Tuesday 13 November 2012

She's Right Behind Me, Isn't She?

Ever put one of your characters in that awkward situation where they're talking trash or making fun about someone and suddenly the person in question is standing right behind them? And isn't it so funny when it happens...to someone else? 

While I was procrastinating on the net doing research for my ms, I came across this clip that compiles a bunch of movie examples of the "(S)he's right behind me..." moments. It's pretty funny but I kept waiting for the scene from Kung Fu Panda where Po is making fun of Master Shifu with the noodle bowls for ears and a string of noodle draped over his nose, know what I'm talking about? That scene totally cracks me up but I couldn't find it online. Anyway, enjoy the clip below, it has a bunch of funny moments.  (:

Do you all have other examples? Written this into your wip? Has this ever happened to you in real life? Oh, if it has please share! :D   


  1. Brilliant clips. Luckily, so far, it hasn't happened to me yet but I always worry that I haven't switched the phone off properly and people can hear us talking about them behind their backs!!

    1. I received a phone call once from a friend of mine who hadn't locked her phone. It must have gotten jostled around in her bag and accidentally called me on a speed dial button. When I answered I could hear her talking but she didn't know the phone had dialed out. Anyway, it sounded like she was in the middle of a heated argument with her boyfriend, lol! I couldn't make out everything they were saying but it still gave me a chuckle and I hung up after about a minute. I never did tell her about it, I'm so bad. :P

  2. Some nice clips.... wish they had shown them a little longer, like the clip from Shrek...it was too short.

    1. Hello Haddock, thanks for stopping in and I agree, some of these scene clips are too short. What makes it funny is seeing the reaction of the actor after they realize their blunder, it's a shame to cut that part so short.

  3. LOL. Enjoyed the clips. Unfortunately, it's happened to me in real life....

    1. Oh, no! I can imagine that can be such an awkward situation to be in from both sides.

  4. Some of those are great moments! Thanks, Elise.

  5. Hi Elise .. great fun clip - as Alex says .. I've yet to see the Bond movie - now I'll remember Dame Judi Dench! Loved it ... zip our mouths.

    Cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      I think Judi Dench is fantastic. She's also the best at playing M, in my opinion. (:

  6. Thanks! Nothing like a quick laugh over a quick lunch!

  7. This is a funny trope and done well in many situations I can think of. I haven't done it yet though. Maybe I should.

  8. I totally jumped on the last clip! LOL

  9. I can't remember using this situation in my writing, but I should. There was one PE teacher I hated at school, he was the main leader on an adventure holiday he went on - I kept bitching about him at the lunch table then discovering he was right behind me... O.o

    1. I think in the right situation this can be really funny. And LOL about your PE teacher! It's funny now that you can look back on it, but I'm sure it must have been one of those facepalm moments at the time.

  10. I've had this happen to me a few times, but I've never put it in my WIPs.

    1. I think most people have had this happen to them in some way.

  11. Those were awesome! I never realized how often it was done in film. I may have to give it a shot in print. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I think it can be really funny under the right situation, especially if there is a good build up. (:

  12. since there's no way in hell you're behind me, i can tell you to your face: they've become cliches, mostly cringe-worthy and not remotely amusing... for the most part [yeah, i know, my humor is like toilet paper stuck under a shoe...]

    like humor, timing is everything... most have served their time :P

    as for the panda thing, since my wee ones are not so much, any more, have not seen it... sadly :(

    1. Ha! You grumpy old wuff! (;

      I like these because it's happened to most people in some shape or form and thus highly relatable. It's also a great facepalm moment that (when delivered properly) makes me chuckle.

      You don't need wee ones to go see Kung Fu Panda. Like the movie How To Train Your Dragon, you can see it at any age. (:

    2. lol... too true :P

      like you say: WHEN DELIVERED PROPERLY!

      which means, like humor, NOT so easy to do :O

      as for animation: yeah, even before graduating in it, i was a huge fan - also of comics - that's what prompted me to attend a school ;)

  13. I LOVE that scene on Panda! Those movies are so cute.

  14. I've used this in my MS before. AND...I actually caught another mom bashing me recently at a school event. The nerve of some people,huh? I was pissed because I've really went out of my way to be friends with this person only to be betrayed in such a childish way. Anyway, I let her know I heard her and in a polite way let her know I didn't appreciate it. Needless to say, I'm not friends with her anymore.

    1. Oh that would have made me sooo mad and at a school funcion too? It sounds like you handled that much more diplomatically than I would have, lol!

  15. Those are funny clips! Fortunately, I've never had an experience like that!

    1. Glad you enjoyed them. And let's hope you'll never have to experience this either. (:

  16. Liked the clips, some funny moments! Interesting post Elise. Hey, I have tagged you on my site. You will need to visit to pick it up!

    1. Aww, thanks Carolyn! I'll be right over.... (:

  17. HaHa! It is funny when it happens to someone else. I'm sure it's happened to me, but it's been so many years that I don't remember. I think there's one in My Big Fat Greek Wedding that's pretty funny. Thanks for the laugh, Elise:)

    1. You know, I've never seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding but I hear it's really funny. I need to check it out. (:

  18. I love the Queen Victoria one - I wonder what she did? It reminds me of pantomimes when I was a kid and we all had to yell, "He's behind you!"

  19. Funny stuff!

    I wonder how many there are from the POV of the person walking up and overhearing being talked about -- I bet there are a lot of those, too. ;^)


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