Wednesday, 24 April 2013

U for Ufology

Ufology is a vast field of study and associated activities dealing with information pertaining to unidentified flying objects (UFOs). UFOs have been subject to various investigations over the years by governments, independent groups, and scientists.  

July 2nd is World UFO Day. It's a day people gather and watch the skies for UFOs. The goal is to raise awareness of the Roswell findings and to gain support in forcing governments to "tell the truth about earthly visits from outer space aliens." To date, World UFO Day is celebrated in:

Austria, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. (source)

Other uninteresting U_ology words

Urenology: The study of rust molds' (source)

Uronology: That part of medicine which treats of urine. 


  1. I didn't know there was such a thing as UFO day. I'm learning so many new things this month by visiting your blog.

  2. I stare up at the sky every day. Just waiting for the signal.

    Moody Writing

  3. Maybe not a giggly as some of the recent letters, but UFOs are interesting. Funny that there is a day to go and look for them. It's not celebrated here in New Zealand.


  4. Yeah I didn't know about this either. Sounds cool though.

  5. Not surprised that there's an ology for UFOs.

  6. return to mothership, your task is complete, going home! ;)

  7. Well I know what I will be doing July 2nd. And when nothing comes I will celebrate I independence on the 4th. lol.

  8. I'll mark it on my calendar then...

  9. Did the UFO's get the meme about the 2nd? Watch it be like last year, when they showed up on the 3rd (everybody had left by that time), all drunk and rowdy yelling, "Road Trip!" "Cancun! Yeah, baby!" and "This oxygen is hard to breathe."

  10. Ufology is an interesting concept.

  11. Urenology and Uronology are so close I could see some interesting mix ups happening.

  12. It would be so much fun to study UFOs. Maybe not so much rust molds, though.

  13. Ufology would be so fun to study! It sounds more fun than my degree!

    World UFO Day? I think that should be like a public holiday where we can all dress up as aliens!

  14. Never knew there was such a day. But governments tell the truth? Pfft riiight haha

  15. This would be a fun thing to be! I never knew there was a World UFO day. Now I want to celebrate it. :)

  16. Thanks again for stopping by everyone! I know I've said things have been crazy for me since my A post but it's true. Plus, I'm getting ready to go on vacation and the last three days has been bananas!

  17. There is an UFO day? Seriously? Wow, and here I thought your ologies couldn't surprise me anymore, hahaha.

  18. I've often thought what would all the lovers of UFOs think if they found out that Roswell had nothing but a pile of stones and space debris. But it has tickled the imaginations of many writers.

  19. There's actually a word for that? Huh ... who'dathunkit? :)

  20. I wonder how many opportunities there are to put this study into practice? Or maybe I don't really want to know...

  21. I think everyday is UFO day, for some :D

  22. I had no idea there was such a thing as World UFO Day.

  23. So these gatherings...will they be coming to trailer parks, or will the trailer parks be coming to them?

  24. I think it would be so cool if I could bring myself to believe in UFO's, but my willing suspension of disbelief just won't stretch that far.

  25. Now that is news, wonder why it doesn't make the news? They report on other nonsense non-news worthy.

    Those other two words, I would confuse them cause they seem to make sense the other way around. :)

  26. Love the gif! I'm kinda a gif addict. :)

  27. I didn't know there was a special day set aside, lol. I've never seen a UFO, but I don't see why they can't exist. If we're here, there could be others, right?

  28. Sounds like it's time for another road trip.

  29. Don't get those latter two mixed up. At school there was a teacher and her two sons whose surname was Uren, which was a source of much merriment, but now I know it should only have been funny if it was Uron.

  30. July 2, I shall be there staring at the skies. Hopefully, my alien friends will take me home. And that last ology you mention, I'm very familiar with. Talk about taking the p**s! :)


  31. Ufology is definitely the most interesting.

  32. UFOs? Not a mystery! Any man that's been married a month or more can tell you everything you ever wanted to know about flying saucers! (and skillets... and rolling pins... and crock pots too!)

  33. I had no idea there was a World UFO Day. I know where I'll be July 2—inside in front of the A/C, I live in Atlanta. :)

    This is absolutely the ideal companion to Steven Symes "U" post today on Ufonauts.

    VR Barkowski

  34. This is very interesting. A lot of new information for me to ponder. The word is new to me. I would like to have time to study more on UFO's. Also I did not know that July 2 is World UFO Day. It must have been going on for some time because the poster said last year. Many countries involved.
    Take care and A-Z is on the home stretch

  35. How daft to set aside to stand around and watch for UFOs as though they would come on that day and that day only.


  36. Lots of U- words that I never heard of today. Good one, Elise. UFO's always interests me, urine not so much...

  37. Had to comment on UFOs, being a scifi writer. I didn't know we had a day to celebrate our belief in trying to reach out to other worlds. I just hope they aren't all like the Borgs or Independence Day when aliens do make themselves known.


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