Friday, 31 May 2013


DL Hammons at Crusing Altitude 2.0 and I welcome you to WIP IT GOOD a bloghop intended to spotlight your [W]ork [I]n [P]rogress. 

I'm actually working on three projects that are in different stages of the writing process. The first one, is an epic fantasy that's still incubating. I want to keep this one all to myself for now. The second, is starting to crawl on all fours, but already has so much potential it makes me want to scream about it from the top of the blogosphere. But alas, this one is still top secret.  (; So that leaves me with my final project to share with you guys today. 

WIP Title: The Falling Witch

Word Count: current: 110,571: projected ~85-90,000. 

I know what you're thinking, that's a lot of words to slauter. Luckily for me, I know which ones to murder. Muwahahah.

Genre: N/A Paranormal/Romance

How long you've been working on manuscript: Too frickin long, which for me means 3.5 years.

Elevator pitch line (if you came across an agent in an elevator, what couple of lines would you use to summarize your book): 

Ok, so if I came across an agent in the elevator I'd say: 

"Represent me or I'll stab you in the eye with my click pen."   *clicks twice for effect.*   

How's that? You don't look convinced. Am I giving away too much? I've been told I have a tendancy towards melodrama. . . 

Fine. Then how about this (the super short version):

Twenty-three year old Edessa Scottwood would do anything to find her mother's killer, even if that means becoming a powerful witch and falling in love with the wrong vampire. 

Brief synopsis (250 words or less)

Ok, I suck at writing synopses so here's a brief blurb/description that I was still rewriting this morning! ugggg.....

Under the influence of an evil spell, twenty-three year old Edessa Scottwood had parts of her memory erased. Gone were questions about the mysterious Anchor Protein her mother was working on or the contact who tried to retrieve the protein after her mother was murdered. The spell had Edessa convinced suicide was her last option. She found herself at the edge of a cliff, and jumped. But instead of meeting death, someone or something saved her.  

In a secluded safe-house, Edessa’s estranged aunt reveals the truth about her lineage—Edessa is a witch like all the women in her family before her. With help from her aunt’s coven and a vampire named Ayden, Edessa will unlock her hidden powers and retrieve lost memories. She realizes the only way to get revenge for what happened to her mother is to uncover the importance of the Anchor protein and its connection to a warrior-like witch who is being hunted by a secretive group of vampires. Edessa will do whatever it takes to find the Anchor Protein before it gets into the wrong hands, even if that means traveling across the world with Ayden, a vampire with dark secrets of his own. Many lives depend on Edessa’s success—witches, vampires, and possibly the whole human race. 

Beta reader? Yes! This wip is currently going through a few more targeted rewrites but I'll be looking for one courageous Beta reader willing to suffer read through my ms sometime near the end of July.  

Thanks to everyone sharing with us today and for stopping by and showing support! DL and I are looking forward to reading all about your projects. 

Oh, and one more thing . . . because it's been a while since my last Friday crackmeupology, I decided to post this--

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. The first comment? Yes! I reallllly want to be your beta, but I'd better leave it to someone more well versed in the paranormal. Cannot wait for this to be published (that's a when, not if), you're a superb writer and I'm sure this has matured like a fine wine over the 3.5 years of crafting!

    Not sure I get the joke with the pic though - it just looks like a carrot with legs!

  2. Witches and vampires in the same book? Awesome! I'd offer to beta, but I'm not really that well versed on paranormal tropes, so you'd be better off with someone who really gets your genre.

  3. I'll beta read for you!! *Waves* Me! Me! Dramatic much but seriously this WIP sounds amazing. I do admit that the first paragraph of synopsis needs work but it's still an engaging synopsis and I want this book so bad. *Whimpers* And I love your agent getting idea, just run before they can memorize your face and leave an untraceable email address (make them write it down, don't want to leave finger prints).

    Great post and I'm sure you'll whip The Fallen Witch into perfect agent finding shape. And dirty carrots Elise? What is this code for? Is someone being naughty in real life. Just teasing!

  4. Lol - Loved this post. I'm rubbish with synopsis too, and it's so grew that you said so (although your;s worked in the sense it compelled me to offer BR serves :P so you can't be so bad!) My dog loved carrots but even he prefers them clean and shaved (I mean peeled!) :D

    Shah X

  5. I like your approach to agents in lifts. Seems a much more direct route to getting their attention.


  6. Ooooo, can I have you come threaten agents for me too? It's always good to know 'people'.

  7. I, too, write fat and cut later. Nice to meet a fellow over-padder! I also have no problem slashing thousands of words. Problem is, I often end up having to put a lot of them back (I tend to cut explanations) and cutting out other stuff (darling little scenes nobody really cared about but me!).

  8. Hi, Elise,
    I do like the sound of your novel. Seems full of action and adventure, which is important in a story.

  9. If you know what to edit out, that's half the battle!
    When produce gets dirty...

  10. witches and vampires... methinks you forgot to add the zombies too, they're the new craze....

  11. Elise, sounds like it will be fast paced! :-) I particularly enjoyed your approach to winning over an agent in an elevator.

    I am always willing to be a beta reader, I love reading!
    Lyre @ Lyre's Musings

  12. Your WIP sounds amazing! That carrot, however, is creepy. lol

  13. I once had to cut over 100,000 words from a novel, so I feel your pain! Ugly carrot.

  14. LOL to that carrot!

    The important thing is you know you need to cut from your word count, so that's perfect. I always write under first time around and have to add more. Either way is more work, but I find cutting out scenes and words to be way easier!!

    Sounds like a paranormally perfect story!! Love it!

  15. Cutting is always easier than adding, I say. My first YA novel ended at 140K. Yup. YA, and we're talking about the MG end of the spectrum here. I'm proud to say it currently resides at 90K, and once I've finalized it, it will hang at the low 80's. You have to explore everything in earlier drafts, eh? --Before you really know what's essential, and what's fluff. =)

  16. Elise the cutting can be a bloody affair. I read about an experience with another author where several characters were dropped by the editor and that of course equalled several pages gone as well.

    I like the revence mnotivation. Shoot ABC based a successful televsion show on it recently, so the slant is well established.

    Thanks to you and DL for hosting this grand idea. It is fabulous to have other writers giving their two cents worht. I look forward to your input on my WIP.

  17. OOPS, so sorry. Didn't realize you were co-hosting! I'll go fix my post right after this comment!
    Love your blurb - I worked on mine FOREVER trying to get to 250 words only. I'm a talker. I need to work at brevity, since it does NOT come naturally, in real life or in my writing! I do think it's an easier problem than trying to ADD. I think the wordiness also has to do with me being a you meander a bit looking for the straight and narrow...

    Tina @ Life is Good

  18. damn that is a long arse time haha at least you have to cut instead of add, but both can be a pain.

  19. Hi, visiting (twice in one day!) from WIP it this time :) Sounds really good, I love a bit of supernatural :)
    Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe

  20. I have a 145,000 word fantasy I'm trying to get to 110,000. It isn't easy.

  21. That carrot is just downright creepy looking, like an old man with saggy drawers and back hair!

    If you ever need extra eyes (and clicky pen is nowhere nearby) I'd gladly offer mine. I don't know that I'm very good, but there are worse...yes, I am GREAT at job interviews :)

  22. ooh, a nice revenge story! That's right up my alley!

  23. I like the synopsis you wrote. It gets me very excited.

  24. Love your elevator pitch. After this bloghop, there will be a lot of agents avoiding elevators...

    And knowing which words to murder is more than half the battle. Good luck with it!

  25. I love the premise! And the boldness of the project.
    But I'm mourning your darlings - I really hate killing mine. :)

  26. Sounds really interesting! I love the premise!


  27. I'll admit, every time someone mentioned "elevator pitch" what you wrote comes to mind :) Love the real pitch! Sounds like you have a great project!

  28. I don't do witches and vampires, but I do love a good romance mixed with a little mystery. And, I like the way the names Edessa and Ayden sound together, so I would buy it.

  29. H Elise .. I love your carrot .. and your Edessa sure has her work cut out for her .. good luck with getting it organised and then published .. and three projects on the go .. lots happening .. you need those carrots = more of them! Cheers Hilary

  30. Ha ha - I'm like you, always changing things until the last possible moment. Your project sounds super interesting (and the others that you won't tell us about sound intriguing too!) Best of luck in chopping it down and getting an agent!

  31. I *almost* posted my paranormal w/romantic elements. I even had it all typed out on my blog. Then deleted it all and put my historical up. My paranormal isn't ready to be unveiled.

  32. Let me be a Beta orI'll stab you in the eye with my click pen." *clicks twice for effect.*

    Seriously, this sounds like a terrific read. I'd like to have a go at it if you have room for me.

    Thank you for co-hosting this Blogfest with me. It's a blast!! :)

  33. I don't think I would eat that carrot, hahaha. Amazing response you've got. You won't suffer for lack of betas. Way to go, Elise!

  34. At first I thought it was called "The Fallson Witch"... (hehe :P )

    Seriously, though, sounds like a great premise and the line that stuck out in my head was "falling in love with the 'wrong' vampire"....very interesting.

    Sign me up as a Beta, if you find that you need another. :)

  35. Great premise! You've got a good one going, Elise!
    BTW, I *like* your version of carrots. ; )

  36. Sounds great, Elise! I love the name of your protag: Edessa Scottwood. That's a name that stands out. Good luck with this project. :D

  37. Cool idea, although I don't get why falling in love with the wrong vampire would help her mother. And what exactly does the Anchor Protein do?

    I think this is a winner. Witches, vampires, and dark secrets--how could it not be?

  38. Sounds like a good story, I too would love to be a Beta reader, but I don't know anything about writing a book only about reading them.


  39. Right then,Arggggghhhhhhh! That's beta, sorry, that's better. Another blogfest! :) I'm going to need a good lie down after this.

    No point spotlighting my WIP. Wouldn't be fair to dazzle all these folks with my amazing writing n'stuff. Yes, then I woke up.

    Elise, you've certainly concocted an interesting synopsis. Which reminds me, witches, vampires, zombies, co-hosts of blogfests, what a combination.

    Have a peaceful weekend and I hope you are finally getting some sunny weather.

    I'm going now.

    Gary :)

  40. Awesome pitch, although I'm left wondering how Edessa could fall in love with the right vampire. I mean, is there such a thing? :)

    I love editing. Carving out the extraneous stuff? So. Much. Fun!

    VR Barkowski

  41. (typo)

    That is really cool sounding!
    Plus we both have "Witch" books coming up.

    The Other Side

  42. It's exhilarating to have multiple WIPs, but I find that it leaves me feeling like "butter scraped over too much bread..." I'm liking the sound of your novel.

  43. Love the sound of your story! I am definitely into anything with witches :)

    Thanks for co-hosting this great 'fest and stopping by my blog :)

  44. Threats probably won't work with agents, but I've often joked about it myself!

  45. Thanks so much for doing this! It was a great time!


  46. Hey Elise, so many people have asked to beta for you, but I would still like to offer. If it works I would also be interested in trialing a Critique Partnership with you.

    As you know I love vampire stories, and yours sounds great!

  47. Good luck with your WIP. Hey, I've worked on my last WIP for about 7 years...THAT was long. =)

  48. I WANT TO READ YOUR STORY! You had me at "clicks pen twice." LOL. Really, though, I loved the synopsis and am looking forward to reading more about it. Want a beta, lol? Cuz I'm darn interested in this one! Also, is there a time limit to sign up for this hop? I would like to join, but just joined three other hops this morning so it might take me a little time to get to it ;D

  49. LOL!!! I would love to be a fly on the wall of that elevator when the agent warily eyes your clicking pen and says, "Okay, okay, lady, just sent me your draft and we'll talk, alright?" Good luck with your book - I really think that they get better with age as we work on them, just like a fine wine (at least I hope so!!).

  50. I l-o-v-e the sound of the name Edessa. It's unique. I haven't heard it before.
    Your story sounds like it has a great combo of different elements - witches, vampires, secret groups... actually I've never heard of witches and vampires in the same story... but what do I know about paranormal stories? nothing much... hey, you could work that carrot into the story! Yes? No?

    Writer In Transit

  51. Witches and vampires!! Love it! ^_^

    The elevator pitch is great!

  52. so far so good, el... keep on rockin in the free world!

    under my editorial hat, i say: use firefox, and ensure spell check is on ;)

  53. You guys have been great! Thank you for stopping in and commenting. It's been a great bloghop (Thank you DL!) and I appreciate everyone who offered to beta read. I'm going to do my best to get this done by July though the edits may take a little longer. Thanks again and I'm doing my best to get to everyone's blog. You all are awesome! :D

  54. Good luck with your WIP! I love murdering words. I will have to shave off a good 20,000 from mine. Maybe more.

  55. Whoa - such a good premise. I love how the Anchor protein adds a bit of scientific touch to the paranormal elements!

  56. Sounds fascinating. And the juicy teasers about your other wip(s) sound great, too.

  57. Your book sounds great. Sharpen those scissors and get to work :)

  58. Your story sounds really cool.

    I write the same way. My current project was 110,000...and after getting it back from my editor, and doing my own cutting, it's down to under 92,000 words.

  59. Ok that actually sounds really cool!

  60. *blocks pen stab* Great post, Elise. I enjoyed reading about your WIP. The blurb sounds very intriguing.

  61. I've recently cut 6 K from my WIP. It was easier than I thought it would be.

    Sounds like a great premise, Elise. Hopefully no eye stabbing will be required. :D

  62. Sounds wonderful! Can't wait to hear about your other projects as well. Looking forward to seeing your name on a book!

  63. Long weekend, huh :)

    Blog hops are killer man, and I don't even mean with a pen (me *no* go up elevator with you... me use stairs... safer.)

    PS... If you need a fifteenth reserve to be your Beer Reader, all I can say is: Put me in, Coach :)

  64. Love that falling in love with the wrong vampire bit!

  65. Stopping by from the WIP it good Blogfest.

    Good elevator pitch. *hides the pens*


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