Thursday, 11 April 2013


Kinesiology is also known as human kinetics. It's the study of human movement. Kinesiology focuses on physiological, mechanical, and psychological mechanisms. Individuals specializing in kinesiology can work in research, the fitness industry, clinical settings, and in industrial environments. The word comes from the Greek words kinesis meaning and kinein meaning to move. The following clip does not relate much to kinesiology, but it is a fine example of human movement.

Other killer K_ology words:

Kalology: The study of beauty and the ways in which beauty influences society. Apparently, philosophers in the 19th century attempted to create a coding system to rate beauty and create a uniform system for evaluating it.

Want to know what else is beautiful? Kaleidoscopes. And guess what? Kaleidoscope is derived from the Ancient Greek kalos meaning "beautiful, beauty."

Kidology: The art or practice of deliberately deceiving or teasing people. (Source)

Koniology: the study of atmospheric dust and its effects.

Ktenology: The science of putting people to death. Dr. Leo Alexander (1905–1985) was an American psychiatrist, neurologist, educator, and author, of Austrian-Jewish origin. He was a key medical adviser during the Nuremberg Trials. Alexander wrote part of the Nuremberg Code, which provides legal and ethical principles for scientific experiment on humans. Alexander wrote several books on psychiatry and neuropathology, and coined the terms thanatology—defined as the study of death, and ktenology—the science of killing. (wikipedia)

My two children have a school function today that I've volunteered to help out with. IF I don't get mauled by a horde of kids, then I should be back later on this afternoon for comment sprints. :)


  1. My daughter is all kinesthetic and stuff. We don't know where she gets it.

  2. Some creepy k words in here, but also some really pretty ones. I love the idea of studying atmospheric dust, for some reason. ;)

  3. Kidology? Hope someone's not kidding us with that. Very interesting mixed bag today!

  4. I wonder why kidology isn't called bully-ology instead.

    Kalology sounds like an interesting study. I wonder how the findings of what beauty is varies from culture to culture.

    ...Oh, and congratulations to you for being featured on Alex's blog today!

  5. Kalology definitely caught my interest since beauty plays a big role with our status in society. Kidology made me laugh. Ktenology, not so much. Makes me switch between executions and Nazi concentration camps. *Shivers* A good mix today El.

  6. What an incredible bunch of words. That last one is really freaky. Who'd have imagined there was a name for the study of executions?

  7. I've experienced kinesiology through chiropractic. Basically it is a way of determining the mechanical dysfunction of the body and how it affects muscular function.

    As an example, a chiropractor had me lie down on his bench and did some testing on my legs. To begin with he placed a hand on my right knee and asked me to perform a straight leg raise with my right leg against the pressure of his hand. I did and it was a bit of a struggle. Then the process was repeated with the left leg, which performed much better.

    So the chiropractor placed a wedge beneath my right hip, effectively tilting it upwards by an inch or two, then we went through the testing again. This time the right leg was solid and very strong, and matched the power of my left.

    It's all about balancing the mechanics of the body to restore proper energy flow. And it does work.

  8. I never heard of ktenology before, though I'm familiar with the trials. An excellent assortment of "K" words. Kudos for being featured at Alex's today, and I hope you have fun with your kids.


  9. I could do with some kinesiology today. Can't seem to get myself moving this morning thanks to all these amazing A-Z posts.

  10. I like to watch my wife's body move...
    Speaking of beauty, be sure to stop by today - surprise for you!

  11. I can't believe that over 1800 blogs signed up for the A-Z this year! How utterly amazing is that!? If we weren't selling the house I'd be there with you guys 'n' gals. Good luck all :)

  12. My dancing style is very similar. Very similar.

  13. I think that video should be under both kalology and kinesiology. Lovely.

  14. I've always love ballet and dance. It's amazing how expressive the human body can be.

    I didn't know there was a science to study killing. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

  15. Beautiful clip. And good K-words. Now I feel like dancing. Thanks for sharing.

  16. I'd heard of kinesiology but didn't really know what it meant before. Love all your words.

  17. Everything needs to work for things to move right, and kidology, that one I can master haha

  18. Ooooh! One I've actually heard of! It was bound to happen eventually, I guess.

  19. The science of killing is just wrong. Kidology doesn't sound much better.

  20. I love dance :D
    Yes it is a beautiful clip!

    Have fun will see you will have a great time!

  21. I studied Kineseiology one summer when I was a ballet dancer (great picture!). I remember achieving great things that year. So nice to meet you!

  22. Really interesting words today! The study of beauty interests me as a hairstylist and the science of killing is fascinating yet creepy

  23. Kinesiology is really interesting. Kaleidoscopes are beautiful, but I'm not sure about the study of beauty if it tries to put beauty into levels.

  24. I've heard of! :P I had an anatomy teacher, in high school, who constantly talked about Kinesiology. Not sure why, but that's really the only thing I remember from that course.

    As always, very interesting stuff and I feel just a bit smarter for having stopped by today :)

  25. "Ktenology: The science of putting people to death." That's just seems wrong but would make for a great book. :)

  26. My kids are masters at kidology...which is very appropriately name btw!

  27. Hello, Elise! These are all terrific K words. I used to love kaleidoscopes when I was a kid!

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  28. It reminds me of that song in the Madagascar movies... "Just Move It Move It Move It..."

    It sticks in your head.

  29. It's amazing to see the many ways a human body can move!

  30. Did you make it back from the "maul"?

  31. Very interesting K words today. I had no idea there was a science of putting people to death. That's actually really grabbing my attention. Do they offer that at university?! :)

  32. Great field!

    I love watching the Anaheim Ballet's videos.

  33. Hello human, Elise,

    What a lot of interesting "K's" you have submitted. Of course, never one to practice "Kidology". You know that it's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar? No mention of "Klahanieology", the study of the great outdoors! :) Hope you survived your day out with all those adorable youngsters :)

    Pawsitive wishes and have a good weekend,


  34. I actually knew this one! Our daughter is studying to be a Physical Therapist, so you kinda pick things up from time to time. :)

  35. Kidology? Seriously? You must be pulling my leg.

  36. That video is amazing. I've always been in awe of those who could move with such grace, style, fluidity and beauty. And you were named a choice of beauty at the Ninja Captain's blog today as well, aptly so :-)

  37. Congrats on the spotlight at a certain blog today. It's great when kind words spoken of others are true.

  38. That would be so scary to have a uniform system for rating beauty, whoa. Congrats on your shout out from Ninja Captain Alex today. And I loooove kaleidescopes.

  39. I had never heard of Kinesiology. I'm learning so much through this challenge. Thank you!
    Peanut Butter and Whine

  40. so far so good, el... but where is KINKYOLOGY, you know, the study of all those sexual perversions one keeps hearing about? ;)

  41. We have a kinesiologist and he's very good. Our entire family goes to him. Have to say as crazy as his methods seem, they do work.

  42. Your word choices make me laugh out loud. I wonder who thinks these things even need naming. Truth truly is stranger than fiction.

  43. Thanks everyone for stopping by today. You all have been really great and I can't seem to find the words right now. I'm a bit behind in my visits and commenting but I'm doing my best to catch up. HUGS!!

  44. I'm rather late to the K party! Actually, it's over! *sad face*
    The science of putting people to death? Makes me think of the programme 1000 Ways To Die... though this deals with those freak one-of-a-kind accidents which I'm sure has nothing to do with Ktenology.

    Writer In Transit

  45. Hi Elise .. loved the ballet clips .. beautiful movements .. and your other information on the Ks of science .. killing = no thank you ...

    Cheers Hilary

  46. I don't like the sound of that whole teasing people thing, but then again I'm a hypocrite because I practice it on my brother all the time, LOL


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