Wednesday, 1 May 2013


This month, I've opted to deal with my insecurities by sticking my head in the sand. I don't want to face them, I don't want to deal with them, I don't want to drone on about them or give them voice. What I do want however, is to unplug for a few more days, enjoy time with my family, and pretend I live in a world where insecurities don't exist. Then, when my vacation bubble pops, and I find myself back home, I'll pull my head out of the sand, and freak out I'll face my  insecurities. But I'm hoping by then, I'll be armed with overflowing positive energy, renewed confidence, cold determination, and a beach tan.  (;


  1. Sounds like a plan. I'm heading to the beach for a few days too :-) Have fun!

  2. You'll be ready! You'll be energized and tougher than those insecurities.

  3. You know when you pull your head out that would make a nice spot for the cat to go hahaha

  4. You're so lucky. Right now, I'd like to stick my head in the sand too!

  5. Sounds like a plan! Enjoy the rest of your time down here in Sunny Florida and soak up those rays :)

    Have fun!

  6. Enjoy the rest of your vaca :)

  7. Yay for vacations, positive energy, renewed confidence, cold determination, and a beach tan! Sounds lovely. Have a wonderful time! :-)

  8. Enjoy your "head-in-the-sand-moments" as you relax on the sandy beach! LOL

    Writer In Transit

  9. Your ostrich vacation sounds intriguing!
    Hope you get the needed rest...
    good luck on the beach tan ;D

  10. That's the exact reason I think I need to go back on vacation. =)

  11. Enjoy your vacation,Elise! I'm sure you'll be back with renewed enthusiasm. :)

  12. Enjoy your vacation!

  13. Ah, a vacation form those insecurities! Enjoy! :)

  14. We all need time to hide away and renew ourselves. Have fun.

  15. A tan helps. (but don't overdo it). A vacation is for relaxing not for feeling insecure. And didn't you say Orlando? There's lots of sand at the nearby beaches.

  16. Sometimes a tan and a clear head is the best remedy for insecurities.

  17. Sounds like a great way to deal with them!

  18. You know, I'm not so sure just tuning them out isn't a great way to deal with them. Sometimes it's better than nurturing them. Enjoy your break!

  19. ummmm that sounds AMAZING! a BREAK with family!? I may have to follow your plan!

  20. I usually want to just hide my head in the sand to escape my insecurities, too. Or play video games. Lots of video games.

  21. I think you're on a secret mission to discover ologoies associated with holidays and vacations. I hope you succeed. (And have fun in the process.)

  22. Rock that tan G-friend! I hope your vacay is a great one! Tomorrow is another day! :)

  23. Relax and return to us refreshed El.

  24. Enjoying life is a great way to embrace joy. Have fun!

  25. it ain't about the exterior, as ye nose, el :P lmfao

    just bitchslap yer mind, if necessary ;)

    yer continuing prob: ye don't trust those of us who say ye do damn fine work - accept that, and 90% of yer perceptions of inadequacy disappear :D

  26. Good plan. Rest and relaxation makes things look different.

  27. Florida sand is friendly sand. Enjoy yourself.

  28. Hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation! Sounds like a great, relaxing time--and with a tan!

  29. Sometimes that works too. All the best! Enjoy your relaxation time. :-)

  30. Sounds like a good plan! Enjoy your break.

  31. New follower here, catch up when you get back from your break.

  32. Of course you will return with all of that and more!

  33. I'm doing the same thing this weekend. Have a good one! :)

  34. I like your strategy. It helps lift one's spirits to have a nice beach tan.

    Be well, Elise.

  35. Putting your insecurities down inside of you CAN be ok sometimes, just don't fall down that spiral so far that you can't climb back up! I hope everything is as well as it can be for you, Elise, and I'll be sending positive vibes your way!!! <3

  36. Hey Elise,

    That's the spirit! Savour your vacation, relax, get a tan. Then when you come back, gently get back into the groove. Let realistic positive anticipation be the motivator that makes you realise that dreams can become reality.

    Be well and smile, my friend.

    Gary :)

  37. I nominated you for an award on my blog in my Reflections post. Loved your A to Z posts! :)

  38. Lovely post Elise. I found it quite positive. We're all insecure up to a point, but hey, we keep going. D

  39. I hope you're resting. Florida is a great place to put your head and toes in the sand. :)


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