Monday, 23 March 2015

I Spy The A-Z Challenge 2015 Theme Reveal!

I can't believe I'm doing this...again... but here it is:

A-Z Challenge Theme Reveal

My theme for the A-Z challenge this year is:

I Spy.... From A-Z

First off, I'm totally nuts for doing this again, time is not on my side or on my hands, PLUS, I'll be on vacation for half of it.... why do I do this to myself?! *don't answer that just pass the wine*

Anyway, each day I'll post pictures and let you identify words that you see beginning with the letter for that day, just like the game: "I spy with my little eye things that begin with the letter..." Then, I'll post my answers on the following day at the bottom of the post. Some of my posts will be super easy, while others may be a bit more challenging as I'm not limiting this game to just the names of things. Which means, if an image evokes a feeling, or mood that leads you to something else, that reminds you of yet another word, and that word happens to start with the letter for that day, then let me know in the comments! The main thing here is to have fun, and at the same time stretch the imagination and flex our vocabulary muscles a bit. 

So like I mentioned, I'll be out of town for 2 weeks during April. Hopefully, I'll have my posts pre-scheduled and working properly, but sorry in advance if I don't get around to everyone's blog during that time. Okay so I guess that's it for now, I better get cracking on snapping pictures and writing my damn posts! 

See you all soon! :D 



  1. Love the sound of your theme and, yes, you ARE nuts. But in a good kind of way. Best of luck and I'm looking forward to seeing your theme in action.

  2. It will be a game! I like it.
    And welcome to the nut house. Have a seat.

    1. Can I pick out the color of my straitjacket?

  3. That sounds like fun! You can do it, don't worry. :)

  4. So you are going to make me do work while you go on vacation? How rude is that lol

  5. Hi Elise .. I'm happy to send over some wine, so you need to go travelling!!! But it's a great idea - perhaps I should do that with my Cornish aspects?!

    Cheers and looking forward to your posts - have a great holiday ... just don't stress too much - Hilary

    1. Thanks for the wine, Hilary. I'll try not to stress but... stressing out is like breathing for me, lol.

  6. Sounds like a fun way to play with the challenge. :-) I do not know if I can keep up the pace myself this year as I will preparing to a presentation on how to write Sci Fi anf Fantasy at a local SCIENCE FICTION convention. I will wish us both luck and stamina!!

    1. Oh how I'd love to go to a science fiction convention about writing sci fi!!! And you're presenting!! I'm so jealous right now. :) Hope you have a wonderful time--Enjoy it!!!

  7. You know, if you made it into a daily iPhone app you'd make millions.


  8. This is a clever theme, especially since you will be on vacation for half of the challenge. I love I spy and I can't wait to look for the objects in your photos. Have a great vacation. Time is never on our side. So, I've passed you the wine. Just remember to pass it back.

    1. Thanks, Melissa! *passes back the bottle* ;-)

  9. If any of the shots are closeups, I'll have a lot of fun guessing.

    1. It's looking like it'll be a mix of close and far, but I'm no where near finished yet!

  10. This might be the coolest theme I've come across yet. Can't wait!

    1. Thanks JE! *wipes forehead, bites fingernails, pressure's on!*

  11. Ooh, I can't wait! This looks like fun! I'm going to miss doing a-z this year as I will also be on vaca for two weeks. Pre-scheduling is definitely the way to go.

  12. I haven't started writing mine either. We should split a bottle of wine and commiserate.

    1. I think we're going to need a bottle each. :D

  13. I like this. It will be a CHALLENGE! :-)

    1. Yep, and the biggest challenge for me is right now, getting these suckers together!! :D

  14. Sounds like fun. French or English?

    1. I think most people who read this blog would prefer English, but why not throw in some French?! Keep people guessing. I like your idea! :)

  15. Ooh, how fun! But really, all the best people are crazy. ^_^

  16. YAY!
    Looking forward to your theme!
    See you around on the A to Z circuit!

    1. See you too, Michelle! Oh, I mean...I'll spy you! ;)

  17. I think being NUTS is underrated. More people should try it. Don't you think? :)

  18. That sounds like it'll be really fun!

  19. I haven't played I Spy since my kids were little. Sounds like fun.

    1. My kids and I play all the time, usually in the car. :)

  20. Sounds like fun! One of my stepkids used to have us guess things which were "in her imagination", which was pretty hard. But this time, we get to do that!

    1. Hey Nick! Thanks for stopping by. I have a feeling the comments are going to be the best thing about this game. :)


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