Wednesday 22 January 2014

Over At The Writing Nut!

Come and join Nutschell and I over at The Writing Nut where I'll be rambling on about my workspace for her Wednesday Writer's Workspace interview. Just one thing, anyone know how to dismount a scorpionfly unscathed? 


  1. Oh, I love her Wednesday Workplace interviews. But the Scorpionfly kind of scares me...

  2. what's so bad about a good poker offering you a ride? :))

  3. I love those workspace interviews! And since you know about bugs, I don't think I want to go outside ever again if there are some like that scorpionfly!

  4. Thanks guys for stopping in! LOL at the scorpionfly comments. They are pretty scary looking, good thing they only get to be as big as a microwave. ;)

  5. That scorpion fly is rather frisky

  6. Can't help you on the dismount but I'm headed over to check out The Writing Nut right now.

  7. Off to check it out-----------
    (Thanks for posting my badge on your side bar. I still need to add it to my side bar...LOL)

  8. LOL. You draw these hilarious images, right? So funny....XD

    1. Glad you like the sketches, and yes I do draw them. They can be a lot of fun to do sometimes. (:

  9. Love the doodle!
    FYI: Must crash scorpionfly into a wall before it stings you....oh....sorry. ^_^

  10. Ah your work space is super cute!

    In order to get rid of a scorpionfly you must wave a huge jar of Nutella in its face and then throw it as far as you can. They'll go chasing after it :)

    1. Only one problem...I'd end up chasing after the Nutella too!

  11. WOOT! WOOT! You be a star, young *ahem* lady ;) ... maybe that should have been two *ahem's*?

  12. Hi Elise .. love the scorpionfly - he's got some character .. and boy does he fly distances ...

    Cheers and see you there .. Hilary

  13. Will stop by to say hello at Nutschell.

  14. Ouch, that must have hurt! Already read your interview at the Writing Nut. Nice desk! :D

  15. Hey Elise,

    Minor technicality. However, why is The Writing Nut dressed as a peanut? Everybody knows that a peanut is actually a bean. I asked Nutschell, but didn't get a reply. Anyway, cause I so darned nice n'stuff, I will come over and visit.

    Gary :)


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