Sunday 16 September 2012

Genre Favorites Blogfest

Alex J. Cavanaugh, author of CassaStar and CassaFire (in case you live under a rock and didn't  already know), is hosting the Genre Favorites Blogfest. All you need to do is list your favorite genre in movies, music, and books, plus a guilty pleasure. This was pretty hard for me because it's impossible to chose just one and I know I forgot a few but, here we go...

Favorite genre(s) of:


I mostly enjoy, action adventure / disaster / fantasy / sci fi  (I told you I can't pick just one!)  ̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ 

How To Train Your Dragon <==this is at the top of my list right now. Thank you, DreamWorks.
Avengers (Basically anything with comic book superheros in it.)
Star Wars
The Abyss
Lord of the Rings
The Matrix
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Tiger (and a bunch more, you get the picture...)

I should add the few movies outside these genres that have always been on my favorites list:

Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain 
French Kiss
The King's Speech

However, my all time favorite is My Fair Lady. Don't ask me why, it just is and I can sing along (badly mind you) to all the songs and recite several quotes from the movie:

"Come on, Dover, move yer bloomin' arse!" xD
"Damn, damn, damn, DAMN! I've grown accustomed to her face."
"She's an owl, sickened by a few days of my sunshine."
"Women are irrational, that's all there is to that! Their heads are full of cotton, hay, and rags. They're nothing but exasperating, irritating, vacillating, calculating, agitating, maddening and infuriating hags! "
"I could have danced all night..." <==this is the part where I sing badly...very badly.

Okay, so I'll stop there before this gets out of control. Does this mean my favorite genre is musical comedy? o_O naww.


This is the hardest for me because my preferences go across the board when it comes to music. Currently, I'm into electronic / dubstep but, I also like classic rock, big band, reggae, pop, disco, funk and just the other day my children and I were dancing to Barbra Streisand. LOVE BARBRA.


Favorite genre right now is fantasy/paranormal. I also enjoyed Kohta Hirano's Hellsing menga series (I have a thing for Alucard, what can I say...) As a teenager, my preferences were pretty cut and dry. I ate up King's horror novels and a lot of Edgar Allan Poe. Though now, I tend to shy away from horror in movies and literature.

Guilty Pleasure

My guilty pleasure is actually a genre not listed above.... erotic lit.
Okay yeah, I said it... EROTICA!
It's a guilty pleasure that I unfortunately haven't had much time to indulge in lately. 
Any suggestions? (;


  1. Great choices! I particularly love your music tastes!

  2. Electronic Rocks.... Tiesto is the King and Armin is his Prince :)

    Nice to hear you liked SK... did you read IT?

    Erotica.... oh my... no suggestions here... is that bad?? :)

    1. Yeah Tiesto! Though I'm also a big Skrillex fan, and spend way too much time on (:
      And yes, I remember reading IT years ago (O_O). I'm now freaked out by clowns, balloons, and sewers...

  3. I love How to Train Your Dragon! It's one of the few cartoons I can let my kids watch over and over and not get sick of.

    1. I normally don't watch movies over again, I'm the same with books. However, I've seen How to Train Your Dragon several times and never get bored or sick of it. My favorite part is when Hiccup touches toothless for the first me chills every time I see it.

  4. Your guilty pleasure made me laugh! Excellent choices for movies.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  5. I love how all over the place your favorites are. It was so difficult for me to narrow down too! This was a much harder post than I originally thought. ;)

    1. Hi Kimberly,
      I know, I am a all over the place aren't I! lol!
      But with so many great stories, music and performances I just can't settle on only one genre. And I'm the same way with food. (:

  6. I sing "I Could Have Danced All Night" badly too. I have better luck with "All I Want Is A Room Somewhere" but not much.

  7. I'm with you on the music. I love a wide variety of sounds, beats, voices, etc. :)

    1. Yes! Impossible to pick just one, or two, or three.... (;

  8. Although I said comedies for my fave movie genre, I love all the movies you mentioned. And I love your guilty pleasure. I haven't read Erotica yet, so I guess I'm missing something. I did buy the 50 Shades of Grey series out of pure curiosity, but it's in my huge TBR pile.

    You and my hubby need to hang out, he loves Neil Diamond! Such a fun blogfest today.

    1. Good erotica is good...50 Shades has a lot of mixed opinions btw. I've only read the first one and will pass on the other two because the MCs got on my nerves...
      But *yeah* for action movies!!! (:

  9. I like most of Bab's stuff. I think my problem with Babs is that for a while, she was so good at everything that it just became annoying with her winning oscars and tonys and being the queen of music, etc. And sometimes, I think she oversings things a bit. And Audrey Hepburn has played many memorable characters. She was so elegant (I love her long neck). To this day, she and Vivien Leigh are among the women that I count as the most beautiful to have ever lived. I think (for my personal taste) Vivien Leigh outshines her just a little bit more but didn't have nearly the personality that Audrey had. Oy, I would have liked to have met her.

    1. Have you ever seen the duet of Barb and Burt Bacharach? It's one of my favorites. Watch her and once you get past the diva attitude, you can truly see a woman deeply in love with this man. She practically devours him with her eyes. Who wouldn't want someone to look at them the way she looked at Burt. She was so sexy and of course, the voice.... *sigh*

      But I disagree with you about Vivien. The epitome of grace, beauty and charm in my book will always be Audrey, Vivien is a distant second imo. How unfortunate today's standards pale in comparison...

  10. Ah good old dubstep. The twisted offspring of dub and drum & bass. You gotta love those basslines.

  11. I LOVE How to Train Your Dragon! He's soo cute. Made me want one :)

    1. Oh me too! I love the way they gave toothless feline movements and floppy-eared dog facial expressions. (:

  12. LOLOLOL!!!! I'm LAUGHING at your Guilty Pleasure! Shout it to the world!

    And I LOVE My Fair Lady! You look like an Eliza Doolittle! (Very Audrey Hepburn-esque!)

    1. Can you picture me shouting from a mountain top, chest pounding and all? Haha! And yes, love My Fair Lady. And maybe if Audrey had a fugly, shorter, rounder, bigger boobed step-sister...then yeah, I look just like her...the step-sister that is! :P

  13. Oh, I agree with Morgan. Great genre favs. It was hard to narrow it down. Your guilty pleasure is mine too. I didn't have the guts to say it though. Good for you.:)

    1. LOL Jessica! Well, I figured everyone already had their doubts about my nuttiness, and if they didn't well, I just erased all doubt. (:

  14. How to Train Your Dragon was so good. And Erotica? It's been a while so no recs there:) I forgot to list Casablanca as one of my favs - I recently ran the whole board under the Casablanca category on Jeopardy:) "Here's looking at you, kid."

    1. All this talk about How to Train Your Dragon makes me want to watch it tonight instead of revising...... And here's looking at you too. (^_^)

  15. Interesting and exotic choices. I love 'How to Train Your Dragon'.

    1. LOL, thanks. A lot of people love How to Train Your Dragon, it was a great movie.

  16. Great choices. I enjoyed the Matrix, too!

  17. you are my new favorite.. and your list is top notch, crouching tiger... have you seen the red cliff or hero?

    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine

    1. Hey Jeremy, thanks for the comment. Nice to talk to another action martial arts fan. I did see Hero a while ago and Jet Li and what's her name.. the actress in CTHD and Memoirs of a Geisha...I always forget... anyway, they are awesome. However I haven't seen Red Cliff but it looks like something I'd be into. (=

  18. I haven't seen My Fair Lady in so long! Or Crouching Tiger, Hidden Tiger. I really should rewatch them.

    Great favorites!

    I'm a new follower. :)

    1. I used to watch My Fair Lady with my Dad a long time ago... all this talk about these movies makes me want to re watch them too. And thanks for the follow, I'm following you too. (:

  19. My son loves dubstep! I'd never heard of it, but it's growing on me.

    1. Hi Jenn! Dubstep is not everyone's cup of tea, but give it time and it will grow on ya. (:

  20. LOL! In my head, I started breaking out in song to "I could Have Danced All Night" And I love all your choices for movies. I was a big King fan in my teen years, too -- isn't everyone?

    And I see no shame at all to your guilty pleasure. Eroica is the familiar name for Beethoven's Third Symphony, and it is one of the best, so why feel guilty about it?

    Oh, wait... ;^)

    1. That is such an addictive song! And yes, I think just about everyone was a King fan, hard not to be. And thank you my friend, Beethoven's Third Symphony is now my favorite. (;

  21. Funny you should mention Alucard and Erotica in the same post - he inspired me to write my one and only truly naughty fanfiction. It's just a shortie and called "Making Love to Alucard" over at if you're ever in the mood, heehee.

    1. Haha! Awesome. Thanks for stopping by Nicki, I'll definitely check it out. Alucard and erotica do go nicely together.......... (;

  22. I bet many other bloggers have erotica as their guilty pleasure too, but don' dare to mention it, so go you for saying it! I loved how your favorites in genre were so completely different from mine, really want to watch my fair lady again though!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Sylvia. It's been great reading everyone's varying posts and has made me think about a lot of titles outside the genres I normally gravitate to. Have a good one! (:

  23. I LOVE Barbara Streisand!
    Her voice is haunting and distinct! She's a classy act... definitely one-of-a-kind!

    Ah, I love the music from the musicals... like Mary Poppins, Sound Of Music, Oliver, Fiddler On The Roof, Annie... and a hundred others.

    1. No one can top Barbara's voice. She was/is one in a million million. (:

  24. LOL. Erotica. Too funny. I'm right there with you, hence the men in kilts thing. Since 50 Shades, they're now calling it Mommy Porn. Twenty years ago it was called trashy romance novels. LOL. When will they ever learn?

    1. Mommy porn, how embarrassing... Trashy novels or even smut books sounds classier.... :P I skimmed through 50 Shades...wasn't all that impressed and the writing/characterization never convinced me to read it front to back.

  25. Hey, I love Erotica too! Good stuff!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Jaycee.
      High 5s for Erotica!!

  26. I think I have all of DJ Tiesto's stuff unless he has put something out in the last 3-4 months. Good stuff.

    As far as erotica, please don't tell me 50 Shades is considered that. lol

    We share an affinity for music genres, that's for certain.

    Finally, as far as "My Fair Lady," I occasioned to see that live in San Diego a number of years ago. I enjoyed it as it was during a warm evening (I was the only person who smuggled a 6-pack of Bud in lol). I had a great time and have liked the genre since.


    1. Hey Jeremy, I'm glad you commented. I've been meaning to let you know I've tried on a few occasions to leave comments on your blog but for some reason they never show up. The last time I tried was on your post about your comments in Suspense Mag (which I thought was awesome btw). I've come to the conclusion that your blog hates me because everyone else seems able to leave comments without any problems. So let me know if there's a secret hand shake or password for submitting comments on your site. (:

  27. I love superheroes. And the movie makers certainly know that a ton of other people do too, because there are so many of those movies coming out.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

    1. Hi Allison, thanks for the comment. I'm a big fan of superheros too and can't wait for the new Superman film to come out! (:

  28. Erotica? You naughty minx. ;-o

    Love the Star Wars trilogy (4-6) and The Abyss takes me back a ways.

    Nice to meet you on the blogfest!

    1. Hey Jennifer!
      Star Wars 4-6 were by far the best!
      Great to meet you too. (:

  29. I loved horror as a teen, but never read Edgar Allan Poe. My father gave me a book of Edgar's stories once. I never read them.

    The last erotica book I read (I don't read a lot of them) was Crash Into Me by Roni Loren.

    1. If you have time, read a bit of Edgar Allen Poe. He wrote a lot of short stories and they're a quick read. I'd suggest the Pit and the Pendulum and my fav, The Tell-Tale Heart. Haven't read Crash...but I'll check it out! (;

  30. Hi Elise - there's so many and everytime I read another blog I think about other films, pieces of music, books I read ... I do hate horror; love historical books, rich music, films can be lighter or educative ... a right mix am I!! Cheers Hilary

    1. I feel the same way too and these posts have reminded me of many titles I've forgotten over the years. Thanks for stopping in. (:

  31. Lots of good movie choices there Elise. I loved the Matrix movies too! And, oh I just don't believe how naughty you are!lol It is refreshing to hear such honesty!

    1. :D Thanks Carolyn. I just have to be careful not to be too honest, it could get me into trouble... (;

  32. Excellent choices here! Love HTTYD and LOTR! Oh, and Star Wars for sure!

    1. Sounds like you and I would be great movie dates! (:

  33. Ooo. The Abyss. I'd forgotten about that one. It's one of only a few movies I've watched more than once.

    Great post! :D

    1. I remember seeing the Aybss in theaters with my mom and we both loved it.

  34. coolios, all round :)

    from the spec/fic movies pile: alien [the first one]

    music: i'm all over the map, so long's it's MUSIC

    books: many, beginning with horror

    guilty pleasure: sensual dessert recipes :P

    1. btw - quit spelling her name wrong! :P lol

    2. *facepalm*

      Oui Monsieur! Tout de suite! merci.....


  35. I like so many different genres I couldn't choose a specific one either - I'm glad you like horror, though.

    1. Hi Susan! I used to enjoy horror as a teenager, but I've shied away from it as I've gotten older. But don't get me wrong, I don't mind a little gore... but zombies and alike...not so much. Though I'll always love Poe. (:

  36. If I had to choose one it would be mystery/suspense/thriller, but I can't pick one because I love all genres in film and novels. I enjoyed reading your choices.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Melissa. I agree it is difficult to pick just one, a lot of times my choices are dependent on my current mood. For example there are days I want to see the world blow up and others when I need a little romance and sappy dialogue. (:

  37. I love How to Train Your Dragon! That's an awesome movie. Great picks!

  38. Hey Elise. I'm a little late to the game on this one, but I'm going to get involved. Maybe this weekend I will have time to post about it. Cheers for stopping by to check out the new look blog! Also, How to train your Dragon = Brilliant, but Barbara Streisand? This rock and roll train doesn't stop there... ;)


  39. Hi, Elise. I'm still working my way through this huge list. Next time I think I'll take the week off!
    Very cool list. I have some tastes that are across the board as well. I loved your Barbra, King and classic rock shout outs. Loved The King's Speech! I was so pleased when it won Oscar.
    Thanks for sharing.


    1. You are a brave man working through the list, it is HUGE. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your blog address, many people forget to do that. And yes, the King's Speech was brilliant!

  40. I'm still a pretty huge Poe fan. And hey, dig your blog's new look!
    Some Dark Romantic

  41. Love King and Poe! I have been reading less horror than I used to, though, and switched a bit more to Urban Fantasy, which has horror elements. Not sure why that happened.

    My Genre Favorites & Guilty Pleasures


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