Tuesday, 15 January 2013

She Said What?!

(((****NEWS FLASH****)))

My friend and blogging buddy, the lovely Michelle Wallace over at Writer in Transit, will be celebrating her TWO year blogging anniversary! And guess what? Me too! Well, actually no. But I AM turning the big 01! 

Michelle and I met during A-Z last year and we just hit it off right away. She writes amazing flash fiction and I can't wait for her to finally tackle a larger project that I've been dying to find out more about. So if you haven't gotten the chance to read some of her work, drop on by her site, you won't regret it.

So poof, here I am one year old and wow that went fast. What the heck happened all this time? Actually, lots of great stuff happened. I bumbled out into the blogosphere, discovered an amazing community of writers and bloggers, made friends, participated in blogfests and bloghops, survived A-Z, wrote some crazy flash fiction, entered writing contests, hosted blogger/writer buddies, did cover reveals, did a guest post, co-hosted a bloghop and poured my little heart out about my insecurities. Now it's time to celebrate! And to do that, Michelle and I decided to get together and organize the: 

Now try not to groan so loud guys, I know there are a lot of bloghops popping up in February, but hear us out because this is going to be fun, easy and different. Yes, different because we don't know any better and wanted to do something a little off the wall, plus there will be prizes! So, instead of asking you all to write on a theme, we're going to put you in the screen writers chair and ask you to write some dialogue all in good fun. So here's what you do:

  • On Monday the 18th of February, Michelle and I will post two comic strips with blank dialogue bubbles. 
  • Drop in on one of our blogs and copy and paste the two comic strips into your post.
  • Write the dialogue off to the side. 
  • Post your entry on Wednesday the 20th of February and then check out some of the other entries to make fun of them
  • Michelle and I will then pick some extra creative entries who will win prizes that will include books and other stuff. (;
  • Winners will be announced on Friday the 22nd of February.
  • That's it! So grab the badge, sign up at the bottom, and thanks for celebrating with us. (: 

"You know E, that's almost too easy."
"Hummm, I think you're right, M. That is too easy. What do you suggest?"
"How about I come up with a few random bonus words that the participants should try to use in the dialogue?"

Did you guys catch that? Great. But just in case, I've put together an example of what we're talking about.

Panel 1: "Hi guys! We're so happy you're going to celebrate our blog birthday with us! It's going to be fun so sign up below on the linky list and get excited!"

Panel 2: "That's right E, this is going to be fun and all you guys have to do is copy the comic strip that we'll reveal on the 18th of February into your post. Then write your dialogue above or on the side of the comic strip." 

Panel 3"Oh, and don't forget to write down the panel number in front of your dialogue."

Panel 4"And one more thing, remember I'll have a list of bonus words for you guys to add into your dialogue for a little extra challenge and kiss up points!" 

Who let the cat out of the bag?!
The cockroachgirl.
"She Said What?!" Blogoversary Giveaway Bash


  1. This sounds like fun! What a creative idea!

  2. This idea is genius! I don't know if I'll have time to join in but no doubt you will post a reminder before it starts. If I'm free, I'm in! :D

  3. You promised photos of you in a cockroach dress. :(

    1. And I ALWAYS keep my promises. Look through the post again, at the bottom is a hidden link. Find the word 'Cockroach girl' and it will take you to a secret page.

  4. I might be able to do it, but need to check the schedule - as you said, February is very full.
    But congratulations on one year. And cool the Challenge brought you guys together.

    1. The A-Z was so great last year, looking forward to this year!

  5. I'm totally on-board, but I can't sign up here at work (network restrictions). Looking forward to it! :)

  6. I'm not too reliable on blogfests, but this one sounds interesting and I'll give it a try. Happy Anniversary.

    1. Thank you Richard and I understand. I always appreciate you stopping by and commenting. (:

  7. This is gonna be the third blogfest I've signed up for in as many days. Gasp! But yeah, it sounds like fun.

    1. I've signed up for a bunch too, lol! But I think of it as practice for A-Z! (;

  8. Congratulations Elise!! I just saw this over at Michelle's site and it looks like such a fun fest. I love the cartoon figures in your post and the cat at the end cracks me up, even though he's totally wrong about it being the worst idea for a fest! :D

    1. Thank you Julie! Grumpy cat always cracks me up, lol!

  9. Great idea Elise-- I'll look forward to reading the posts.

  10. Sometimes I question your sanity.

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you hon! If we can get a handfull of us together for this that would be great! (:

  12. Replies
    1. Mish is great, so glad I met her during A-Z! (:

  13. So in for this! Never done a blogfest before so it could be ugly :) looking forward to putting my randomness to pictures

    1. Yeah! Randomness is good....randomness is really good! :D

  14. Congratulations on one year. Your drawings are so cute! I'm looking forward to reading all the witty sayings.

    1. Thanks Jenn! I'm looking forward to this too! (:

  15. Congratulations on one year! Wow, that did go fast. Sounds like a fun blog hop!

    1. It is crazy how fast this year has gone by. If time wanted to take a break for a while, I'd be totally alright with it. (=

  16. Happy first birthday, Elise!

    What a cool idea for a blogfest. :D

  17. What a cool idea!
    Too bad I'm already committed. :(

    1. It's ok Melissa. February is pretty packed for lots of folks. But thank you anyway!

  18. grats on making it to ONE!

    i'm in [something or other]...

  19. I signed up at Michelle's. It'll be fun to see what everyone comes up with.

  20. i am fascinated with this idea... and then i got to the bottom and see you are infested with cockroaches... I am not sure I was suppose to see that.

    1. Come on Jeremy, at least it's not a picture of me molting. :O :D

  21. Hi Elise .. have fun - sounds different!! I'll be watching from the sidelines ..

    Cheers Hilary

    1. Not a problem Hilary. Have a good weekend! (:

  22. This is a cool idea. Drat if I won't be doing the end of a tour at that time, though. Congratulations on your one year blogoversary and to Michelle on her two years! That's awesome.

    1. Thanks Christine. Enjoy the rest of your tour! And Congratulations to you too. (:

  23. This sounds like a lot of fun. Can't wait. :)

  24. Have signed up over at Michelle's site Elise. What a great idea! Something very different, and congratulations on you one year blog-aversary!

    1. Thanks Carolyn, we were aiming for different. (:

  25. I just signed up and added the Blogfest to my calendar.

    1. I appreciate it Stephen, glad you can join in!


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