Sunday, 9 December 2012


Alex Cavanaugh is not just a successful writer, he's also a blogger who devotes an amazing amount of time helping other writers promote their work and overcome many insecurities about their writing. He is a true positive force in the writing community and it's with great pleasure that I participate in the 

 “Cheers, Cavanaugh BlogFest.”
AKA: Alexfest 

Hosted by these awesome folks: Mark Koopmans, Morgan Shamy,David Powers King and Stephen Tremp.


In +/- 20 words, what does Alex look like?

Like this: 

Mini Alex Ninja Captain and guitar made of plywood.

· In +/- 20 words, who could play Alex in a documentary? (Living or dead)

Nathan Fillion. Played novelist Richard Castle on tv and Captain Malcolm Reynolds in the movie, Serenity.

In +/- 20 words, who does Alex remind you of?

He doesn't remind me of anyone because there is only ONE Ninja Captain.

In +/- 100 words, (excluding the title) write flash fiction using all these prompts: Cavanaugh, Ninja,  IWSG, Cosbolt, Guitar

The Last Space Ninja

Captain Shamy’s spaceship was under attack. She only had minutes before Madman Koopmans reached the bridge. She ordered First Lieutenant Tremp to activate the ship’s droid, David Powers.

“I hope this works, Captain.”

“Me too," she said.

“The silver droid lifted his head as it came online. His computerize voice filled the room, “I’m David your ship’s droid. What are my orders, Captain?”

“Send a message to Alex Cavanaugh the Ninja Captain. Tell him my ship has fallen under attack. Every Cosbolt pilot has been infected with the Infectious Wiggles and Singing Giggles. They’re hula dancing uncontrollably and singing off key. I’ve never seen anything so hideous. In a matter of minutes, the MadMan will reach the bridge with his IWSG frequency gun. I’m afraid my mission to bring back the CassaStar Guitar has failed. This is our most desperate hour, help us Ninja Captain, you’re our only hope.”

For Bonus Points: In +/- 40 words, leave a comment for Mrs. Cavanaugh - thanking her for sharing Alex

Mrs. Cavanaugh, behind every successful Ninja Captain is his kick-butt wife. Thank you for sharing him with the blogging world.  



  1. What a cute ninja Alex! I think it'd make an awesome action figure :)

  2. Hey Elise, I love your Alex-plywood-figurine! Too cool!
    And two of our answers are similar... amazing!! Your flash-fiction is sooooo good! Love, love, love it!

  3. Hey,

    LOVED the Mini-Alex - cute pics and well done, you:)

    (You should make some more and sell them on eBay:)

    My only issue is with the let-down at the end of the story? What happened to the handsome, maniacal Madman?

    Did the Droid do the deed?

    Was Captain Shamy shamed?

    Did 1st Lt. Tremp trample over the evidence :)

    1. Handsome maniacal Madman???? Ha! Of course that's where your head would go. *Rolls eyes* You KNOW Captain Shamy wasn't shamed! Not with the help of the Ninja and the Droid!


      Still laughing...

    2. Hahah! No worries Morgan, must be Fabio speaking. xD

  4. T. Drecker: Thanks! Maybe I should patent it, LOL!

    Michelle: I know! So funny we had similar answers. Well, know know what they say about great minds. (:

    Mark: I would have shared the rest of the story because it's AWESOME, (; but I have to follow the rules set by the hosts =/- 100 words... (:

  5. Oh my God, that's awesome! You made a Ninja. That's better than the prizes. If I name you winner, will you send me the Ninja?
    Seriously, I am just really floored you made a Ninja. Thank you so very much Elise. And Fillion is bonus points!

  6. Oh that is bribery Alex, I'm telling on you!

    Love the little Ninja too and you flash piece was great!

  7. Alex: You don't have to name me anything. I already decided I'd send it to you after the blogfest if you liked it. (:

    Carolyn: That sneaky ninja! (;

  8. you've captured him! love your model! perfect!

  9. Awesome Ninja! That most definately must be what ALex looks like when he is not wearing his spacesuit...LOL!

  10. Oh you did brilliantly, Elise. This is such a fun blogfest and I just love, love your Ninja and what an imaginative story!

  11. OK that ninja with guitar is now my favorite picture. Perfection.

  12. Tara: I really liked your rendition too! Alex must have a closet full of different ninja suits. :D

    Siv: Absolutely! (:

    Karen: So nice to meet you too, and I also enjoyed your post today, it was really nicely done. (:

    Susan: Thank you so much Susan. I really enjoyed your flash fiction too!

    Julie: LOL! Thanks Julie, it was fun making him. (:

  13. Ahahahahaha, loved the flash fiction. And look at you with your yard art. You're so creative, Elise. I wish I could do that. Love Castle

  14. The day is young, but I'm already nominating you for best Alex Flash Fiction piece. And if title is an award category, I'm giving you the trophy right now. "The Last Space Ninja" ... priceless. Do you think the movie adaptation would have a soundtrack by the band America, like 'The Last Unicorn"? Somehow I think that might please our Ninja Captain. :-)

  15. Gwen: Thanks Gwen! It was fun making the mini ninja. (:

    Lawolf: ;) right back atcha.

    E.J: Aww EJ you are awesome, but the day is young and I've already read so many amazing flash fiction pieces, but I appreciate your comment. And I think there definitely would be room for America on the soundtrack! Rock on EJ! (:

  16. That plywood Ninja captain is out of this world! Very cool.
    I had considered Nathan Fillion for the role as well, but went with Batman in the end. :) Love the flash fiction!

  17. I'm totally giggling over your flash-fiction piece--epic! Love it!

  18. I love your flash-fiction-so fun! lol
    I also thought of Nathan Fillion :D

  19. My sides hurt, Elise. Hurting! Extra points for the Alex action figure and putting us hosts in the story. Funny, some people say I act like a robot, so that's totally fitting! Great entry! :D

  20. You're so creative! The action figure is awesome :) Nice job with the flash fiction too.

  21. I love the ninja! How clever!!! :D

  22. Haha, Elise, brilliant! Kudos for such creativity!

  23. Kristen: Thank you! And you know, Batman is a great choice too!

    Meradeth: Glad you like it, it was fun writing it up. (:

    Ella: Thanks Ella! I thought Nathan Fillion was a good fit too. (:

    David: This has been a really fun blogfest, thanks for co-hosting it's been really fun. (:

    Rose: Glad you liked it!

    Melissa: Thanks Melissa, (=

    Joylene: Thank you Joylene, glad you liked it. (:

  24. Very nice tribute to Alex...loved the plywood Ninja! Nice story, too. :o)

  25. I love the little ninja you made. So cute!

  26. OH. MY. GOSH.


    My kids are asking me why I'm laughing SO HARD... Ah-hahahaha!!!! Elise, that flash is HILARIOUS. And you stopped there?!?!!?!?


    And I'm FREAKING over the wooden Alex... seriously. Too awesome. This post made my day! HA.

  27. LOVE the little ninja. And the flash was awesome too. Nice job!! :)

  28. M.L. Thanks M.L. I appreciate the comment and really enjoyed your flash fiction too, it was hilarious. (:

    Michael: *blushing* Merci

    Sherry: Thanks Sherry (:

    Morgan: :D Glad you got a kick out of the post. It was a hoot putting it together.

    Tamara: The little ninja was fun to make, took a bit of time but worth it. (:

  29. The Ninja doll is PRECIOUS!!! Double kudo's for you!! :)

  30. You did it! A picture is, as usual, worth a thousand words.

  31. Wow, I hope you give that awesome plywood Alex to him for Christmas. Your flash is totally winning, too. I love how you used all the hosts in your story, especially how their online personalities fit the characters so well. I'll be disappointed if you don't win this.

  32. Very nice!!! And of course like everyone else, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your little plywood rock 'n roll ninja! Very creative :-)

  33. Oh my gosh!! Your plywood image of Alex looks awesome!!

  34. This is the coolest physical presentation of Alex!

  35. Wild thing, you make my heart sing...

  36. Nice version of Alex, although he looks a little two-dimensional.

  37. Love the story and how you brought in all the hosts! Nathan Fillon - why didn't I think of him? Perfect!

  38. I loved the #FF piece. & the ninja dude too. Awesome! Nathan Fallon is a good one.

  39. I loved the flash!! " us Ninja Captain, you’re our only hope." Now what does that remind me of, I wonder??? (Oh, and perfect choice for the droid.) LOL

  40. I've only visited a fraction of the blogs so far, but you get my vote for creativity.

  41. Hahaha! You nailed it! That pic is a sure keeper!

  42. ha! I picked Nathan Fillion too :)

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  43. Hi, Elise,

    Loved the fact that you used the hosts as well as the prompt words.... Also loved the Ninja pic!

  44. DL: Thanks man! (:

    Cleemckenzie: It sure is! Glad you liked it. (:

    Shell flower: Thank you for commenting, I really appreciate it, and glad you liked the flash, it was fun adding the hosts into the mix. :)

    T: The world needs more rock 'n roll ninjas! :D

    Lynda: Thank you! I'm thrilled he's getting such a warm reception. (:

    M Pax: It is uncanny, isn't it?!

    Golden: Aww, thanks Golden! (:

    Spacerguy: LOL!

    DG. Hudson: I would have loved to make him look a little more 3D but I wouldn't have been able to cut and shape plywood that was any thicker.

    Tyrean: Thank you! It was fun bringing the hosts and their own little personalities into the flash.

    Mina: Thanks Mina! This was a lot of fun. (:

    Jeff: Thanks Jeff. Glad you enjoyed the Star Wars reference. It was fun bringing these guys into the flash. (:

    Susan/Kelley: Thank you! Keep visiting blogs if you can, there are a lot of other entries that were really creative, but I certainly appreciate your comment. (:

    Tammy: Thanks hon. (:

    Stephen: Thanks Stephen, this was a fun blogfest. (:

    Allison: I think Nathan Fillion is a great choice too!

    Michael: It was so fun adding the hosts in the flash, glad you enjoyed it. (:

  45. Hi Elise - that's incredible ... I never thought of plywood like that!! And I'm delighted Alex would like it posted ... brilliant post -

    Fun one .. cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you Hilary. I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out, but I have to say I am pleased with the result, and glad you liked it! (:

  46. You're quite crafty. That's an amazing likeness! I love how you incorporated all the hosts into the flash fiction as well. So much fun!

  47. Oh my gosh--your little Alex guitar ninja is so cute and EXCELLENT call with Nathan Fillion! You ARE referring to the naked episode, eh? teehee

  48. Ha! That cut out of Alex is excellent! Look at you being all crafty :) Love that you put the hosts into your story. Great job!

  49. Michael: Thanks Michael, glad you liked the flash, it was so a hoot writing it up. (:

    Hart Johnson: <3 Nathan Fillion! Can you believe I just recently saw Serenity for the first time?! I desperately need to catch naked Nathan! :D

    JA Bennett: Thank you and thanks for the follow. Love your site btw and happy to follow back. (:

  50. That ninja is fantastic! Very fun flash piece too. Hehehe! Loved you used all the hosts in there.

  51. I truly believe you've come the closest to figuring out his likeness - at least in the animation world!

  52. Such a cool ninja!! Love how you worked the co-hosts into the story. And woo-hoo for Nathan Fillion!

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  53. Love your Ninja Alex! And yes, there is only ONE Alex J. Cavanaugh.

  54. Christine: It was really fun putting it together. (:

    Nancy: Thanks Nancy! :D

    Shannon: Nathan Fillion...*sighs* (:

    Jenn: There can be only ONE. (;

  55. ok, I thought mark's was my favorite but your flash fiction gets my #1 vote. It was perfect!

    1. Well thank you very much! Really glad you enjoyed the flash, it was fun writing it. (:

  56. That's two for Nathon Fillion and I'm kicking myself for not thinking of it myself. Firefly is my favorite show and should NOT have been cancelled. Also, the cardboard Ninja puts you as a front runner in this fun contest. Gotta thank Hilary Melton-Butcher of
    For linking me to this post. I think you're in for a prize...
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Aww, thanks Tina! Glad you like the mini ninja he was fun to put together. And Hilary is the best, always so thoughtful!

  57. The little ninja is adorable. Congrats on your win.

  58. This was a great entry to the blogfest. Your piece of artwork is very creative and nice job on the flash fiction.

    Tossing It Out

  59. Fan...bleepin'...tastic!

    What a great job!


  60. Oh, Elise... you had me at Nathan Fillion. <3

    The whole post was shiny! :) Congratulations!

  61. L. Diane: Thank you, I'm just tickled he turned out the way he did. (:

    Lee: I really appreciate that Lee. It was a lot of fun putting this entry together. (:

    Heather: LOL, thank you very much, glad you enjoyed it and thanks for stopping it! (:

    Carrie: Thanks Carrie, gotta love Nathan! :D

  62. Your post is amazing and your Alex Cavanaugh in plywood rocks. Congrats on winning you truly deserve it.

    1. Thank you Sheena! This was fun to put together. Glad you liked it. (:


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