Wednesday, 4 February 2015

IWSG: Writer's Rebel Creed and the 100-Day Project


This is the year I want to reconnect with the love I had for writing. But not only that. I want to take a few leaps forward to improve my craft in order to get the hell out of this sinking ship of mediocrity. I want to start making progress. Progress. That's the goal I want for myself this year. I want (crave) progress. 

This is where I'd like to highlight SA Larsen's Writer's Rebel Creed. The WRC is a way to encourage writers, improve their craft, encourage accountability, and help each other stay focused with respect to writing. I'm going to do my best with the pledge, but there are certain things I know I'll struggle with. *cough-accepting flaws, *cough cough-trust gut. Ahem.

Anyway, if you don't know SA Larsen, you should definitely check out her blog, she writes YA and MG. She's involved in the writing community, is frendly, and a great supporter of writers and the craft in general. And, she doesn't bite. That's always a plus in my book. :) 

What could you do with 100 days of making?
The other project I wanted to highlight is something I came across on FB (thank you Sam!).  Over at The Great Discontent, you can join  Elle Luna: 100-Day Project. It's basically choosing an action (writing, painting, dancing, taking pictures...etc) and repeating it over the course of 100 days (April 6th - July 14th). It's about showing up for 100 days, being disciplined, going through the process, and being creative. I know it overlaps with A-Z and a lot of you folks are doing that, but if you're looking for something a little different, then this is definitely something to check out.

I wish everyone a great year of writing. For me, it starts TODAY! 


Thank you, as always Alex Cavanaugh for another great bloghop, as well as to your awesome team of co-hosts this month. To find out more about the IWSG monthly bloghop, or theIWSG website, click the links!


  1. Hi Elise! I FEEL your post. I really do. As someone who is just now reconnecting with writing, I know what you're going through and share in your positive energy. I'll be rooting for you, lady!

  2. The hundred day project sounds interesting. Like forcing you to practice something new.
    Rise above, Elise!

  3. Whoo hoo - go, Elise! :)

    I might check out that 100 Day Project. It might be the jump start I need to get my artistic side going again.

  4. Hundred days project sounds soooooo tempting. Was it a 100 days for an activity to turn into an habit? Even if it overlaps with the A to Z, I think there might be a way to make it work for both events. Pondering....
    My writing and I, we need to reconnect again too.

  5. Now that's a resolution! You go, girl! :D

    IWSG #143 until Alex culls the list again.

  6. That 100 day project sounds really cool. Nice post! Good luck with your goals, they sound great :)

  7. Hurray! I'm huge about always progressing - always moving forward- so this post speaks to my heart. Thanks for sharing the info! I will be cheering on the other side of the world for you! You're a champion!

  8. Well I post every day, so I think I got the 100 days covered haha

  9. I'd like some progress, too. I kinda floundered with my WIP last year.

  10. are so sweet to plug our humble group! Our members are all amazingly talented writers. So blessed to know them all. I <3 the 100 days idea... Going to check it out now!

  11. Interesting post. Setting goals is a goal in itself for many.

  12. Those are some great promises to make to oneself.

  13. Good luck improving your craft! Every word is a step closer, right?

  14. Good luck with your goals. I hope all your dreams come true!!

  15. Good luck with your goals. Will check out the 100 day project.

  16. I like the writing rebel creed. That's awesome. And did you just say "improve my craft in order to get the hell out of this sinking ship of mediocrity." What? WHAT? WHAT? *cue in Cher from Moonstuck when she slaps Nicholas Cage.* "Snap out of it!" There's nothing mediocre about you! Ever!

    Whew! I feel better now that I got that off my chest. XXXOOO

  17. I was considering writing an IWSG post on this topic of finding my love of writing again. I feel I've been doing that, finally, after years of just robot writing because that's what I'm supposed to be doing. I now write, for the time being, for experience and just for myself and I'm totally LOVING IT again! Someday, I'll have to go back to writing with publication in mind, but today I'm just rediscovering how to love it again by writing a little everyday pour moi. It's great!

  18. I don't know what your weaknesses as a writer are, but I assume you do. Wanting to improve is great, but being more specific is better. "I will improve my description by rewriting a descriptive paragraph five times, looking for ways to be more detailed in what I'm describing, always looking for originality, before moving on" is more exact and something you can benefit from more quickly. You might tackle a different weakness each day for a week, then start over the next week. Anyway, good luck, Elise.

  19. Richard is right: being specific gives you an idea of how to improve. So many books out there are cotton candy. You can consume just so much of them before feeling like you need more substance.

    You have resolve which is the most important key to improvement. Practice paragraphs in the area of your perceived need for improvement. I know you can do this.

    Sally Troll emailed me the other day saying, "I'm not smart enough for your books. I don't read to think about my life. I want to have fun."

    We can't think and have fun? That doesn't seem right somehow! :-) As always, a "fun" post.

  20. Hi, Elise! It sounds as if the Writers Rebel Creed and 100 Day Project will work well together. Best of luck to you!

  21. Very cool! And you know what, you can do this. But first, and I say this from experience, stop pressuring yourself to write. Pressure is bad. It will happen. I promise it will happen. *waves pompoms in your honor* :)

  22. I love the 2015 Writer's Creed! Thanks for dropping by my blog on Blitz Day!

  23. If anyone can reconnect with their love of writing, it's you.

  24. Hey Elise!
    I love the renewed attitude! Go girl!
    Have fun with your 100-day project - it's a great opportunity to explore & unearth some latent creativity!
    I'm sure you'll post some pics for us to see your progress.


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