Thursday, 5 September 2013

The Sound of Awesome: D S Taylor's Book about a Girl, an Egyptian Prince, and The Shepherd King

I've got a special treat for you today, my best kept secret--David S. Taylor who blogs over at DS Taylor. I've been following David for a while and he's a great guy. I love his posts and sarcastic humor, especially on writing, twitter, blogging and anything in between. Plus, he's a Sansa Stark fan--what's not to like about this guy?! 

But the real reason I've managed to get his elusive internet-self over here, is so we can talk about his new release, SHIRI.

David describes his book as historical fiction verging on fantasy because as he puts it, "I don't let history get in the way of a good story!"

I told you he was awesome! 

Here's the book's blurb to wet your appetite and get you in the mood while I run out for a quick wardrobe change . . . (;
Shiri blocks her ears to her mother’s screams, sees the arrows strike her father’s chest. With their murderers bearing down on her she turns to obey his final command. “RUN!”

Amenhotep, Prince of Egypt burns her village, enslaves her people, and destroys all she loves. Only Shiri escapes. With tears in her eyes and vengeance in her heart, she races to warn the Shepherd King. If she doesn't reach him in time, all Palestine will burn.

It’s a race that takes her from the fields of Armageddon, to the sands of Ancient Egypt and the very heart of Pharaoh’s court. It’s a struggle that brings the deaths of kings and the birth of a god. It’s a quest that sees her fall in love.

But in a world of masters and slaves can such love really survive? The man she loves is known to all others as Yuya. He is the mysterious new governor of a powerful Egyptian city, and high priest of ‘The Jealous God.’ He is determined to set her people free. Only Shiri knows his true identity and must protect it at all costs, for he is Josef, son of the Shepherd King, and without him, all is lost.

Ok, I'm back. 
Doesn't Shiri sound fantastic! 
And don't I look better in this Egyptian inspired costume dress?
Eat your heart out Elizabeth Taylor.

Did you know it took me 14 hours to make this costume. Granted, most of that time was spent chasing the dung beetle, but doesn't it look great? David, you should redo your book cover and put me on it. I'm sure you'll sell at least a million more copies if you do. :P

When I read the blurb I was hooked, and wondered what inspired the book, and how David came up with the story line. So I asked. Take it away, David!

Well it’s kind of weird and a long story really – but you asked for it!

During my archaeology degree I became a bit obsessed with a guy called Akhenaten. If you haven’t heard of him he’s King Tut’s father and in Egyptology circles is known as ‘The Heretic’ (mainly due to him being the first person in history to come up with some wacky notion about there only being one god).

Towards the end of my degree it was suggested that I’d be able to lord it over lesser mortals if stayed on in college and got a Ph.D . . . unfortunately to do so I had to write a thesis. The standard topics were ringforts, megaliths and basically anything in Ireland not built by those pesky English. Being about as interested in the suggest topics as I am in the latest Enda Kenny monologue on the progression of the fiscal stimulus package (oh and for the less educated amongst ye Enda Kenny is our esteemed leader) I decided to try to write it on Akhenaten instead.

Thing is, once I started writing it, for some reason it started coming out as a story instead of a thesis, so soon enough I gave up on the whole Ph.D idea and decided I’d lord it over lesser mortals by writing a novel instead. That’s when the kinda weird thing happened. I had this one character in the developing masterpiece . . . an old slave, a woman . . . Shiri. And I just sort of got attached to her and ended up wanting to write her story.

So that’s what I did. I went back in time from Akhenaten to when Shiri was a child back in Palestine. And her story just sort of poured out . . .

That is really cool. Thanks for sharing that with us, David!
So if you haven't already, please go visit David, you can find him on:

And . . . 
Happy Friday!


  1. Yes, it does sound pretty awesome alright!!You're the best, Elise.

    1. Thanks D. I just hope you can buy your boat soon. (;

  2. Wow that's awesome from PHD thesis to novel. That's a unique way to getting a novel done but I'll take it. Glad you had him over Elise, Shiri sounds amazing. Also love the outfit girl.

  3. Wow, PHD thesis to novel, great story. I hope that eventually you get to write the original story of Akhenaten too.

    The dress is awesome and I do think it should go on the cover. The current cover is cool, and has a great color scheme but that blue dress and beetle will really stand out.

    1. hmm, yes, Elise's changes to the cover seem to be getting universal approval ... I may have to take them on.

  4. From thesis to a novel - quite the change in direction. Congratulations, David!

  5. Happy Friday back to you, Elise! Have a great weekend!

    M.L. Swift, Writer

  6. Congratulations, David! I've written historical fiction that goes back as far as 1848, and I've wondered if I'll ever have the guts to go back even farther -- beyond the time when I can see photographs of the people and places. (Uh, without getting an almost PhD in the subject matter ...) Having an almost doctorate and using it in this matter is wickedly cool, however!

    1. The author with the 'almost doctorate' will have to me my catch phrase! What's your book about?

  7. Oh, this story does sound really intriguing. I'll definitely check it out.

    And Elise, you look fab in Egyptian!

  8. Sheena-kay: It certainly is an interesting journey to publishing a novel. And glad you like the dress! (:

    Sara: I think David's knowledge of the subject matter is only going to make his story stronger. Glad you liked the dress. *spins on heels*(;

    Alex: It's always interesting to learn how people got their start. We all have our unique story. :)

    M.L You too! (:

    Dianne: I've written historical fiction too--it dated back 2 weeks, lol! I admire folks who can write real historical fiction, I don't think I could pull it off and make it sound 'real'.

    Sabrina: Thanks hon! At least I now have a Halloween costume. :D

  9. Congratulations, David, your book sounds amazing.

  10. Love your outfit, Elise. I've passed the details of this book on to my husband as I think it is his kind of book. It does an interesting book.

  11. Yeah, no reason to let that pesky history get in the way of a good story! Glad you saw a novel instead of a thesis in all that writing effort. More people will read it this way anyway. :)

  12. This sounds awesome! And yay for other archaeologist writers!! :)

  13. I LOVE that cover so much!! ^_^

    And the outfit is perfection. *thumbs up*
    This sounds really interesting. I'm a wannabe mythology junkie. I have an MC somewhere that's a curator and works with archaeologists sometimes. ^_^ I love all things ancient Egypt. Like so much. Good luck with this story D.S.! Count me in! :)

  14. Glad you like it! It cost this archaeologist a week's worth of digging in the mud wages!!

  15. wow that is quite the swerve, awesome though and the cover really sets up the book.

  16. Sounds very cool... although I'm even more amazed that there are two people who like Sansa Stark!

    Moody Writing

  17. You had me at sarcastic. Must go check him a non-sexual way, of course.

  18. Cathrina: Thanks for stopping in Cathrina. :)

    Sally: Thank you so much Sally! I'm looking forward to reading this book too. (:

    LG Smith: I totally agree LG, thanks for stopping by. (:

    Meradeth: I bet they have some of the best stories to tell! (:

    Krystal: As a kid, I learned that Jean-François Champollion (the first to decipher the hieroglyphs on the Rosetta Stone)was born in the same town my grandfather was born. And since then, I've been a fan of ancient Egypt.

    Pat: It certainly catches the eye.

    Mood: I don't know if we can be friends now. ;)

    Elizabeth: LOL! Dave's great. (:

  19. Elise- I love that you took the time to give yourself a chest in that drawing!

  20. Hi Elise .. Shiri I loved the sound of this book - so bought it .. better get my Kindle out and start reading. Egyptology seems to have been gently knocking on my door ever since I went to the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology in London recently ... my guide at Durham Castle and the Museum Conservator who chatted with me re the Lindisfarne Gospel book and exhibition ... both had studied archaeology along the way!

    I wish David all the best .. and with his continued writings - his work/s sound intriguing ..

    While your outfit is way better than Cleopatra's!!!! Love it ...

    Cheers to you both .. Hilary

  21. Melanie: LOL! I always do. And I'm so glad you didn't confuse them with pockets. :D

    Hilary: I bet your trip to the Petrie Museum in London must have been amazing. Makes me want to visit the Egyptian collection at the Louvre the next time I'm in Paris. Have a wonderful weekend Hilary!


  22. It was intriguing to get to read about what inspired Shiri. It sounds really good! And fantastic outfit btw, lol! Though I'm a little worried about your arms... Have you been to a doctor lately? =0)

  23. writting, huh? some kinda new french kink? ;) lmfao

  24. So nice. i love to read books, especially novels. i am following you and i am pretty sure to get such interesting posts and information from you.
    I wish you all the best!

  25. "Nice post, great blog, following :)

    Good Luck :)"

    Ahem, stay calm, Gary.

    Where was I at two thirty in the morning? Ah yes, Elise, can I have some chocolate chip cookies for going beyond the point of exhaustion and commenting? Yes? No? Who is this guy?

    Right then, this dude is known to be kinda sarcastic about things like our favourite (favorite) social 'notworking' site, 'Farcebook'. Great, I think he will be my latest buddy. Yay n'stuff.

    "Shiri" intrigues. I like a bit of Egyptian type stuff. I have no idea why, but my new buddy, David, has reminded me about the early cooking shows before the advent of television

    Early historical records indicate that cooking shows were happening long before the invention of television. Cooking shows were popular in ancient Egypt. For instance, one particular Pharaoh had a very popular cooking show held in his kitchen. It was titled, 'Ramses' Kitchen Nightmares'. A group of invited Egyptian guests would be entertained in his kitchen as Ramses awed them with his culinary prowess. His speciality was a wonderful concoction with an exceptionally spicy bean as the main ingredient. They would find, much to their delight, after consuming said meal, that they could all toot in common. Ah, ancient Egyptian food...just like mummy used to make.

    Oh and neato drawing.

    Told you I was exhausted. And yes, to help promote David, I shall take the liberty of sharing your posting. Gosh, I'm nice!

    Gary :)

  26. Leandra: LOL! Yeah, I guess I could hit the gym one of these days. (:

    Wuff: I'm wondering when you're going to start charging me.... (;

    Gran: Thanks!

    Kiran: Thank you!

    Gary: Nice comment, great pun, laughing ;)
    I like Egypt and the pharaohs, but prefer to tutanprivate. :P Now go get some sleep! I need to get to bed earlier these days...doctors orders. Bha! What does he know. :P

  27. What a unique journey... from thesis to novel!
    And Egypt is such a fascinating land...
    I love the Egyptian-attired-Elise! Snazzy!

  28. That cover freaking rocks! Love it. :)

  29. I agree--very unique journey! Adding this one to my radar :D

  30. I do adore books set in Ancient Egypt! My shelves are filled with such tomes.....


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