Wednesday, 17 April 2013


Oneirology is the scientific study of dreams. It's an extensive field of research that quantitatively studies the process of dreaming. It looks for correlations between dreaming and our knowledge about the functions of the brain. It also attempts to understand how the brain works during dreaming as it pertains to memory formation and mental disorders. This is not to be confused with dream analysis, which aims to uncover the meaning behind dreams. 

Other odd O_ology words:

Omnibology: The study of motor buses. Which, let's be honest, is far less interesting than say, the study of motor boats.

Ombrology: The scientific study of rain. The branch of meteorology dealing with rain.

Onomatology (onomastics): The study of proper names of all kinds and the origins of names.

Orchidology: The study of orchids (thinking of you Misha Gericke
!). (:

Osmology: The science of the sense of smell and the production and composition of odors.


  1. Anyone who posts a video with farting dinosaurs automatically becomes my new favorite person on the interwebs.

    And in a weird coincidence, onomastic was my 15 minute tweet tale word of the day just a few days ago. Here's the tweet tale I came up with: Jane did an onomastic search for the perfect name for her baby. Rainbowriffic Sparkles Smith wished his mom had checked the gender first.

    Hope you’re having fun with the A to Z challenge,

  2. I'd love to study dreams. Onomatology sounds interesting too. Motor buses? Um, no.

  3. I'd like to learn more about the science behind dreaming. That might be why the movie Inception was so fascinating to me.

  4. Every time someone annoys me today I'm going to think of this video .....
    Great words again.

  5. Ombrology is easy to remember because it sounds a bit like umbrella!

  6. The human brain is a very mysterious thing. Not always sure mine is on my side.

    Moody Writing

  7. Memory formation and mental disorders - that makes sense.
    Motor buses? Is there such a thing as a non-motor bus?

  8. Love the words. I have anosmia so I was familiar with osmology. I like to learn new words.

    Love your farting dinosaurs.

    Hey those pictures are great. Like the birds best.


  9. That is a very poetic word! I wish I'd known about it for this challenge. I'd have used it! Juliet atCity Muse Country Muse

  10. Farting dinosaurs....the best. We are going to have some rain today, for someone to study.
    Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

  11. Dreaming is such a mystery. Cool that there is a whole branch of science studying them. I hope the osmologists can handle that dinosaur!

  12. I think the study of dreams is fascinating and it's amazing how the mind works.

    Great "O" word :)

  13. coolios, el :)

    studying rain, the word should be UMBRELology ;)

    as for farting critters:

  14. Hmm, I wonder how Freddy Kruger would fit into this? :)

  15. Study of dreams is interesting. That dinosaur video is LOL.
    Cover Girls

  16. You know fatigue is setting in when we're reduced to flatulence.

  17. O is for 'Oh my god I've been so bad at keeping incontact with buddies online and updating my blog lately'

    1. Yes. Yes you have. (;
      But I forgive you. Glad you're ok. (:

  18. Oh my gosh, totally missed the dinosaur as the plug in is blocked where I am. I'll have to view it when I go home tonight. ;)

  19. Motor buses? That must be so exciting. I bet they bring the dino along to fart and keep them awake haha

  20. I think I need someone to tell me how my brain works when I'm conscious, much less dreaming. Somedays I think "I be cray cray."

    1. mike, be happy to be cray, they make excellent super computers ;)

  21. Great word and fascinating study-- I think there is a lot more to dreams than we may realize-- what our brain is doing to reorganize and categorize when we're asleep.

  22. I have teenage I read the study of motor boats would be more interesting than buses and I giggle like I am twelve.

  23. My kids just happen to be home this morning and now my son wants me to email the farting dinosaur link! :)

  24. Onomatology has always fascinated me, until I found out my name means angel of death. not good.

  25. Onomatology sounds fascinating. I've always loved learning about names and where they came from.

  26. Osmology - production and composition of odours...
    I wonder if the osmologist can pinpoint food type mixtures, that cause different smell intensities...?
    I'm also wondering about the scientific procedures used by the Osmologist and how the odours are "captured" and prepared for study... the imagination can run riot here... LOL

    Writer In Transit

  27. I would never want to study Osmology, but Oneirology sounds intriguing.

  28. I don't think I'd want to be an Osmologist...I assume that's the type of career where you'd spend your days smelling armpits and ranking the levels of rancid BO

  29. Shouldn't ombrology be called umbrellogy?

  30. the study of motor buses is very anorak - re dreams I always wonder re that recurring dream re walking around in underpants.

  31. Interesting -- the study of dreams. I woke up this morning very depressed due to a dream. Shouldn't work that way!

    Happy A to Z!

  32. How could they... alright, I won't ask that question I was just about to ask. The study of motor buses is important. No need for anymore runaway buses like that horrible movie, The Runaway Bus, which I had to say in my disturbed teen years I kinda liked.

    My nephew would love that video, as obsessed he is with the humor of farts. Writer’s Mark

  33. I can't even pronounce the first one. And I'm glad my kids haven't found that video yet. I'll never hear the end of it if they do. :P

  34. I think the study of dreams sounds awesome. I'd like to know what some of my dreams mean. I have really vivid ones, almost every single night. But they're pretty crazy, so maybe I don't want to know what they say about me, now that I'm thinking about it...

  35. I love these words. I was trying to imagine some of them being used in casual conversation, and of course, I can't. Which makes them even more interesting to me. :)

  36. Hi Elise .. well we know the effect of the pig's osmology .. and if anyone wants to study ombrology - they should come to England!

    Loving these and that farting dinosaur .. is "amazingly fun" ... cheers Hilary

  37. I studied rain as an extracurricular one semester! It won me the school's science award! (OK--I am officially coming out as one of the dorkiest people alive LOL)


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