Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Lockmeupology - Look it fits! (kinda sorta)


  1. Hi Elise .. wonderful illustrations - they really are so good .. I hope you'll use the somewhere along the line ... Spring is here or nearly ... time for some new thoughts and changes .. go for it - cheers Hilary

  2. I've seen photos of you. You are thin regardless of what clothes you fit into.

  3. Ha! Sigh, so depressing.

    But I agree with Alex. You're rocking.

  4. LOL
    I got rid of those as soon as I'd caught my limit.

    Love the drawings. :)

  5. lol well at least something works, don't have to buy new clothes or join a nudist colony

  6. I actually can wear clothes from a while back having been on a diet. Trouble is I have smaller tops but no smaller sized pants and I don't want to buy any yet. Love your drawings.

  7. LOL!!! As one of my favorite memes says, I can still wear the same ear rings I did in high school.

  8. Hahaa...I'm with Elizabeth. But seriously I started getting myself together yesterday since I fit into nothing...

  9. Of course they count! Like thinking about writing counts as working on your WIP, and every time you go from the couch to the frige and back counts as exercise. Duh. ;)

  10. Ha, I love those pics. I just keep saying that the washer and dryer shrinks the clothes. That's obviously it, right?

  11. Good thing baggy clothes were the fashion when i was younger. Now it all fits perfectly.

    Moody Writing

  12. Good thing baggy clothes were the fashion when i was younger. Now it all fits perfectly.

    Moody Writing

  13. Hey Elise,

    You always look fabulous! :) Guess we'd better keep it a secret about me enjoying wearing maternity clothes....

    Great post! Thanks for sharing!

    Gary :)

  14. LOL. You should be a comic strip artist! :D

  15. That's the best feeling!! And your drawings are adorable!!

  16. LOL! That was awesome. You know, my first kid stretched my rib cage by 3 inches, so I actually had to give away all my old clothes. Nothing fit anymore. =(

  17. Too cute! :D

    Love your cartoons, Elise!

  18. I'd fit in maternity clothes too :)

  19. This was hilarious. Thanks for doing it El.

  20. There's always one that spoils the joy, isn't there?

  21. That reminded me of a joke. The wife walks out of the bathroom and stands all proud in front of her husband. "Look", she says, "you gave me this when we were dating and it still fits me." Husband looks up from his newspaper and says, "I don't think scarfs work as reference." ;) I think you're pretty, by the way.

  22. I wish I could fit in my clothes I wore three years ago. I got to get a hold of my weight issues. Sigh.

  23. Elise, I think you're slim! Don't rely on self-perception...


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