Wednesday, 5 December 2012


Today, I have no insecurities.

Today, I have no regrets.

Today is special.

Today, is my son's fourth birthday.

I will not worry about my writing. I will not give self-doubt a second thought. I will however, have a wonderful day celebrating with my children. We will blow balloons, open presents, and eat cake and ice cream, and I will not worry about my diet. We will dance to silly songs, make  homemade Christmas decorations and celebrate with family and friends. 

Tomorrow, I will deal with my self-inflicted issues, but not today. 

Thanks to everyone stopping by today. I'll be sure to make my rounds and visit you guys tomorrow. But if insecurities are getting  in your way today, then go around them, go under them, or get into your spaceship and blast over them. You're a writer and you can do anything.   (:

And if my sources are correct, DL Hammons over at Crusing Altitude, host of Write Club and Carrie Butler, author of the soon to be released book Strength, are also having birthdays today *throws confetti*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday DL and Carrie :D


  1. Have a great day and eat lots of cake, jelly and ice-cream!! Birthday wishes to your lovely little boy.

  2. Great to read that you are having a blast with your family. Enjoy yourself! Cheers

  3. Happy birthday to your son! Have a great time.

  4. Hey,

    Happee Beeerday (that's French for "Happy Birthday") and enjoy your little guy :)

    I remember - like it was only last year - that my five-year-old was four... sigh... those memories :)

  5. Well many happy returns of the day to your little man - I'm not even sure if I recall being four? But HAPPY BIRTHDAY, little buddy - enjoy it whilst you can, because rest assured, as soon as you're old enough to carry heavy objects, mummy will have you out working, earning the family crust... parents are so pushy these days, just terrible *shakes head* ;)

    But in all seriousness, I hope the little fella has a wonderful time of it, and also HAPPY BIRTH DAY to you, Elise - it's also your day of celebration. I think people always forget that fact, that mother's should celebrate the day they gave birth to their little bundle of joy, a way of giving them a 'thank you' for all that hard work and effort, all the love and the tears, the ups and downs, all culminating in this special day shared by mother and child :)

    1. This is one of the most thoughtful comments I've ever received. Merci Mark. Sending you a big internet hug and when I get across the channel, beer and crepes are on me. (; And yes, as soon as the little guy is taller than me, I'm putting him to work, that should give him another year or two. :P

  6. Happy birthday to your son! Yes, go and enjoy your day with no insecurities.

  7. Enjoy your insecurity free day, Elise. And Happy birthday to your son. This is the day when you really remember what's important. :D


  9. Hi Elise .. happy birthday sonny ... four and growing older by the minute!! Have a wonderful day - sounds great fun .. cheers Hilary

  10. Happy Birthday to your son!! Enjoy the cake and ice cream!

  11. Happy birthday to your little boy!! Have a super day with him and spoil him until he goes to bed :-)

  12. Happy birthday to your son. I would write that in French, but I have no idea how to do that.

  13. Bon anniversaire to the little one :)

  14. Ah, Happy Day to your little guy! And way to not let those insecurities affect those you love. Enjoy a bite of cake for me!

  15. Aww! Definitely a good time not to be insecure! Happy Birthday to your son!

  16. Happy birthday to your son! May you both have a wonderful day. I'm glad you're letting your joy shine.
    - Also Elise, you were one of the randomly selected to win a paperback copy of my book (Anticipation of the Penitent) for joining my blog. Please contact me if you'd like me to send it somewhere for you.

  17. This is the sweetest post ever, Elise. You're absolutely right about priorities. People who are worrying about not getting enough writing/revising done during the holidays are just wrong. They should be enjoying the season, their families and friends, and taking time for themselves. People shouldn't narrow the focus of their whole lives to be about writing only.
    I hope your son had a wonderful birthday! :-D

  18. Thank you all for your wonderful comments, we had a great day yesterday. (=

  19. Times like that with your kids puts it all in perspective, doesn't it?

    Have fun! ;)

  20. Happy Birthday to your little man, Elise!
    Hope you enjoyed your "insecurity-free and regret-free" day!

  21. I hope the little rascal has a great birthday and puts a big smile on his mum's face!! Oh, and you've no need to feel insecure, Elise, YOU ROCK!

  22. Ohhhh... isn't it so true? I love days like this when our insecurities cease to matter. I wish I could live every day like that. And HUGE happy birthday to your little guy! So precious. :D

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Try this again: Oh yes, oh yes. My children put everything into perspective and remind me of who I am at my core. Happy birthday to your son!

    Thank you for stopping by-- now I am a follower! Yay!

  25. I'm a little late (stopping by from a couple hops), but I hope he had a great birthday!

  26. Hi ELise! A big happy birthday to your son! 4 is such a great age. My kids are 7 and 6 and right now 4 seems like ages ago. Hope it was extra special, and just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog with warm wishes. :)Merci beau coup!

  27. I love it. I hope you had a wonderful day. I'm sure your son had a blast. Really great post, Elise!

  28. Happy birthday to your precious little one! I hope you both had a wonderful day!


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