Wednesday, 8 January 2014

IWSG: Connecting the Dots

Writing is a lot like connecting the dots.

At first, it lacks structure and it's difficult to see what it'll look like by the end. 

But like any journey, it all starts with the first step that leads to the second, then the third . . . 

And as you connect the dots, there'll be times when things look a bit crazy. 
Or even a lot crazy....

And sometimes you'll feel like all you're doing is going around in circles....

But don't give up. Even if you make a mistake and have to double back. 

Keep pen to page. 
Keep writing.

And when you get stuck and can't see were to go next. . . 

 . . . don't be afraid to ask for help. A friend or blogging buddy will always be close by to show you the way. 

And you keep on going, because that's what you do, you connect the dots, you keep writing.

Then one day, you'll finally finish. And when you step back, the dots, crazy lines, and even your mistakes will fade into the background, and all you'll see is your book. 
And that is awesome. 

In the end, everyone's path is different . . .

. . . but not any less difficult or rewarding. 

I'm still connecting the dots. Writing.-----Editing.-----Rewriting.--- And at times it looks like a cluster f---, but I'll keep at it. The big picture is starting to come into view. 
I'm almost there. 


A big thank you to Alex Cavanaugh who started this monthly bloghop, and the co-hosts for helping out this month. For more information about this amazing group, check out the link on my sidebar. 
Happy Wednesday all! 


  1. If my writing looked like that, I'd quit! (The first ones, not the end result.) Although I go through that when planning my outlines. Those are usually a mess.

  2. Such delightful post based on images, dear

  3. I thought the initial picture looked a bit reminiscent of a star chart - you know, the type we aliens use in order to blip around the universe - but an altogether interesting analogy. Were they a Christmas present?

    My current issue is with getting started. I think my mind pump has rusted solid...

    1. Yes, a Christmas gift from myself to myself. What can I say, I splurged this year.
      Getting started can be difficult, but you've got the writing talent and the imagination to create something great, so don't wait too long and just dive in. (:

  4. Write on, Elise! Ditto, Alex. :)

  5. That is such a great way of looking at it.

    1. Thanks, Brandon. I'm starting to think there's a way to relate everything back to writing. (:

  6. LOL! That's exactly how I write. I connect the dots.

  7. Beautiful metaphor. I think I'm about stage 3 in that dot connecting business. :-)

    1. Oh I bet you're a lot further down than you think. Though I still feel like I'm going around in circles at times, but every once in a while, I start to see something worthwhile... (:

  8. What a wonderful post. You are spot on, dear Elise.

  9. Very unique and beautiful metaphor! It's so true about the writing process sometimes.

    1. Thanks, Carrie-Anne. I think the writing process is mostly crazy, but in a good way. (:

  10. Eventually X will hit the spot and all will be done, then on to the next one

    1. You certainly know a thing or two,
      about writing a book and seeing it through. (:

  11. Great post to start the year! :)

  12. Inspirational post, keep going :)

  13. Nicely put. I bet those drawings are quite therapeutic to do.

    Moody Writing

    1. Indeed they are mood, and less expensive than therapy.

  14. I love that and thanks. I needed to hear that right now.

    1. Thanks Sydney. It's funny but I needed to hear it too. :)

  15. That's a great analogy Elise. It's funny how first edits are sometimes like that first set of lines.

    1. LOL. Hi Johanna, I'm still trying to wade out of my jumbled mess of lines, and I'm on the fifth draft. I guess it doesn't help that I keep changing the plot... (:

  16. Awesome advice, Elise and it's so simple that even I can do it :)

    Don't give up!

  17. I have often compared my first draft style to Dot-to-Dot. I have been feeling really frustrated with my current first draft, worried that I've seriously messed it up. Intellectually I realize it's because I haven't been able to concentrate on it, but when the panic attacks come, intellect flees.

    Every once in awhile I stop and think: Is there a different path I could have taken with this book. The answer is NO. It's the third book in a series; things have to happen like this.

    If there are mistakes, it's in the way I connected the Dots that Must Be There. And until I finish the picture, I won't see the mistakes.

    That's a good reason to get back to work tonight, huh?

    1. That's a good way of looking at it, Dianne. Good luck with your current first draft. Sometimes we need to take a step back, and look at the big picture before connecting to the next dot. (:

  18. That was very beautifully said and shown. And holy cow those are awesome dot-to-dots. I want to go out and find me some to be dot-to-dotting :)

  19. Oh. Loved this! Loved the pictures and the picture you created for me. Very inspirational. Thank you.

  20. Beautiful post and pics! Happy New Year lady!

    Kahhhhnnnnnnnnn! :D

  21. Love, love, love this analogy! Thanks. Sometimes it does look like a royal mess, but there's nothing like that rush when it starts to come together and you step back and see it for what it is.

    1. What's funny is that sometimes things come into fucus, and then BAM! Just like that, it's a total mess all over again. Only one way to fix it, keep writing. (:

  22. I love the number-drawing pics you have there. I've never seen them before. I'd practically kill to get to the "finally finished" stage. Practically kill, but apparently not actually do the work it takes to get there, since I can't even seem to start.

    1. You're a published author Lexa! That's awesome! Give it some time and a new idea will come and motivate you to start a new project. I know it will. (:

  23. That is so cool! I love the imagery. ^_^

  24. Great post and very true! Maybe the creative process is just so illogical, messy and incoherent, we need lots of time to dig through it all. But, it has to be done and we need to sort it out, eventually.

    1. Thanks Cathy and I agree, the creative process is crazy messy but it can also be fun at times. (=

  25. first off...what if all you see is the number one, you know,, because you truly believe there IS no other place than 1st place??? I'm teasing! hey sweet babes of mine. I miss you and want to hug and then let you do connect the dots all over me so I can show you I'm here if you need me for any any any help with your writing or revising!! love ya babe!

    1. It would be the highlight of my life to connect your dots! ;D
      Love ya too hon!

  26. That's a very lovely way at looking the writing process. That's why I write and I write and I hope that my finished product would be a distinctive image someday.

    1. Me too...after all that would I hope to have a descend product, if not....well only one thing to do, eat more chocolate and try again. (:

  27. You nailed it!
    Absolutely spot on... or should I say dot on!
    Love the images!

    1. Thanks, these were fun to do. Right now I'm working on Vincent van Gogh. It's pretty easy because he's minus an ear.... :P

  28. You are so bloody creative - I love it :)

    Now, shoo, go write! Finish that book:)

    1. Right. Oh, I mean write....right. I'm on it! :D

  29. Wonderful illustration, Elise. Writing is exactly like that. :)

  30. Hey Elise,

    And look how the dots turned into something of illustrative brilliance. Writing and art, go hand in hand, in so many way. This was very clever, Elise. And thank you for being part of the dedication postings that are all about um, ME! :)

    I shall no go and do some dotty doodling. Either that or have the famous dawg take over my writing.

    Have a good weekend.

    Gary :)

    1. Writing and art do go hand in hand. A good friend of mine is an artist and it's funny how similar our obstacles are with respect to the writing process. Enjoy your dotty doodling! :)

  31. Love this. Awesome post! So true but dots (ms) don't look like that. My dots look more like the main screen inside of an international air traffic control center. And it ain't pretty. *sigh*

    1. LOL! Mine is a cluster fudge of dots at the moment...... You know that stuff you can buy to detangle hair, I need some of that for my ms!

  32. Never did like connecting the dots as a kid. I sure wouldn't like to face the dots in some of your earlier pictures. However, the end pictures seem worth the results. More and more I am glad I don't write.

    1. LOL, Jo! I do find my self scratching my head at times thinking 'Why the hell am I doing this again?' :D

  33. Great message told in a superbly special and memorable way. Rock on, Elise!

    1. Thanks Mina, and beaucoup thanks for the tweet! <3

  34. Such a great post! I definitely do a lot of doubling back.... <3

    1. Hi Mia, that's exactly what I'm doing right now. I take 1 step forward, and 3 steps back! :)

  35. Clever Post. Thanks for encouraging us to keep moving from dot-to-dot.

    Happy New Year!

    Leanne ( )

    1. Thanks Leanne, and a Happy New Year to you too! :)

  36. Elise, I think this is the most brilliant thing I've read all week. Seriously. This couldn't explain it more perfectly!

  37. Wonderful. I love the art work and the message that goes along with it. I was really late on IWSG this month.

  38. What do you mean, at times it looks like a cluster F? In my life the cluster is all I've got! But you're right. Keep working and eventually, there is some semblance of art. Be it Picasso or kindergarten finger paints...

  39. Awesome post! And very cool connect the dots images, too :) Though, I do wonder if we ever "finish"? I swear there's always a next step!

  40. Wow. That's awesome! And what a perfect metaphor for writing. :)

  41. Loved this! Writing my first manuscript resembled a sine wave. The second manuscript is tons of dots with no numbers at all. Somehow, I thought it would be just the opposite.

  42. Hi Elise .. connecting the dots will take on a whole new premise. I wonder about hair spray - do connecting the dots of spray make a picture thus ... and I don't have much hair to try it! I'm glad to say in the circumstances .. but connecting the dots - we all do that along the way ... and I'm doing that now, but with clearing up after the builders ... once done I can find those projects and get the dots working again .. finding my way through the maze ...

    Good luck this year .. so much is possible ... cheers Hilary


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