Thursday, 20 June 2013

Lockmeupology: Query Quarrel

It's almost Friday where I live so I'm wishing everyone 
a great weekend before I crash. 
The forecast for the next two days is looking about the same for me: 
Write, write, rewrite, rewrite . . . 
Wish I could go see Henry Cavill's abs Man of Steel. *sigh*


  1. since when does doing things in conventional order been your style? ;) lmfao

  2. Man of Steel is awesome. So are you. :)

    Don't listen to roach, you'll nail it eventually. Writing the query can actually help you unblock some things and see a bigger picture. I really just think you're dying for a distraction from the rewrites. Don't fight it so much! :P

  3. Isn't cockroach one of the three C's?

    You can NEVER start the query too early. Write it, do what you can with it, put it away during a rewrite and come back to it with new eyes. Repeat as many times as necessary.

  4. I'm sorry!!!! Get some bug spray.
    If you need help with your query, contact Matthew at the QQQE. He does an awesome job critiquing query letters.
    And it will be all right!!!

  5. Oh, I feel your pain! How about a cheer?? You can do it! Yes! You can! If you can't do it, no one can!

  6. ROFL xD I soooo needed this.
    Have a good weekend, Elise. :)

  7. He (or she) asked for that one.

    Good Luck.

    1. Exactly what I was thinking, and it felt good squashing it too. :D

  8. Aha, Elise! Now then, you need to continue to be into grammar anarchy. To hell with sequential order, correctly spelt words in proper English as in English, English and to heck with a protagonist or an antagonist or a botanist or chemist. No, do run-on sentences, talk crap like I do and you will get there.

    Seriously, a deep breath, smile and know you are going to make it because it's your passion.

    WAKE UP! It's Friday morning! LOL

    Gary :)

  9. Relax, have a good sleep and then start fresh in the morning.

  10. Lol! Aww...I actually work on my query sometimes when I'm in the middle of the story. *nervous laugh*

    The abs will still be there on Monday. ^_^
    Have fun with the rewrites! Yes, you're having fun...

    1. I guess this is good practice, but I really should get back to my rewrites. Now you've got me thinking about abs again, lol! :D

  11. Oh Lord ... Query Hell. I know it well. Some tips: It's never too early to start on the query (and synopsis), but make sure they don't go out until the ms is done and you've gotten plenty of feedback on the ms and the query. WriteOnCon is a great place to put up your query and sample pages. You'll get awesome feedback. Good luck! :-)

  12. What's that crazy bug know, anyway?? Nothing wrong with getting a query letter ready...just in case....right? :)

    Have a great weekend, Elise! :)

  13. I think you've missed your calling - you should do these for a living :) ... and maybe cut back on whatever it is you're taking at the moment (I think you're over doing it *pats E on head*).

    Time to put crazy woman back in the closet, gurlfrend!

    1. Well, if people were willing to pay for them (which I doubt) then sure!

      Maybe I am over doing it a bit....but then again, I really need to push forward with this damn wip and get it done. Looks like I need to keep crazy around a little while longer, lol! :D

  14. It sounds to me as if you need a well deserved break - to take your mind off things and come back refreshed, revitalised and raring to go. Are you on a time limit? Love your drawings.

  15. *Bitch Slaps Roach with Spatula* Get out of here! Best of luck with your rewrites Elise and writing a query now is great practice for later.

  16. LOL tell the query bug to bugger off, nice!

    1. Telling it off actually felt really good. :)

  17. I think you've got bigger problems than the query if cockroaches are talking to you.... :)

    Good luck with the writing and rewriting!

  18. Oh, I could look at those abs all day long. Sigh.

    Very funny stuff. I honestly think it's a great idea to write a query before rewrites. It helps you focus on what your story is supposed to be about, helps to cut the fat and keep the story concise. Then when you're done and your brain is totally fried, you have a little sumpin sumpin already started and you will feel like you are the shiz.

  19. I truly loved your little cartoon. I hate cockroaches but I actually felt a bit sorry for that one! LOL. Even though he was a jerk!

    Good luck with all your rewrites! I will be babysitting the cat and writing my BuNo story and trying to get other stuff done when the kitty will permit it ;) (thank the light he's getting better!)

  20. I believe in you Elise. Hang in there. You will get the dream agent. Be sure to mention you're a scientist. I think that kind of credential goes far in the writing world.

  21. I know you're in pain with all that hard work and concerns but your cartoon is hilarious. You had me chuckling. Don't listen to the cockroach! I leave you lots and lots of Dragon Hugs for cheering. :D

  22. Squash that loud-mouthed critter! LOL
    Thanks for the chuckles!

  23. Yes,

    Get the damn WIP finished - you'll feel better :)

    I know I did :)

    (Shouts in loud Scottish accent...)

    "They'll never take our Grand Marnier or our FREEDOM !!!"

  24. wise people always listen to cockroaches!

  25. I loved it! Especially that hand mashing the cockroach!


  26. I wish I had ink in my printer! I'd love to hang that behind my screen! Hilarious :) I am right there with ya ;)

  27. Keep going, almost there...


    1. I keep seeing the end, but then some asshat pushes the finish line farther away. Wait. I think I have an idea who that asshat may be....*le sigh*

  28. Hahahahahah! Dang roach deserved that. *shivers* Roaches give me the eebie-jeebies. I'm in the same boat as you, except I have to add in the's craptastic!

  29. I've heard Henry Cavill's abs were pretty freaking phenomenal :)

    Hang in there! It's all for a worthy cause!!

  30. I'm going to copy this and print it out. What a mean roach! Lol! Don't let him get you down. You can do it :)

  31. Hi Elise .. hope the weekend was writer happy ... it was cold and wet - so good time to be inside writing .. cheers Hilary

  32. Hilarious! And I'm right there with you, so hang in there. If I see any cockroaches, I'll send them your way for swatting practice. :)


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