Thursday 13 September 2012


Here's hoping you all have a big umbrella. 
If you don't, you can borrow mine.
Happy writing and have a great weekend!!!


  1. Hi, Elise,
    I might need to borrow that umbrella as I've been lagging behind on the stuff I need to get done.

    1. Anytime JL! (: You've had quite the tour with the release of Distraction, so I can understand. Which reminds me, I need to get my hands on your book.... does it come in paperback? Never mind, I'll look it up. (:

  2. LOLOLOL!!!! Seriously funny, Elise :)

    Thanks for this! :D

  3. That is so cute, Elise! The blogging community is definitely like one of those umbrellas. Have a great weekend:)

  4. Bahahahaha! How cute and brilliant. Totally sums writing up. Thanks for sharing. :D

  5. I love your cartoons. They are such gems. Bright colors are great :)

  6. don't forget to eat/sleep/relax ;) lol

    could've used your brolly earlier... pouring cats-n-dogs

  7. At the moment we're having terrible weather... non-stop rain for the past few days... your umbrella would have come in quite handy! LOL
    As per usual, the cartoon is great!

    1. Oh no, is it rain season on your end of the world? The weather should be heating up for you at least... Glad you enjoyed the toon. (:


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