Wednesday, 10 April 2013


Ichnology is a branch of paleontology that focuses on the study of fossilized tracks, footprints, burrows and other traces as evidence of past life and is a way to describe an organism's behavior.


Other inspiring I_ology terms:

Irenology: is the study of peace and sometimes referred to as peace research and conflict studies. It's a social science field that identifies the causes and prevention of war, analyses violent and nonviolent behaviors, as well as peace-making strategies.  

More people need to study/practice this.

Iridology: Is an alternative medicine technique that inspects the iris of the eye (patterns, color and other characteristics) as an aid in determining a patient's health. Iridologists see the eyes as "windows" into the body's state of health.

Iridology iris eye chart. source: Wikimedia commons 

BONUS--because, well . . .you'll see. 

The eyes are the windows to the soul. And you know who has soulful eyes? Jensen Ackles. Am I biased because I find him incredibly sexy from any possible camera angle? Absolutely. But not only am I swooning over wall-poster worthy Jensen, I've also fallen for his character the wisecracking, funny, bad-boy Dean Winchester in the series, Supernatural. Is Dean the real reason I watch the show? You betcha. Dean is the only character I'll suffer through the scary moments just to watch. When it comes to scary/horror movies, I'm the one quaking in my bunny slippers, curled up in a ball on the couch, clutching onto my magic shield--the striped fuzzy blanket. Ha, just kidding, it's not striped. But you know what does have stripes? A tiger. I am so good at transitions. And because Dean is such a tiger himself,  Raawrrrr, and because this totally relates to this post, and quite possibly every other post I'll ever write, I give you Eye of the Tiger, lip-synced by Dean himself.

Dean Winchester you make me feel oh, so supernatural
It's his smile at the end that just makes me melt. 


  1. I agree that more people need to study irenology.

    I haven't seen the show Supernatural, but I remember watching Jensen Ackles when he was on Days of Our Lives back when I used to watch the show. He's a talented actor.

  2. Ichnology sounds like something an archaeologist would study. Studying peace could be fun. Oh man love that you added Dean in this.

  3. Ah, you slaves to your emotions - the guy is married now and off the market... muh-wah-hahaha! Ok, yeah, so I'm just jealous of the guy, but you got to love him in Supernatural and his comic timing.

    Elise, got you in my circles now, gurlfrend - yup, I did it, I incorrectly spelt it. That how I roll, y'all :P

  4. How have I never seen that clip before! Eye Of The Tiger ... Supernatural ... awesome!

  5. never once watched that show... is it good?
    sorry i am a knuckle-dragger...

  6. Ichnology sounds interesting to me!

    I love Supernatural. #teamdean :)

  7. You're right - more people need to study Irenology.
    Can't watch the video. I'd have that song stuck in my head all day.

  8. Oh my god - you are hilarious and really have awesome segue ways. You should make your own version of that video.

  9. I love those people laughing in the background.

  10. Ichnology.... another new word.
    Someone should tell our government about the word irenology
    I do know Iridology as I used to do it.
    I also do know that Dr. Bernard Jensen is like the godfather of iridology and that is his chart, but I don't know about that other Jensen guy. LOL

  11. @ Jeremy - to be honest, and I'm not ashamed to say this, I've watched Supernatural as far as possible in the UK, and am just waiting for the satellite channel to announce the 'new' season (we always seem to be a tad behind) - there have been one or two duff episodes, quite a few funny one, but by and large, suspension of disbelief and you have a great little series.

    But then, back in the day, I was a Buffy follower too... and Firefly... and Babylon 5... and *Ren & Stimpy ;) - *just checking to see if you're paying attention

    1. Happy Happy Joy Joy!
      Nice to 'see' you Mark. (:

      I'm way behind on Supernatural and just started on the 4th season, but as you can tell, I'm enjoying it quite a bit.

    2. Same here, Mark. Supernatural, Buffy, Angel, Firefly (Joss Whedon is genius) them all.

  12. Had to get my -ology fix today. I'm sure there's an -ology for people who are addicted to learning about -ologies. Ologology?

    I love Supernatural (for the content, but the guys are cool). This has always been one of my favorite moments.

  13. Interesting how iridology morphs into a discussion of TV boy crush....The mind has a way of taking us where it wants...

  14. Hi Elise ... I'd like to study Irenology ... and ichnology, and iridology!

    Better get me registered at a Uni .. before time runs out ...

    The video was fun .. cheers Hilary

  15. So let me guess... they wouldn't be using The Art of War as a textbook?

  16. These are some good ones today. All sound like excellent fields of study. Hopefully you don't have to be called Irene to study irenology!

  17. I like Irenolgy. I need to study this to keep the peace with my kids. :(

  18. Ichnology appears to be an ology that I would enjoy.

    Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

  19. Loved both music videos! :D

    'Conflict studies'... what a cool phrase. Love that concept of that one. :)

  20. I had some clever dino comment, but after Dean...nothing else really, truly matters. It's Deano-slurp-ology- the measure of saliva in a gal's drool after oggling Mr. Ackles.

  21. Iridology sounds pretty cool. It's fascinating that eyes can tell doctors so much about a person's health. I've heard a couple times that light colored eyes are more sensitive to the sun, just like like colored skin is.

  22. Too bad all could not study peace and lave all in peace. LOL saw that video a while back, funny indeed, but I can say I go all supernatural for him haha

  23. I love all the homosexual overtones that crop up in Supernatural as well. It's like a running gag but done in great humor (very subtle if you don't know what to look for). I think they do this because everyone knows Jensen is a gay heartthrob and though he's straight as an arrow, he loves to throw the gay guys a bone or two because it's fun.

  24. Oh man, I'm a Jensen Ackles fan too. Hot hot hot! I watched the first few seasons of Supernatural and then other things captured my attention. Those seasons were amazing and fun times with the roomies. We ended up watching tons of scary movies because of that show. Great memories.

    The clip you showed is hilarious! I laugh every time I watch it. :)

  25. I had no idea there was such a thing as the study of peace. I suppose it makes sense - just about everything on earth can be studied! And, um, interesting transition into that video ;-)

  26. I agree. More people should study Irenology. And in my experience, iridology is quite accurate!

  27. i have never heard of ichnology! love learning new things so thanks for this post. will have to try iridology one of these days:)

  28. Hmmm so next time I'm taking an extra long soak in the tub, reading and sipping wine I will proclaim: Leave me alone, I am studying Irenology!

  29. When I first saw it, I thought Ichology was the study of "Icky" in...'eww gross!'

    Then again, though, what do I know? :)

  30. I forgot everything you wrote watching Dean. Mmmmm.

  31. Ichnology sounds like a great field of study. It would be fun to try to piece together an organism's life based on its tracks.

  32. Not bad. That smile at the end is endearing, to say the least. Thanks for the new words!

  33. Oh that's what iridology means. I can't pronounce the first one, but it sounds kind of cool (what it means).

  34. Hey Elise,

    Ichnology, ah yes, I can dig it. You know, speaking of dinosaurs, I thought "Thesaurus" was one of them crazy critters from "Jurassic Park".

    Did you know that "Supernatural" was filmed near Vancouver, Canada? Yes, it's true, they begged me to be in the show. Needed somebody to clean up the set.

    Happy alphabeting, Elise.

    Gary :)

  35. Sorry, I skipped right to the bonus. Love Jensen Ackles. Seen this video before and enjoyed watching it again!!

  36. I cannot believe the effort you are going to with this challenge. It's amazing.

  37. The eyes do tell a lot...I bet iridology would be really interesting! Love that I'm learning something new every day here :)

  38. You distracted me with that Dean thing (isn't he the most gorgeous thing EVER?!) ... but once I finished slavering, I read your post and decided I want to be an Iridologist. Irises are fascinating.
    Great post!

  39. Iridology sounds interesting.

  40. Was Irenology first studied by somebody named Irene?
    The eyes are the window to the soul! That's for sure!

  41. I loved hearing his friends laughing while they were videoing it. Great!

  42. Jensen Ackles makes me all swoony, and that clip just illustrates why. Not only is he stupefyingly good looking, he seems like such a fun guy. Supernatural used to be one of my favorite shows, but I think the quality has really gone downhill in the last few years. In fact, I probably would have stopped watching if I didn't have such a embarrassingly massive crush on Jensen.

    Best of luck with the A to Z challenge,

  43. Awww man, I'm really this far behind in my commenting? Elise, I'm so sorry! I'm a huge fan of you and always love reading what you have to say--life's just been in the way lately. Oh, and Jensen Ackles? Plus one, sister!!!


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