Monday, 1 April 2013


I’m starting off my A-Z ology theme with something the world will never run out of--stupidity. More precisely agnoiology, defined as the study of human ignorance.  Looking at the world around me I can easily state that people who study agnoiology, will never run dry of source material.  

Agnotology, a slightly different spelling but with the same Greek root, is the study of culturally induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data. This field of study focuses on how and why certain forms of knowledge are ignored or delayed from the general public (Sound familiar?). An example of this was the censorship about the knowledge of plate tectonics for about a decade because key evidence was classified military information related to underseas warfare. Another example was the tobacco industry’s withholding data concerning cancer risks from the use of tobacco. (wikipedia)

There’s a science of stupidity! Who knew?!

Other awesome A_ologies to think about:

Aristology: The art or science of cooking and dining.

Astrobiology: The study of extraterrestrial life and live on Earth. It also encompasses the search for habitable planets outside our Solar System as well as habitable environments within our Solar System.

Anemology: The science of wind movements and air currents.

Don't forget to visit Arlee Bird at Tossing it Out, the man who created this awesome A-Z Challenge! Thank you Arlee!!!


  1. Really interesting! I never thought of stupidity as a study field. Goes to show you that we learn something every day.

    Unless we're stupid. ;-)

  2. There's an endless stream of stupidity all around... so we should be in for quite a treat with your -ology theme! He! He!

  3. Yep, study of ignorance must be a very wide field! Sounds a bit like "annoyology" too - there must be a study of annoying people... :D

    Can't wait for the rest of your posts! Good luck.

  4. Turns out I've been involved in research my whole life.

    Moody Writing

  5. I reckon I could get an A+ in practical agnoiology. ;-)

  6. Classified military information? That I believe!

  7. wow! I had no idea such a thing existed!

  8. People like me make people who enjoy agnoiology very happy. After all, I'm a big supporter of education and all fields of study need reference material. ;-)

  9. Maybe if they study stupidity long enough they'll find a cure. :)

  10. This is a great ology to note. Ignorance is everywhere. Love how this has started El.

  11. What a great word. I look forward to learning more 'ologies' this month.

  12. Figures, for stupidity they sure have it in mass coming right out their well um something crass haha

  13. Yes, there will never be a lack of stupidity in the world - unfortunately.

    Laura Eno – A Shift in Dimensions

  14. Knowledge is power and through the control of what people knows, you can rule the crowds. Excellent information!

  15. I find sources in my everyday life! Very interesting, there's all kinds of science that I have no idea even existed.

  16. It's a good day when you learn something new. Thanks for the post! And thanks for stop by Between the Keys earlier as part of the A to Z Challenge.

  17. Great theme, Elise. I'm going to take notes and slip these -ologies, into a few stories!
    Jenn @Scribbles From Jenn

  18. No surprise the tobacco industry didn't want people to know.

  19. Thanks for stopping in everyone! I'll be replying via email if you're a 'reply' commenter this month and will definitely stop by your blog. Looks like everyone is off to a great start! (:

  20. You're definitely shortage of -that- anywhere, sad to say :)

    Great theme and I'm really looking forward to the rest of your "ologies" :D

  21. The science of stupidity... that's fun. At least we can learn from mistakes, right? Got to spin it positive.

    Here is my "A" post for the A to Z challenge: A Girl and her Diary

  22. I'm relieved to know that stupidity is an actual science because that guarantees I will never run out of blog fodder

    I really love your theme!

  23. Uh, a study for stupidy... they have a study for everything!

    Dani & Jax @ Cover Girls

  24. Interesting, Elise. If they find out why certain people have the 'stupid' gene, will they be able to do anything about it? I think Dylan calls it 'Idiot Wind'.

    I like learning new words. Not participating, just supporting those in the A to Z.

  25. Nice word! Next time I people watch in the park and someone asks me what I'm doing, I'm going to say "I'm studying to be an agnioligist." ;)

  26. That's what I went to school for...;)

  27. The study of human ignorance -- damn which I could go back and spend four years studying that in college. Oh wait... I did! LOL. I love that word so much that I am going to find a way to work it into at least once conversation today.

  28. Fun post and educational! I'll look forward to your other letters!

  29. The science of stupid?! *snickers* :)

  30. I enjoyed your post very much because I tend to think like that anyway, and didn't know my thinking had a

  31. LOL. Let's hope no one from Louisiana reads this with Intelligent Design being allowed to be presented in science classrooms and textbooks alongside Evolution. Otherwise some may take "offense."

  32. This is a clever theme. I love it. It really pisses me off that the dangers of cigarette smoking were withheld from the public for so long. Of course, I say that as a person addicted to nicotine. The warnings that teens receive today, has made such a difference. My kids will never smoke (I continue to pray). They are so well informed and they think it is gross.

    I will be back often to read your blog post. I love your idea.

  33. This is such a clever theme! I liked this post very much.

  34. Great start to the Challenge! I love posts like this where I learn something new. I need to use that word somewhere.

  35. The next time I'm asked to list my hobbies anywhere, I'll get all fancy and write down aristology.

  36. I agree, no shortage of stupidity will be found on this planet. Sadly.

    Oh, and I recently took an on-line course on Astrobiology which was quite interesting!

  37. It's funny the things that get hidden from us. Not sure why the plate tectonics was hidden, but who knows? This is going to be interesting, Elise. I'll be back!

  38. I'm smarter for reading this post. (They won't be studying me! LOL) Happy AtoZ!

  39. Hey Elise,

    You can relax now. Yes indeed, I've arrived. I'm really looking forward to your ongoing ologys..Hey, I can do stupid! Then there's always this one,
    "Analogy", which is the scientific study of um a**holes! :)

    Have fun with the alphabet challenge. Must go visit the lovable Arlee Bird. He just loves my comments.


    Gary :)

  40. Nice post. As always, you rule all things. I look forward to more 'ologies to come.

    Rock on,


  41. Great 'a-ologies'. Learning from mistakes in writing sometimes seems endless!

  42. This is such an original theme! I also appreciate the art of stupidity, and look forward to reading more!


  43. I love your list of fields of study! :)

    I've never heard of agniology before, but it doesn't surprise me it exists . . . unfortunately.

  44. You always have the best themes. I love the my little pony bit. So does my daughter. :)

  45. Love the theme of -ologies! Who would've guessed there was a study for stupidity?!

    A to Z Participant
    Cherie Reich - Author and Surrounded by Books Reviews

  46. I like these words. I'll need to use agnoiology on my brother... to tell him he's making me an expert! :)

  47. Ologies rock! It reminds me of a radio show I hear called Stupid
    Love this~ :D

  48. Haha --> Science of stupidity. Love it. Can't wait for more ologies.

  49. Study of human ignorance: isn't that really how philosophy began? :-)

  50. love it :)

    ella, there was one on canadian tv, years back, called:'s the news ;)

    is there one called: annoy-ology? if not, there should be ;)

  51. I agree, they "will never run dry of source material" because there's plenty of ignorance in the world.

  52. Hi Elise!

    Okay. You officially win for my favorite theme for the A-Z challenge! Can't wait to see the rest of your posts on this. :)

    And it's great to see you again. This is Tamara from One Magic Bean Buyer btw. I started a new blog with my friend/CP, Karen, so we're following under my new name now. See you tomorrow...

  53. Ha! That was great. The science of stupidity! Excellent theme for the challenge- ologies. Can't wait to read more.
    A2Z Mommy And What’s In between

  54. If I got paid for every stupid person I encountered...

    I love this theme! Can't wait to learn more -ologies :)

  55. Can't wait to read your A to Z posts, and what a great start. As intriguing as it would be to study stupidity, I'm afraid it would drive me insane. I'm not sure I want to understand it. ;-)

  56. What a tasty little collection of A-ologies. Isn't it interesting that Aristology is the study of cooking and dining? I would have guessed the study of the aristocracy, but perhaps that's aristocratology. :)

  57. Unfortunately there is too much stupid of course there is a study of it!
    Happy A to Z April :)

  58. Ailsa Abraham (using brother's ID for reasons completely connected to your post!) Wonderful. Who would have known there was a name for it?

  59. Hi Elise .. I knew I was going to love your postings - these are brilliant - just love them ... and the Twilight video = excellent .... talk about short and brief, but so pertinent ... and I couldn't agree more .. I shall use agnoiology often!!

    Cheers Hilary

  60. I have a post coming up on this type of think when we get around to Q. Your A-Z theme is fun. Thanks for the visit.
    Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

  61. wow, I didn't know such thng existed! bookmarked for further research!

  62. You have got to be kidding! I have a feeling I'll be saying that a lot on your blog. Lol.

  63. Nice example: the radio host who almost got charged with a felony (I think they rethought it) for announcing (on April Fool's Day) that there was dihydrogen oxide in the water supply.

  64. When I was in college, my developmental psych teacher swore data on the disadvantages of children raised by busy, long hour working parents was being under reported because it was unpopular.


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