Monday, 8 April 2013


Hoplology is a science that studies human combative behavior and performance. It deals with the methods, behavior, and technology used in human combat, particularly weapons and armor. The word hoplology is derived from the Greek terms hoplos (a mythical armor plated beast) and hoplite, the term for the classical Greek warrior. (Wikipedia)

Check out this clip of these guys demonstrating basic techniques from Lichtenauer's Kunst des Fechtens with the longsword (website). In short, they are beeping impressive. As you watch this, keep in mind the hours of training it takes to get to this level of control. They make me want to go full-out Braveheart-like and charge onto the battlefield hacking off body parts one bad guy after another. Today's gonna be a good day. :)  

For those of you who don't know, (I didn't until I looked it up) Johannes Liechtenauer was a 14th-century German fencing master (Source). His method had a profound influence on German fencing in the 15th and 16th centuries and the majority of the fencing guides that came out during that era were focused on his teachings. But what's even more interesting, is that no one has ever found a direct record of this man's life or teachings. All that is currently known about his existence comes from the writings of other masters and scholars. 

Other Happy H_ologies:

Hamartiology: (Greek: hamartia, "missing the mark," "sin") is the branch of theology which studies sin.

Hedonology: The study of pleasure, the branch of ethics dealing with pleasure. From Greek hedon, meaning pleasure. 

Hagiology: dealing with venerated persons, the lives of saints or writings.


  1. I wonder how often the content derived from researching hamartiology would intersect with the data you'd get from studying hedonology. These two fields of studies could be second-degree cousins.

    1. Funny you mention that because I was thinking the same thing when I wrote the post. They sound like polar opposites, but it's their opposing elements that connects them like a yin-yang symbol.

  2. I thought hoplology was something to do with blog hopping for some reason...

    The good old Greek Hoplites - your A-Z's leave me so inspired! What an awesome study - the study of weapons and combat! Thanks for this !

  3. I've always wanted to do some sword training. Hopology sounds like a real exciting and very important in understanding violent human behaviour.

  4. When I saw hoplology I thought it was going to be about beer fermenting - as in hops!

    Intriguing topic though. It would be very cool to do what those guys do though I doubt I could master it!

  5. I wonder if longsword fights were over as quickly as with these guys. Movies always make them last ages. Interesting stuff.

    Moody Writing

    1. No doubt about it Moody. I think it's safe to say any kind of sword fight was over much more quickly than on the big screen.

  6. Oh my goodness—my virgin ears! You used the word, "beeping." Those French are bringing you down, Elise.

    Love this series, and no, I had no idea about this one.

    1. Wouldn't want to fucking offend anyone.

    2. ROFL! Now that caught me off guard! Excellent. No wonder I like you...the face of an angel with a little devil in you. I'm still chuckling. :o)

  7. I used to fence in college. Never did long swords though.

  8. Double sword lesson today! (Tyrean has been posting sword and fencing terms for the Challenge.)
    Can you imagine the hours actors spend with experts just so they look decent handling a sword?

  9. Hoplology sounds like a made up word from one of my former first grade students. I thought they were talking about hopscotch and all the time they were talking about fencing.

    Jenn @Scribbles From Jenn

  10. What an interesting theme you have going.I was exhausted just watching those two. Good luck with the rest of the challenge!!

  11. I thought hip-hop dancing at first. lmao! I wonder if there is an ology for studying ologies?
    Dani @ Entertaining Interests

  12. I've got a new way of reading your posts: I read the word and try to guess what it means before I read the description. Today I thought it was something about bunnies, but sadly, I discovered I was wrong.

  13. Hoplology and hedonology probably never intersect, but I wonder if they could?

  14. I think it's sort of crazy how there is no first hand information about Liechtenhaur. I get the same way when I see people who fight well, all Braveheart. LOL Love that.

  15. Love the h- ologies, fascinating.

  16. Braveheart got hanged, you may not want to go all him hahaha bet the fights didn't last long either

  17. Miyamoto Musashi would destroy these guys.

  18. That was awesome video makes me want to learn basic fencing!

  19. My sister fences but I'm not sure I'd like it.

  20. good stuff, el :)

    matthew, precisely!

    1. I love the sword, but the Bo has always been my favorite.

  21. Considering how obsessed I am with weaponry, armor and battle techniques, I'm surprised I haven't heard of hoplology before now.

    Love the video. I'm going to watch it every day. And I mean that.

  22. My son is a budding hopologist...he loves studying battle scenes, weapons and battle techniques. I'm starting to wonder if he's going to become a warlord when he grows up

  23. Very interesting E! I think Fencing would be a branch of this... looks like a high level of skill is required to perfect this art...

    Writer In Transit

  24. Just stopping by from the A-Z Challenge list to say "Hi" :)

    Interesting post.

    Good luck with the rest of the challenge!


  25. At first I thought hoplology was going to be about blog hops. LOL I'm lame, I know. Thanks for the info on these H - ologies. :)

  26. I had no idea what this word meant-- and the vid was amazing!

  27. This sounds so cool. I'm going to ask my husband if knows what this means since he was a former marine.

    Speaking of swords, I had a debate the other day with my son about whether or not it was better to be a ninja or a samurai. I said samurai because I want a sword. He said that ninjas are the good guys which made me think of all my blogger/writer friends. He's right.

  28. Great post, and fun video! I'm not as familiar with long swords, or double-handed techniques so that was really cool to see. Thanks for sharing that video!

  29. I'd like to be in shape enough to do some of these moves. I guess I'd better get on that.

  30. Awesome H words! There's a whole resort in Jamaica called Hedonism. You can imagine what goes on there. *blush* lol

  31. A potentially deadly study! How close must they need to get to truly study each move? :) I'm sure they are great consults for military tactics. The study of sin? Wow, that would be intense. How broad a field range that could be. There must be areas of focus, like sexual sins, violent sins, sins of conscience. Interesting, thought-provoking posts.

  32. All very interesting H words that I've never heard about.

  33. Hey Elise,

    How's the blog Hoplology going? Get it? You know, after seeing that video, I've got an urge to play basketball.

    Reading your posting was a pleasure :)

    I'm going now...

    Gary :)

  34. Looks like it can all be over fairly quickly when someone knows what they're doing.

  35. Great A-Z theme. Stopping by to others on the list. I've also seen you around on blogs, so good to meet you.

  36. I would have thought hoplogy would be about beer making.
    Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

  37. That video is very impressive!

  38. Interesting words associated with the letter h. Your theme is telling me that just about everything in this world has been studied.

  39. Hi Elise .. hip-hop .... hoplogy is what I thought you were going to talk about .. but this is far more interesting ..

    Fencing came down via others' writings .. similarly swimming I think ... very interesting .. cheers Hilary

  40. I handled a sword in some martial arts classes for a few of years--it taught me some serious hand-eye coordinate and I gained a heckuva lotta confidence from doing it!!!


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