionable as phrenology! As for limacology--thanks for this one. That will be a fun word to toss out next time I attend an outdoor barbecue. :)

  47. Hi Elise .. a slug studier? Well I guess we need them - so if they're there .. then fine ... plenty of labologists about ...

    Great list .. cheers Hilary

  48. Wow. What a great and educational theme. Who knew there was a science about studying the lips? You must be doing a lot of research this month. :)
    I'm popping in from the a-Z. Thank you for coming by my blog.

  49. ologies that try to base a person's personality on a physical trait drive me bonkers. I guess that's the psych major coming out of me, but I just can't buy that you can know everything about a person based on the fact that their index finger is longer than their middle finger...or other such nonsense, lol!


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