Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Hold Them Close

The day before yesterday, 
I wanted to be a Ray of Sunshine, 
So that my children may feel the warmth of my light and my affection, 
For they mean the world to me.
So, I took them in my arms and held them close.

I wanted to be Love, 
So that my children would know how much I love them and how much they mean to me, 
For they are my world.
So, I took them in my arms and held them close.

I want to be an impenetrable Shield, 
So I may protect my children from the horrors of this world and make them feel safe, 
For they mean everything to me.
So, I took them in my arms and held them close.

I don’t know what I will wish for tomorrow,
But at least I know,
It will start by holding my children close. 



  1. This is beautifully written. It is full of vivid imagery of your children wrapped in your protective arms as the sun warms your love for them. I was truly moved.

  2. This is gorgeous and so true. Love it!

  3. That is beautiful. Yes, start with a hug.

  4. Wonderful poem, Elise. My heart is heavy today, and this made me smile. Thank you. :)

  5. Very nice, Elise. Children are our hope for the future. We imprint them much more than we may think.

  6. Thanks you guys. Writing poetry is way out of my comfort zone, but today my heart was heavy and this just poured out. I didn't give myself anytime to edit though, I think if I had, I would have never hit the publish button! (:

  7. Sometimes, you just have to go with your gut...and I'm glad you did. That was great :)

  8. That was wonderful, Elise. Hold them close, savour the moments and know that you provide a safe, warm, positive environment for your children.

    Thank you, Elise.


  9. Best blog today! One of my kids is on a school trip for the week so I can't. But I can smother the other one. Off to smother now.

  10. Sure the way to be with each and every kiddie haha, if only all parents were like that.

  11. As a mother, I can definitely identify with the sentiments expressed in this poem. Touching, intense and yet sweet.

  12. ^Ditto what Ms. Campbell said. Beautifully written, Elise. Brava!
    Some Dark Romantic

  13. Wow. You auditioning for Hallmark? Very nicely done, Elise. My oldest turned 28 today and yeah, he still got the hug. :)

  14. Lovely! The perfect thing to read in the morning. Thanks :)

  15. What a sweet poem. No matter how old our children get, they'd always be our babies.

  16. Hi Elise .. wonderful thoughts - we all need to feel loved .. and if your kids feel that love and closeness everyday they will be blessed, as will you ..

    Cheers Hilary

  17. Lovely poem, Elise and these times with our children are so precious because they grow up so quickly, always make time for the cuddles as time disappears so fast.

  18. Well, sheet I never knew you did the poetry thing.

    Excellent by the way and don't be going all crazy saying you'd edit it more and not publish.

    (This is so good you should print it in each of your kids Wedding Reception agenda/menus (you know the thing everyone opens to the last page to see if it's a free bar :)

  19. Hi Elise,

    Number one: BEAUTIFUL poem! You captured me from the very first line. So heartfelt and the pacing is wonderful :)

    Next, 3 Ups is a go! Your "Upee" is Krystal Jane over at http://www.krystalsquared.net/

    No rush on when you have to give your Ups, whenver you have the time is fine :) :)

  20. indeed, that should be done on a regular everyday basis!

  21. This makes my mama's heart sigh. Sweet words that resonate with me. Thank you for sharing.

  22. all well and good... but they need a few bumps/scrapes to realize mom can't always be there, so they gotta learn to they have strengths too, even at those tender years :)

  23. So touching, children are a gift.

  24. Wow. Don't tell anyone, but it's tough, really tough to get me to like a poem. But I like this. It's so heartfelt and true it makes my chest squeeze, especially considering the devastation in Oklahoma.

  25. That was heartwarming, Elise, and something all children need from their parents - to know they are loved is the greatest gift we can give them...

  26. This poem is beautiful. I wish I could write poetry. You are the best mom ever, beautiful, smart, multilingual, young, a jet setter, into insects, blogger, scientist, etc.

  27. Gorgeous. So glad you shared it. A little girl died this weekend at a lacrosse tournament we attended. She was run over by an SUV. 4 years old. It's so easy to get caught up in life and stress and... but it only takes a moment for us to remember we should hold those dear close to us. Hugs.

  28. Beautiful and heartfelt. Dragon hugs.

  29. Being a mother is so profound, isn't it?


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