Wednesday, 5 February 2014

IWSG and Beyond...

Today is special, not only because it's IWSG but also because I get to help reveal the cover of Beyond the Binding. 

Last December, I took part in Composers for Relief, a project that is helping to raise money to support disaster relief efforts in the Philippines. The project has pooled together talented individuals from all over the world to create a music album and its companion ebook, Beyond the Binding. 


Cover by Jennifer Redsteak Grey

Embark on an exciting journey “Beyond the Binding” of the imagination with 29 authors from across the globe, in a groundbreaking collaboration where music meets fiction. Surrender to soaring compositions as they surge through the veins of every story, capturing the triumphant pulse of the notes in heart pounding sci fi, enchanting fantasy and gripping slices of realism. 

All proceeds of the Composers for Relief album and Companion Collection ebook will go to Gawad Kalinga (“give care”) and GVSP (Gualandi Volunteer Service Programme), to support the relief efforts for victims of the deadliest natural disaster in Philippines’ history, Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan). 

Ebook available from Amazon, Amazon UK, iTunes, B&N, Kobo, Sony, Diesel & Smashwords.

Composers for Relief album available on ITunesAmazonCDBaby & Spotify


The idea was to pair inspirational music tracks with short stories written under the theme of 'hope.' It's a beautiful project, organized in part by the amazing Samantha Redstreake Geary, and you can read more about it HERE. And though this book is for a great cause, it's also the source of my insecurity at the moment. The reason being is I'm one of the writers who submitted a story for the ebook. 


So it's obvious what my insecurities are. On the one hand, I'm proud to be a part of such a wonderful collaboration. The cover is fantastic, the album sublime, the stories inspiring, and I hope it's a great success. But... BUT, now my work is 'out there' and I can't take it back. It's intimidating being surrounded by so much talent knowing my entry, When Paper and Fire Fall in Love is not perfect. And now, I'm out of time. I can't continue editing. I can't tinker with it any longer. Heck, I can't even hide behind a different pen's simply out of my hands and belongs to the readers now, and that my friend is just a big bag of scary for me. It also leaves me wondering if I feel like this over a 1000 word short story, then how the heck will I ever be able to publish a 400 page novel? 

So, I'm going to suspend my insecurities for a moment and shove them in the padded room in my mind. This project is for a great cause, and I truly hope you will check out this book and album. I know I'm looking forward to purchasing my copy of both, especially the book when it comes out in physical print (I still don't own an ebook-- I know, I know, I le suck).


Thank you all for stopping by today, and many thanks to our IWSG host Alex Cavanaugh and his super co-hosts this month. If you'd like to know more about the IWSG monthly bloghop, feel free to click the IWSG button on my side bar. 


  1. Congratulations on being one of the authors! That is awesome. Everything I read about the collaboration was amazing, so I'm sure you fit right in with the awesomeness.

  2. Congratulations! And I love the title of your story. Enjoy the experience! :)

  3. Wow! Congratulations! I'm sure it's wonderful. :)
    *hurries off to buy a copy...*

    IWSG #298
    (Yup. I got culled and had to start all over. *blush*)

  4. You are amazing, Elise! And this is such a wonderful thing to do!

  5. Congratulations! It's such a great cover - and such a great cause. I don't blame you at all for being terrified, but try to feel excited, too, if you can :)

  6. Embrace it. It is good to have your accomplishments be out in the world. Congrats.

  7. Hah! Lady, you need to go read my post. =) Rejoice that it's out there. Now is when you get to bask in reader responses, and there will be some good ones that come of it. You'll end up buoyed by the experience and wondering what all the fear was about. =)

  8. Congrats indeed at your feed, you should let your insecurities float outside and lock yourself in the rubber room away from them, then you can bounce away and have fun all day lol

  9. Congratulations! That's so exciting—though I acknowledge the fact that if I were in your shoes, I'd be hiding under the desk breathing into a paper bag.

  10. Such a fantastic collaboration for a great cause! Congrats on being included! Truly something to be proud of.

    I think there's a point in writing when you have to believe that the contribution of your "voice" is where your real value comes from. Readers aren't necessarily looking for a perfect story with pristine writing. (Though I'd argue those things should always be our mark.) They are looking for something to be said in a unique way that makes them feel something... special, for a lack of a better term.

    When you begin to think of things in that way, it can help with the pressure. Mostly because you'll start to trust that you've expressed an idea as only you could, and that that's worth something. Maybe not everyone who reads the story will see it, but if you've truly put yourself into it, some will.

    It's like the old public speaking trick, where you pick out one person in the audience to focus on and pretend you're only talking to them. If I think of my writing in terms of, "I'm just trying to speak to that ONE reader who will totally get it and enjoy what I'm creating." my insecurity tends to go away. (Not entirely... that takes beer, too. ;)

  11. Congratulations Elise. It's a wonderful cause and you should be so proud of using your skills to help people in need!!

  12. That's great. It may feel a bit scary but nothing's better for a writer than to get something out in print. You le cool.

    Moody Writing

  13. It is really weird to know you can't do anything about it once it's out their. My introduction to publishing is having 4 stories included in a 500 story anthology and you really have to look to find my stories and it still freaked me out a bit. But, you can't do anything else to it, so move on and enjoy the success. :-)

  14. I've been seeing Beyond the Binding all over and love the cover and the cause behind it! I understand about your writing being exposed for all to see and judge. It gets easier to roll with the punches, trust me. Good Luck. You'll do fine.

  15. It's exciting to have it out there, though. Huh? It's what keeps me hitting the 'publish' button. We don't have to be perfect, we only have to connect with the reader. And I agree with Cathrina, it gets easier. Confidence comes with publishing more.

  16. What a gorgeous cover! I know that feeling of exposure. With every story, I feel it. As the other wise women have been saying, it does get easier. Most of the time! :)

  17. No published work is ever perfect. As authors we have to learn to let it go. Congrats on getting your work out there! That's a huge step. Let the fear go, enjoy the moment. YOU'RE A PUBLISHED AUTHOR!!!!!

  18. Congratulations!! I know I have to read this now. ^_^ You're published! I'm so excited for you!!

  19. Gotta make the step sometime. Congratulations on joining in the collaboration in the first place.

  20. Hi, Elise,
    I understand how you feel, but I don't think your story would have been included if it wasn't good. It'll be okay.

  21. This is really wonderful! I bet it was a great experience.

  22. Just pretend your an insect with a thick carapace. No matter what anyone says about your work (now that it's out there), it will just roll off that thick shell :)

  23. I can definitely imagine this feeling - it's what makes me so terrified of putting any of my novels "out there" :P

  24. Oh my gosh! I love this. I can't wait to read it and you do NOT le suck! XXOO

  25. Hi Elise .. I've bought the ebook .. but will enjoy reading the actual book and then the album - that sounds amazing too ... it's a very clever idea and I hope it alleviates life in the Philippine community too ...

    I'm sure your story will stack up ... and I love the title "Beyond the Binding" together with the cover - clever ...

    Cheers Hilary

  26. Congrats, Elise! Samantha was telling me about this project, so I will have to check it out. Anything to help my homeland.


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