Monday, 22 April 2013


Scatology is the study of feces. Scatological studies allow one to determine a wide range of biological information about  a creature, including its diet and subsequently where it has been. It also provides information about health and disease such as tapeworms. 

I studied scat and used the science of scatology for pest identification years ago (don't you just love how sciency that all sounds when all it really means is--I knew my shit back then). For those who may not know, I used to work in the pest management industry as an entomologist. Identifying the proper pest species is vital to the success of any integrated pest management program (duh!). Sometimes, identification came down to identifying fecal pellets your client handed you in a zip-lock bag (and that's if you're lucky). The droppings vary among different rat species and you don't control an infestation of Rattus norvegicus if your dealing with Rattus rattus. And believe it or not, in dry environments, American cockroach droppings can be confused with mouse droppings by the untrained eye. And you certainly don't want to get these two pest species mixed up, especially not in front of your client. Ok, well I think that's it with the below-the-belt posts. I know it's been nuts since my P post!

Other scary S_ology words

Sarcology: The study of the soft parts of the body. This includes myology, angiology, neurology, and splanchnology.

Satanology: The study of Satan.

Selenology: The scientific study of the moon, its movements in the heavens, kinetic influences it has upon other astronomical bodies as well as the effects it receives. 

Sexology:  The interdisciplinary scientific study of human sexuality. This includes human sexual interests, behavior, and function. The term does not generally refer to the non-scientific study of sex, such as political analysis or social criticism. In modern sexology, researchers apply tools from several academic fields, including biology, medicine, psychology, statistics, epidemiology, sociology, anthropology, and criminology. Sexologists also study sexual development (puberty), sexual orientation, the development of sexual relationships, as well as the mechanics of sexual intercourse. This field also includes the study of the sexualities of specific groups, such as the disabled, child development, adolescents, and the elderly. Sexologists additionally study sexual dysfunctions, disorders, and variations, including such widely varying topics as erectile dysfunction, anorgasmia, and pedophilia.

Sitiology: The study of diet and nourishment. 

Spongology: The science and study of the sponges. Not the moldy ones soaking in your kitchen sink, the ones living in marine environments, like Sponge Bob. Yes, this is the study of Sponge Bob. 

Stigmeology: The study of punctuation.

Stomatology: The branch of medicine relating to the mouth and mouth disease. Practiced by physicians as a medical specialty in the early 20th century in the United States, these concerns are now largely handled by dentists.


  1. I had no idea there was a study for punctuation. I wonder how the researchers analyze people who use exclamation marks all the time when they write!!!

  2. Only you could make me laugh over a shitty post :)~

    1. BHAAHAHA! Only you can make me laugh with one of your shitty comments. :D

  3. Ooh, that'd be a good one for the business card "Qualified Sexologist"

  4. Punctuation? Wow we study everything. Nice list for the S part of the challenge.

  5. Great S post - it's amazing what can be found out from faeces!

  6. I actually knew the word scatology. Wouldn't want to do it, though I can recognize the importance.

  7. Lol Mark... he's a funny one.
    The first thing I thought of was poop. I have a friend that calls poop scat.

  8. You do know your shit! Hate to say it, but I'm glad I don't know shit.

  9. "Ok, well I think that's it with the below-the-belt posts. I know it's been nuts since my P post!" said 'nuts'... :)

    While this post was fit for the crapper, it was still very interesting :D

  10. I have known the word scatology for some time. Its the kind of word kids get hold of and use to excess. Seems a funny profession, but I guess we need to know about it.


  11. Oh, I actually knew this one! The first one anyway.

  12. Um, I'd rather study punctuation that feces!

  13. I knew what scat was! Yay for me! And I love that there's a study of Sponge Bob, heheh :)

  14. This was one I actually knew, not because I worked as a scatologist, but I nature journal and that is one of the ways you identify the animals that are in the region.

  15. I don't think I would want to be a scatologist.

  16. You said poo - giggles.
    Just kidding, but wow you had an unpleasant job. I guess it's not as bad as actually having to do a full analysis to look for worms.

    Visiting from AtoZ

  17. I had no idea there was actually such a thing as the study of punctuation! Scat, sure but punctuation? :)

  18. That's some shit, right there, lady. Scat, of course, also refers to the patter and nonsense syllables jazz singers incorporate into their performances. So they talk lots of shit when they perform. ;-)
    Some Dark Romantic

  19. My heroine is exploring sexology...a new and enlightening course of study. My hero has become an expert in stomatology, using the heroine's mouth exclusively for his experiments. :-) I couldn't resist. Wonderful esses!

  20. LOL almost made me spit my water out there. Glad you know your shit, now no one can shit near you and get away with it lol

  21. Yuck. First butts then feces? What's next? Digestive system?


  22. I have the perfect pun for this, but I doubt it's appropriate. :)

  23. Scat? I don't know sh** about that. LOL! Sitiology...I need to learn more about that for sure.

  24. Oh no, not Sponge Bob! Lol! I had my grand nieces up for the weekend. I saw more of Sponge Bob and Dora than I wanted. My son also like both. My Husband still likes to watch Sponge BoB.

    Scatology is something any who work with animals need to know too. Stinky business but quite an eye opener.

  25. I love how some of these fields have really obvious names. It's almost as if someone just went and tacked -ology to a word to make it sound sciency. ;-)

  26. i understand there are kinky types who are into scatological sex... sounds pretty smelly to me! :(

    of course, too much booze tends to leave one shit-faced!

    sarcology must then include mammaries, n'est-ce pas? unless they've been siliconed, or some such? ;) lmfao

  27. I knew all of these ones except the study of punctuation. Though, as writers, shouldn't we be keen on that? Yet I'm gravitating to the sex and feces, strangely.

  28. To my knowledge, the word scat is a musical term. It's vocal improvisation used mainly in jazz singing, when the singer uses nonsense syllables (no words are used), to create the effect of an instrumental solo.
    Scatology could well be the art of "shitty singing techniques"! LOL

    Writer In Transit

  29. Hooray! At last a word I know. I guess all those National Park Trips finally paid off.

  30. I wonder why stomatology relates to the mouth and not the stomach and if I had to guess stigmeology would have nothing to do with punctuation. :)

  31. Oh wow. I didn't know a few of these. So funny :)

  32. Nice list of S entries... shame it had to start with crap. ;-)

  33. Wow-- we should all post our past careers/jobs... we'd learn so much about each other!

  34. The study of punctuation sounds pretty boring but at least it's not smelly.

  35. Selenology sounds interesting to me. Does this field include 'on location visits' as a benefit?

  36. Human, Elise,

    What a load of scat you talked in this posting :) I'm chuckling with this one. And now I must go outside and inspect some scat.

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

  37. Informative post! Truth is, I have bug/rat issues—they scare me shitless, so your entomological background is impressive. As for scatology? I'm not really into that shit either, however, I used to teach sociology of sexuality. *she says, preening proudly*

  38. I love your unique way of writing A to Z
    read few of ur posts and learnt many words

  39. I used to do social work...a whole different brand of investigating people's sh*t.

    Hope my sons never find out sexology is a science...they'll be dropping career plans.

  40. Hi Elise .. scatalogy and you definitely tie in together .. it must be very interesting - I'd love to be academic .. but if I was I wouldn't be here I guess! Cheers Hilary


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