Friday, 19 July 2013

I'm in Vine Leaves Literary Journal!

I was recently intruduced to a really cool online and print journal called Vine Leaves Literary Journal. It comes out quarterly and is co-edited by Jessica Bell and Dawn Ius. For those of you who don't know, the journal specializes in vignettes. Different from flash fiction, vignettes focus more on creating an atmosphere through description. But the journal also accepts submissions for artwork and photography. And guess what? Four of my photographs were accepted and appear in their current issue (#7). Squeeeeeee!

This is a first for me and I'm thrilled. Thank you Vine Leaves! 

You can find the current issue of Vine Leaves Literary Journal HERE that features my other photographs, plus a great selection of vignettes written by a wide range of authors. And if you're interested in the submission process, you can check out their guidlines HERE.

Hope you all have a great weekend. 
I'm on my way home today from my trip and can't wait to catch up with all of you. I can't believe I've been without internet connection for almost a week!  


  1. That is wonderful. Can't wait to see the photos and check out the magazine.

  2. Congrats and welcome back - hope you had a nice holiday... sorry, I mean, vacation :)

  3. Congratulations! :) That's a great achievement.

  4. Elise, that is awesome! Congratulations.

  5. Congratulations Elise! I love that photo!

  6. Wow! Great photo!
    Congratulations, Elise!!! :D

  7. Congratulations - well done!

  8. That's wonderful Elise. Congratulations. Hope you had a good vacation - did you head south as most of France seems to?

  9. Bon CHEERS :)

    *Nice* pics, Wow-man :)

    Especially liked the colors in the last one and laughed when I saw the snail ("Oh, my friend, Elise, took that one. I know. She's French and likes insects and bugs and stuff :)

    Make sure you get *LOTS* of print copies if you can - trust me :)

    Congrats and *great* job, you :)

  10. Woo Hoo! Or as the French would say, "Woi Hoi!"

    M.L. Swift, Writer

  11. Wow, how exciting!!! Congratulations!! :)

  12. Congrats! And what a cool photo of the one you showed in the journal!

  13. Congratulations! I'm going to check out the journal right now.... :)

  14. Félicitations, Elise! That's amazing!

  15. Congrats, that is sure a great accomplishment to have on the resume

  16. Congrats! I didn't know they accepted photography. I'll have to submit some of my mine. It's been a while since I did anything commercial with it.

  17. You just won a hot chicks Tshirt for makin such a hot photo!!! Hugs girl. Maybe one day that statement will be true ;)

  18. Bonjour Elise,

    Yay, I have arrived! :)

    I know all about vignettes. As for, "flash fiction", I wont tell you what I thought that was! I shall check out your photographs. None of them, I'm sure have to do with um "flash...fiction"! :)

    A lovely weekend and were you away? LOL

    Your starstruck fan,

    Gary :)

  19. So excited for you--congrats! Going to check out your fabulous pics now:)

  20. Well look at you!! That's exceptional and you should be very proud of that!! :)

  21. Congrats Elise and that photograph is captivating.

  22. That's nothing short of awesome, Elise! Big time congrats and have a great weekend :)

  23. How wonderful, Elise. And I certainly love that picture. I love flames of course. All kind of flames, but that one is very nice. :)

  24. My best to you. Congrats!

  25. Congratulations! I checked out the issue and the photographs were amazing. :)

  26. In a literary journal! Amazing! It's a nice photo, too. I can really see the glow to the flame.

    I hope the trip was nice :)

  27. Congrats on the recognition Elise. Off to look at the current issue now. I hope you have a nice weekend as well.

  28. yay! but what the hell is a 'submittion' process... i know... an ex editor, i tend to get anal about such ;) lmfao

  29. Congratulations! Very cool to be published, isn't it? ;)

  30. Congratulations!! Your photographs are beautiful!

  31. Thanks all you guys for the wonderful comments. You all rock. :)

  32. congrats, congrats and what lovely photos those are!

  33. Congrats Elise! That's an awesome accomplishment girlfriend!

  34. Hi Elise .. I saw them - just brilliant .. I'm so pleased for you .. and I love that Jess is opening the doors for everyone from all walks of life -

    Cheers Hilary

  35. Elise, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm sooooooo happy for you! Off to check out your photos now!!!! :D

    PS--hope all is well with you :) :)

  36. I have heard of Vine Leaves, and have submitted once to them. A big BIG congrats to you Elise! I'm going to check them out now. Writer’s Mark

  37. Yeah, that's wonderful. Congrats. So happy for you!!!

  38. What an amazing photo. Congratulations.

  39. It won't be the last time, I'm sure.

  40. Way to go! Incredible photos. Have you considered selling any for cover art?

  41. Wow! Congrats, darlin'!! So excited for you. I entered one of their contests not too long ago and placed in the top 16 with my first literary vignette ever written. It was so exciting. I am not at all surprised your pictures were chosen.

  42. Mazel tov! Groovy pics, Elise - I especially liked the last one, with all the blue and orange, though I couldn't quite tell what it was...butterfly wings?
    Some Dark Romantic


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