Thursday, 13 June 2013

Bloghops Make Me Lazy

I like participating in bloghops. Since the beginning of the year, I've signed a few linky lists, co-hosted a couple hops, and even organized a joint bloghop with the lovely Michelle over at Writer in Transit, not to mention taking part in the mega of all bloghops, A-Z.  I find bloghops (or blogfests, never really knew the difference between the two) appealing for several reasons:
  • Good way to show support for your fellow bloggers,
  • discover other blogs of varying interests and/or,
  • meet other like-minded bloggers,
  • build your platform,
  • increase the number of interesting blogs to follow,
  • increase your followers,
  • AND, you don't have to think of a creative post on the day of the hop. Someone else has done all the thinking for you, and all you have to do is follow their guidelines.  

I think it's the last point that has gotten me into trouble. First, bloggers have gotten creative in coming up with fun and interesting themes, and I've found myself wanting to sign-up for more than I could possibly handle. And even though bloghops are a lot of fun, they are time consuming when done right. I enjoy posting but also visiting people on the sign-up list, and that's where most of your time is spent--visiting other bloggers. 

After finishing my 3rd round of edits (as of two days ago *happy dance!*), I'm in rewrite hyperdrive. But to finish my rewrites before the end of the summer, Mamma's gonna need more time. So, I decided to put future bloghopping on hold for a couple months. The up side is, not having to post for a bloghop has freed my mind to blog about whatever I wish. The down side is, I've forgotten how to blog (not that I ever really knew how in the first place). I've relied so much on other bloggers to come up with a theme, that with the reins back in my hands, I've forgotten how to steer the horse. In other words, bloghops have made me a lazy blogger! Now don't get me wrong, I have had a few ideas for posts, but the voice in my head keeps telling me it's a stupid idea and no one would give a flip about it so think of something else...' and then my mind just goes blank. 

So now what? Well, looks like I'm going to have to get back into blogging shape, which means--I need more coffee or, another bloghop!!

Happy blogging everyone. 


  1. Welcome back - hope you enjoyed your 'rest'. Totally understand where you are coming from on this one. I see even Wayne hasn't posted for four weeks now?

    Seems the A-Z is a blessing and a curse. Post A-Z always tends to throw certain folks into a funk. I know it did me, maybe Wayne too?

    1. I had a very enjoyable rest, thank you. (:
      Yeah, A-Z kicked my blogging behind again this year. It does that to a lot of folks. It always impresses me though, the people who can bounce right back. And yes, I noticed Wayne has been MIA for a few weeks. I hope it's just a blogging funk and not problems in his personal life.

  2. Bloghops are fun but they're not a substitute for good blogging. Keep doing your rewrites and hope to see some fun posts during your blog hop break.

    1. Totally agree. Now all I have to do is think of some fun posts...yikes! :D

  3. May is always a big THUD after the A to Z.
    Blogfests are fun (even more fun to host) but they do make one lazy in terms of content. The formula I've set up for my regular posts doesn't entice me to be creative either, and I do need to start putting more of me on my blog. (Or Mini-Alex - he's better looking anyway.)
    Hope you don't give up on the IWSG though!

    1. I'd like to see more Mini-Alex, too. And I'd never give up on IWSG. (:

  4. I think the danger with running a blog after the 'honeymoon' period passes is losing sight of its original inception and letting it become a form of diary with the odd bit of blog-related topic thrown into the mix. I know I've become very guilty of doing this, but then I started out with the aim of having a blog about all things relating to 'role playing gaming', and then it shifted into the writing sphere - unintentionally - and now I'm looking at a near zero readership due to:

    a) me not knowing what the blog is really about?
    b) being sporadic with my posts and not maintaining continuity.
    And worst of all, c) neglecting my blog buddies and rarely commenting any more.

    I hope I can salvage my blog and stimulate more readers into visiting once again.

    1. One of the best ways to increase your readership is to actively comment on other blogs. This lets people know you're back and blogging again, and most bloggers will return the comment. And it's ok if you're still up in the air about blog direction. There are lots of blogs that post on various subjects. The important thing is to be a consistent blogger.

  5. Hi Elise .. I can hear where you're coming from - I come from the other angle and am grateful I've never really succumbed to blog hops - for that very reason ... I'd rather keep my blog 'mine'. I do the A-Z but that falls in to the same style idea, my blog tends to follow anyway .. and I did the Healthy blog hop - as something suddenly hit my reader and was appropriate to include in the Get Healthy aspects of life and blogging ..

    I'm happy putting out posts .. though sometimes I tear my hair out with the work I give myself .. but it's all grist to the mill!

    Happy blogging - but am so pleased your book is progressing so well and you're now in those last tidying up aspects .. making sure it all sits well - enjoy .. and see you when you can .. cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you Hilary! I'm excited the book is finally progressing. It still needs more work but I'm seeing progress and that is motivating. I think you've got a wonderful blog set up that folks really enjoy reading (like me), but I can imagine the time it takes to post some of your articles. Happy blogging to you too! (:

  6. The cat just rhymes away with whatever comes to him at his bay, bloghop or not, he yaps a whole lot. They are time consuming though, jumping to and fro. You should make a blog hop for the hell of it. Sure it would be a hit.

    1. I like the cat's style
      much better than swimming down the nile. :P
      I don't know, I've got nothing in my rhyming hat today. :P

  7. Yeah, bloghops are fun but I also noticed they are time consuming. My lousy internet connection has given me unwilling free time to write and be creative. Ironically I've been wasting most of it worrying about not being online. But you're very creative Elise. All you need is to shut that tiny voice saying your ideas are silly. That voice knows nothing, believe me.

    1. Thanks Al. ^_^ I'll try to remember that next time. Sorry you're still having internet problems, but don't worry about it! It'll come back soon, in the mean time, relax and use the quiet time to write--you've got such a talent for it. (:

  8. I love a good hop, but I totally agree they are time consuming. I'm sure you'll get back into your blogging groove though :) And best of luck on the rest of your revisions!!

    1. Thanks Meradeth! I'm actually excited about my rewrites...not sure how long that's going to last though, lol! :D

  9. I'm totally there with you, Elise. While the hops can give us some 'easy' that we don't have to come up with a topic...they really can make us a bit lazy, when it comes to blogging.

    Best of luck with the edits/rewrites and keep going...I'm looking forward to seeing the final result :)

    1. Thanks Mark! And oh, no pressure or anything! (;

  10. I'm still up at 4:37 HST because I had an idea for a post and I wanted to write it down before I went to bed...

    Basically, I'm goi- zzzzzzzzz

    1. OMG you are crazy!
      Wait, that was me two days ago...Never minzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  11. Haha, I sign up for bloghops for the same reason. Don't worry, I'm sure there's another one around the corner:D

    1. LOL! Thanks Robin. I think I'll be hunting for one soon. :D

  12. It's all very exhausting. I'm thinking of cutting back on posts until I get my wind back (around September?).


    1. I don't know how you do it Moody. I love your posts, they're excellent. But if you need a break, take it, just be sure to come back to posting soon. I don't know how long I can go without my dose of Moody Writing.

  13. hop hop hop ... and of to another blog :)

  14. There are some great hops and ideas out there but there is simply not enough hours in the day to take part in them all fully. I too need to concentrate on my own writing for a while.

    1. That's about where I'm at too. Happy writing Suzanne!

  15. I am hanging out on the opposite end of the spectrum from you. I would like to possibly get involved in more bloghops :) haha. If it is any comfort, you did great on this post that wasn't part of a bloghop. I can relate to the no time thing. I wish you lots of luck getting through the editing. I'm also wishing myself luck as I work on another round too =)

    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Emilyann! If I had more time, I'd be bloghoppin' There are a lot of hops and weekly memes going on that are creative and fun, I'm sure you'll find something that works for you. And good luck on your edits too! :D

  16. Greetings human, Elise,

    It's a good thing my human, Gary, isn't reading this. He hates blog hops and blogfest and blog parties and alphabet challenges and reflection posts about reflection posts. Sigh, he thinks it's just a bit too much. I agree with him.

    We both believe in just doing our own thing. Although all the participation things are a great way to satirise it all.

    In the ideal world of a sharing, caring, all different, all equal, diverse blogging community, we embrace your ethos. However, a brief moment of cynicism, we also note that a few get involved just to self-promote, don't interact and just try to accumulate followers. We find that sad.

    All these blog hops can actually take away from using your own imagination. My human and I would much rather visit a site and be surprised, not see a whole list on our site with the same darned blog hop.

    All the very best with your writing edits, dear human. You know we mean well.

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

    1. Penny! My favorite modest Jack Russell internet superstar. I understand your concerns. Please reassure your human that it's ok to come back here. No bloghops for a while. And it's a shame for the bloggers that only care about the numbers, they are mission the point about blogging and missing out on a wonderful community. Come back anytime Penny!

  17. Welcome back. Enjoy the blogging process. Pick and choose a few bloggers each day and let them know you're around. I actually stay away from bloghops for the reasons you expressed, but once in a while, it is nice to meet new friends. I think your blog is terrific!

    1. Thanks JJ! Sound advice and I need to do better at commenting. I still have a lot to learn. (:

  18. Blog about what makes you smile. But work on your own schedule and opt for 'you' time. Recharge. Doing that will give you ideas for future posts, as a side benefit. Take camera with you, at all times.

    1. I think the key word here is 'schedule.' I have a hard time maintaining a schedule with everything going on with the kids, etc. But, nothing is impossible, I just need to keep at it. And you're absoutely right about the camera...which reminds me, I have a batch of pics I need to fix up... (:

  19. I love following blog hops and different versions on same theme.


    1. What I like is seeing the creativity and the different ways people respond to the same theme. Everyone has a different perspective on life and it often surprises--in a good way. (:

  20. I'm sure if you find the topic interesting, I'm sure the rest of us will, too. ^_^
    I haven't participated in that many hops, chains, fest, etc - in part because I don't know how to find them. Then there's that overwhelming feeling of wanting to read everyone's posts yet feeling like I should be writing if I'm going to be on the computer that long. Plus there's always something in my house I need to clean...Lol!

    Happy Rewriting! :)

    1. Hey Krystal! (:
      A good place to go for info is over at
      Alex Cavanaugh's author blog. He typically blogs MWF and it's a good place to get the news about what's going on in the writing community (bloghops, weekely memes, cover reveals, book releases, etc.). Then you can choose one that really interests you and start there. And I wouldn't worry about trying to get to everyone's entry, leave that up to the host and co-hosts. Just visit what you can, reply to comments and you'll still meet a bunch of wonderful bloggers.

  21. Well, I'd have never known. I always love coming to your blog. Whatever you were doing before, keep doing *that*. :)

  22. I haven't noticed you being at a loss for words. I always find your posts interesting and informative.

    1. Thank you Richard. I've always enjoyed your posts as well.

  23. I like your blog. Hops and fests aren't really my thing, but they can be fun to read. :)

    1. You're right, it can still be fun reading the posts from the sidelines. I think I'll be doing more of that for the time being. (:

  24. I hear ya. I end up relying way too much on blog hops/memes that I can't figure out what sort of original material to blog about. It does help to have blogger friends guest post or use your blog to promote their blogs and/or books.

    1. I enjoy helping blogger/writer friends promote their books too, I just wish I had the time to read them all!

  25. Never joined one, maybe one day soon

  26. I have to agree about the laziness part of it. It feels like the post-AtoZ brain goes into a slump of sorts... but I have to admit that bloghops/blogfests are loads of fun!

    Writer In Transit

    P.S Wanna hear a great idea for a Bloghop? I'll mail you. LOL.

  27. Well that was a good blog so you can't have got out of the habit too much. You can always blog about La Belle France.

    1. Hi Jo, I have blogged in the past about my little corner here in France. Maybe I can revisit some of those posts... I thing is, living here in the countryside isn't much different than say, living in the countryside back in the States. Maybe 30 years ago, it would have been, or maybe I've just lived here too long, lol!

  28. I never run out of source material to blog about. I think that's cause I don't have many friends so I don't talk to anyone during the day. Blogging is kind of my outlet.

    1. I don't have many friends to talk to during the day either. I spend most of my time talking inside my sure many people would want me to blog about that though, lol! If it wasn't for the crazy time zones, I'd talk to you via skype.

  29. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing what you come up with now. :-)

    1. I think my next post will be about weaving yarn.

  30. sounds like fun :)

    will be making time for myself, soon... not for blohopping, for writing

    once i drop out of faKebook, i'll take back my life, too

    needs must complete my screenplay novelization - should be a tad easier once i install my writing software....

    1. Awesome news about you writing again.
      I'll email ya...

  31. Been there and still go there semi-frequently. Even with all the blog-hopping I do I still find myself getting stuck from time to time. On the good days, I grab hold of whatever idea I have and race to write and post it before my internal critic can conclude it's too stupid to share. I've never had a negative result with that practice- other bloggers are ALWAYS way more kind to me than I am. On bad days? Well, you know how it goes. Bottom line: just keep writing.

    1. Thanks Beverly. I think I need a little more blogging confidence. And yes, 100% agree ==> just keep writing. (:

  32. I took a break from blog hopping because work picked up at my job! lol

    I plan to get back into it again, too. I miss joining in a pre-determined theme. Awesome.

    1. I'm taking a little break from it but by the time September rolls around, I'll be on a bloghop hunt. (;

  33. I know that feeling. I've been lazy with my recent posts. I hope both of us regain our blogging abilities and start cranking out worthwhile posts again. :-)

    1. Oh! I forgot to say congrats on the revision progress. That's awesome! Good luck polishing the WIP over the summer!

    2. Thanks Lexa! I'm really, really hopeing to get through these rewrites this summer. And congrats again to you!!! :D

  34. More coffee makes things more better. Or more manic. Whatever.

    Yeah, it's the visiting/commenting that kills ya, when you're blog hopping, for realz. Can't say I'm too inclined to hop around again any time soon...You know what, Elise? I think it's ok for us to take a little "me" time and just blog about whatever the hell we want. So long as we're true to ourselves, I think the readers will come. Maybe. :-D
    Some Dark Romantic

    1. I hear ya. If you blog it, they will come? or something like that. (;

  35. See, this is the point at which you establish your own themes, eh? ;) Hey, you know whatever you post, I'll read it. (And enjoy it too!)

  36. I think every blogger goes through alternating periods of brilliance and drought and being the lazy blogger I am, I find I'm more inclined to write regularly when I participate in weekly blog hops, especially hops that have a theme. There are a couple hops I try to participate in on a regular basis but sometimes life gets too busy and I don't have the time to write or visit other blogs. That's the nice thing about blogging, you won't get arrested or have rocks thrown at you if you take a blogging break for a couple weeks :)

    1. I think a blogging break is what I need....and a couple of shots. (:

  37. This is SO my problem lately. I've been blogging solid for almost 3 years now, and I've simply run out of things to say. Either I need to take on a new profession for some interesting side stories, think a 40yo pole dancer, or I need a blogger break. ;-) For the sake of humanity, I better take the damned break!


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