Sunday, 16 November 2014

NaNo: Day 16

National Novel Writing Month

Daily Word Count: 1, 040
Total Word Count: 16,093
Words Remaining: 33,907

Averaging 1000 words a day.
I think I can drink to that. ;)

Comet, who is always by my side when I write.

Galaxy, who'd rather I feed her than take her pic. 
One thousand more down today. Looks like that's going to be my average this month if I'm lucky. Hopefully, I'll be able to maintain this speed for the rest of November.  

Luckily, I've got my two fuzzy writing buddies that keep a watchful eye on me every day. 


  1. A thousand a day is still great! Go have a glass of wine and enjoy.

  2. Nothing wrong with 1000, yes, food beats flashy box lol

  3. gorgeous calicos. Keep writing. :)

  4. 1,000 words is well worth drinking to.

  5. Cats!! ^_^
    Totally! 1k a day is 30k at the end of the month! Yeah!

  6. Hi Elise .. looks like a bottle opener?! Not something to hit those typing keys with .. glad the cats cool you down ... cheers and good luck this week - Hilary

  7. Elise, Good Luck with NaNo! My cat likes to drive me crazy and lay over my wrists while I try to write!

  8. You are flying. And in such cute company.

  9. Go, Elise! You can do it!

    I won't join you in NaNo, but you can pop a top for me. :P

  10. Comet looks very encouraging. Galaxy looks like she does not want to be disturbed. Awesome job on the writing. I'm not doing nearly as well.

    Popped over from Alex's.

  11. Awh look at the cats all being studious and writerly.

  12. I'm sure Comet is wondering why you're bothering with NaNo when you could be scratching a cat. Clearly that is more important.

  13. Your cats are so CUTE!! That's excellent progress on your NaNo. Keep it up! :)

  14. Congratulations on your 1,000 word average!!! Your Galaxy has the same mindset as my Minnie Mittens.

  15. Your cats look so content and peaceful. I have to write in the bathroom, because my dogs (not so much the lab, but the Beagle/Jack Russell mix), goes absolutely nuts. She whines and cries and moans while swiping her paws at my keyboard. When she was a puppy she chewed the letters off my keyboard.

    Congrats on your Nano word count and commitment to finishing.


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