Wednesday, 1 April 2015

I Spy: B

Welcome to the I Spy...from A-Z game!

Day two of the I Spy game! Remember, have fun with this and try to go beyond the obvious. I'm not limiting this to just the names of things, so go ahead and stretch the imagination a bit. If an image  I post evokes a feeling, or mood that leads you to something else and that word happens to start with the letter for that day, then let me know in the comments. 

Also, if you speak another language and find a word that fits for that day, you can use it too! Just make sure to add the translation for the rest of us. (Thanks for the idea Jo. :) )

So now, without further ado.....

I spy with my little eye things that begin with the letter... 


Picture taken with permission

Thank you all for playing along. 

Happy A - Zing! :)


My A answers:

Alcohol, Abstain, Avenger, Action figures, Angry, Accident, Aspirin, Acetylsalicylic acid, Aboriginal, Art, Acrylic, Apple


  1. I spy lunch!
    The first two are really cool. You got up close to that flame.

  2. I-Spy for the whole of April? Crazy gal... but clever. So verrry clever *shudders*. ;) Good luck for the month ahead, mon cherrie.

  3. Hi Elise - these are fun .. the 2nd one I thought was beam for moon beam .. but seeing Alex' comment I'm not so sure! But just wish I loved bread a little less .. looks an amazing selection .. Flutterbyes are good too!! cheers Hilary

  4. Butterflies, burning, and banned. :)

  5. B= bakery, bread, beard, baste and possibly bride? I like sharpening my observation skills early in the morning. Glad I stopped by from the A to Z Challenge.

  6. B= bakery, bread, beard, baste and possibly bride? I like sharpening my observation skills early in the morning. Glad I stopped by from the A to Z Challenge.

  7. Bulb, bread, beard, butterflies, buns

  8. Butterflies, beams and buns.

  9. I was thinking butterflies, burning, and buns. And now I'm kind of hungry...

  10. I spy butterflies, a blue beard, baguettes.

  11. I spy you and me and a bakery and yumminess!!!

  12. The wick reminds me of a wine.. a Bourgandy... or if it's a new wick... a Beaujolais Nausea :)

  13. I spied things before the yummy bread, but I can't remember what they were ;)

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J'écris, donc je suis (: