Wednesday, 5 November 2014

NaNo: Day 5 and IWSG

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)


Insecure Writer Support Group (IWSG)


Daily Word Count: not sure, I'm still writing....
Total Word Count: close to 7,000
Words remaining: ~ 43,000 

My insecurity for the day is right up there, ^^^ word count.  

I'm also worried about something else. My outline. I spent weeks putting it together prior to the challenge, and though I hate outlining, I did it anyway because I wanted to be prepared. So, day 1 of the challenge rolls around and I have a rough outline, and a fairly good idea where I want my story to go. This is comforting. HOWEVER, five days later and I'm careening the plot into a different direction. *sets outline on fire*


I wrote the outline to help me stay on track and now the story is off the rails! 



Thanks to Alex and his team of awesome co-hosts this month. Hope everyone is doing a lot better than I am on their writing projects. :)


  1. Either keep going in this new direction or pick up the old thread and keep going with that. But whatever you do, don't delete any words! :o

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

  2. If it's off in a new direction, you just have to go with it. My third book took a turn in the final third that I wasn't expecting. I'm glad I let it go though, as the story was stronger and introduced a great secondary character.

  3. LOL! And that's why I only LOOSELY outline. I'll build a solid beginning and ending, about 5 to 10 plot points or twists in between, and get very familiar with my characters before starting, but much more than that and I'm about like you--totally derailed. I guess that's one of the aspects of writing, learning how to plot, and how to do it in a way that works for you because everyone works differently. =)

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

  4. Doh! <> I wouldn't sweat it. Look at your list as more of a guideline than and outline.

    Some people outline like they're being graded for it. Good for them, seriously. If you have everything so flushed out that you can created a detailed outline tree with sub headings and side notes, that's awesome.

    Unfortunately, that's not me. :-1 My outlines are written on a single page, in a very small notebook, and usually consists of 8-10 bullets. Those bullets stay, no matter what, and everything else is made up as I go along. Too much outlining doesn't work for me.

  5. I must admit I'm an outliner. I need the outline to remind myself what comes next and to see what problems are within the plot before I write. But for others, outlines aren't so handy. And that's fine. Veer away! Have fun writing! That's the thing about NaNo. It's more about the journey and writing.

  6. Apparently your characters are blazing a different path, preferably a better one than outlined! Good luck!

  7. I'm an outliner, but more often than not, my characters do surprise me and take the plot in different directions. Even if you don't stick to the outline, it can be really helpful to have one as a safety net anyway. Good luck! :)

  8. If you like where it's going, stay with it. If you don't, well, maybe you should stay with it anyway. Your subconscious knows what it's doing.

  9. That happens with the outline. Just gotta let it go. Good luck with everything. You can do it!

  10. You'll do it! I don't outline so much as timeline, but I frequently rewrite it because something HAS to happen that turns the whole other thing to snuff. Just keep swimming!

  11. lmao that is why I say screw the outline as the story will go where it wants to go

  12. Blame the voices in your head for derailing your process *happens all the damn time*. Hang in there and let me know when to send the wine *scientifically proven to boost word count*

    Of Mist And Magic

  13. I outline most of the time, but if things need to change, it's usually for the better. Sometimes you'll only lose a few chapters, so you might not have to throw it all out, but I've gotten hung up before trying to stick to my outline and ended up just pantsing it for the rest of the story and it worked great. I just outlined a couple of chapters ahead and wrote that way until I felt like I could finish it. You got this. ;)

  14. I always do that with my outlines. I have faith in you to find the way through to victory.

  15. Elise! Get a grip girl! Put down the tea cosy and walk away from the keyboard. A couple of laps round the garden, deep breathing and clear the mind. Then return... minus the tea cosy, of course.

  16. Thanks everyone for your positive comments. Sending you all happy and possitive vibes your way. :)

  17. Do we serve The Story or does The Story serve us? Who the heck knows? Girl, go crazy! Just go! NaNo is like the wild, wild west of writing, right? Right! So surrender to the madness...I find life's more enjoyable when I do. :-)

  18. You don't need an outline. Listen to the story. You can do this. You're an awesome writer.

  19. Sounds like you are off to a great start. Don't worry about straying away from your outline. Just keep writing!

  20. What's even more frustrating for me is that I'll totally follow the outline, but then see that, in reality, it only looked good in my outline and is terrible as written fiction. *facepalm* I don't even know how to prevent that from happening!!

  21. Hi Elise - isn't that the way .. the story takes over ----- plod on - you'll be fine ... love the red hat .. cheers Hilary

  22. The question to ask yourself is: Is the new direction really much better, or are you being stubborn about sticking to the plan? Decide which it is, quickly revise your outline if needed, and then write! :)

  23. I'm a career pantser. Good luck getting back on track Elise.


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