Sunday, 13 January 2013

Please Re-Introduce Yourself

When I first started blogging, I knew nothing about the on-line writing community but I did know everything about the six people that visited my blog. (; Now almost a year later and having met so many amazing people, I realize many don't know much about me and vice versa. 

Luckily, published author and blogger Steve Tremp, came up with the idea of this Blogfest and I'm happy to be co-hosting the event along with two other amazing authors, Carolyn Brown and Mark Koopmans. I think it's a wonderful opportunity to re-introduce ourselves to our readers both new and old as well as to the ever-expanding blogging community. So on January 28th, feel free to take a moment and tell us something interesting about yourself. It doesn't have to be very long, just something you haven't shared with your readers in a while. It can be anything. It can be about writing. Or blogging. Or that time you rode an ostrich when you visited Oudtshoorn, South Africa...oh wait, that was me... ;D  

This is going to be fun guys, so grab a badge, sign up and I can't wait to re-meet you!


  1. What a nice idea! I'm marking it on my calender.

  2. This is a cool idea! I'm trying not to sign up to too many bloghops just yet while I get myself organised, but I will be sure to check out as many posts as I can! :D

  3. Replies
    1. Hey Mark, I'm going to upload the image a second time, maybe it'll pop up now.....

    2. Hope you can see it now, Mark. And hope you can participate as well...would love to re-meet you! (;

  4. All signed up!!
    Elise, what happened to the badge image??

    1. EKKK? You mean you can't see it? It looks fine on my end. Let me up load it one more time.....

  5. Sounds like a great idea. Um, is there a certain day we're supposed to be posting this? Did I miss it?

    1. I've added the date into the post just in case people are having trouble viewing the badge image. Thanks for signing up! (:

  6. Sounds fun! All signed up! :D

  7. I signed up last night at Stephen's blog!

  8. What a fun idea! I can't wait to meet everyone again.

  9. I think this is a very cool idea for a blogfest. I'm looking forward to it!

  10. I signed up and am ready to go!

  11. i am so there, elise. great idea!!

  12. That sounds like fun. I'll have to come back and sign up when I catch up with all my work stuff (so I can set a reminder on my blog).

  13. Great idea for a blogfest! I'm on board!! :)

  14. What to share? Hmmm.I'm sure it'll be interesting to find out a bit more about other writers I don't visit too often.

  15. What a fun idea! I've signed up and am looking forward to reading everyone's entries.

  16. I'm really looking forward to this blogfest. Great idea and I'm sure it will be fun. Thanks for hosting! :)


  18. sounds like a party!
    we'll see...i did my blogfest this month, but i am very tempted...hmmm

  19. Great idea. I've been so bad at blogging lately. Alright. I'm signing up. :)

  20. I already have something planned for the 28th, but it does sound like a great blogfest!

  21. Should be fun to see what everyone comes up with. It's true, I don't know a lot about some of the newer people I've connected with lately.

  22. Thanks for hosting this event. I hope I can think of something interesting to share about myself before the 28th.

  23. Great idea for a blog hop. :)

  24. Love it, and co-hosting duties... WOW! Need to pick your brain on how that goes. Looking forward to participating!

  25. I almost forgot about this one!
    All signed up and ready to go. Thank you for hosting this.

    The Other Side

  26. Hi Elise. Nice to meet you. Even though I didn't sign up for the fest am hopping around and saying hi this morning.


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