Friday, 19 September 2014

Finally, The First Family Robot is Here: Question Is, Would You Buy One?

From R2D2 to Rosie the robot in the Jetsons, family robots and science fiction go hand in hand. And though it may seem like we're years away from this kind of technology, think again. JIBO may very well be the first family robot to be put on the market as early as next year for around $600. JIBO can see, hear, and speak, but it also has artificial Intelligence capabilities that allow it to learn your preferences, and adapt to your lifestyle. It's a platform, can send and receive messages, and act like a personal assistant. But I'll let the video explain the rest. 

I saw this clip on fb, (thanks Wuff!) and had to share. 
So what do you think?

Now the question is, would you buy one? 

I'm honestly on the fence about this. On the one hand he looks kinda cute, and could be useful for reminders, taking/sending messages, making calls, etc. But on the other hand, there's something that disturbs me about the little puntable guy. He looks cute but in a I'm-gonna-burn-your-house-down-and-giggle kinda way. Not to mention the idea that hackers and spy agencies could very well access to your bot and gain all kinds of personal information from it. 

And can you just imagine if cute little JIBO turns around and says "I'm sorry, Dave, I can't do that." Yep, I'd freak and possibly toss the little bugger out the window. So I think I'll just wait and see how this plays out for now. :)


So what about you? Would you buy JIBO for your home? 


  1. I just read a book, Robot Uprisings, where the innocent looking home robots, even our microwaves, laptops etc have a plan to take over from the humans in one fell swoop. They interconnect without our knowledge. I reviewed the book as it was written by a variety of authors. Almost every story in the collection made me have second thoughts about owning one. . .
    What we don't know could hurt us. Have you ever heard of robot jihads?

    1. No I haven't heard of the robot jihads but it sounds scary. I'll have to google it and see what comes up. Robot Uprisings sounds like one heck of a book, interesting how the future of robotics is so dark....

  2. If it adepts to my lifestyle, what good would it be? It will just be one more man sitting on the couch, arguing over the remote, and whining there's no good food in the house.

  3. Laughing at Elizabeth's comment.

    I would not buy one. I really do think it would be a burn-down-your-house-and-giggle-while-doing-it situation, and I just don't have time for that...

  4. Now I would buy one in a shot if I could afford it. I have been waiting for Jibo for many years. The one I really want is one as written about by Isaac Asimov who can do the housework, design and make clothes, do interior design, dress my hair, etc. etc. Wonderful. It's no wonder the woman in the story fell in love with it.

    1. Ha! I'd fall in love with one that did the house work too! :D

  5. Ahhh no. There is always the hacking and the "I'm gonna burn your house down he he he" aspect. But then there is the other aspect, point? If you can't flip on a light switch, pick up a phone and order take out, check your phone for messages, etc. you must be really hard up on time or extremely lazy.

  6. I'm all for technology, but Jibo is creepy as hell. I definitely ONLY see the burn your house down and giggle side of the little monster.

    1. LOL! I've been trying to figure out in what way JIBO could be less creepy. I think robots, no matter what they look like, are going to have a certain degree of creepiness to them that will never go away, at least not in this lifetime.

  7. What I mostly don't like is that this little guy could easily get hacked into and could even be used as a spying device. Everything else seems alright--like something you could get used to after a while.

  8. I'd buy one of the developer versions so that I can make the apps. :)

    1. I wonder what would happen if you switched it recognize that it was in the wrong house? Being able to create the apps would be very cool!

  9. If it worked as well as the one in the vid I'm sure it would be awesome, but selling it on the basis of how they think it will/might turn out isn't really very convincing. Also, I'd like one with hands.


  10. The first time he turned and videoed someone walking in the room naked, that'd be it. LOL

  11. It's a little scary for sure, but I think that's what progress does. Scares people. Right? Apple will probably buy them and then he'll be come iJibo. LOL.


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