Thursday, 13 December 2012

If You Could Go To Paris...

If you could go to Paris, what would be your first stop? Any particular monument, museum, park, or street you'd want to visit? I'm asking because in a couple of days I'll be taking the train heading for the French capital. The reason I'm going is because well, it's PARIS! Duh! But also because that's where part of my novel takes place and I'd like to go there first hand before writing it into the book. I don't think going there will make my writing any better, but at least I'll know what I'm talking about. 

So basically, I'm going to have 7 hours to prance around Paris and was thinking, if there's a place you always wanted to go, I could try to get a snap shot of it for you. Then next week, I'll post the pictures of my trip. Paris has a wonderful subway system that can get me just about anywhere and I think it'll be fun to see what these places look like this time of year. It's the holiday season and practically every intersection and traffic circle is decorated. So let me know in the comments section what you'd like to see and I'll do my best to get a picture of it for you. And if you're wondering, no I won't be traveling alone. I'll have a special Mini Ninja with me watching my back. He wants to see Paris before heading to the States. 



  1. Hey,

    First of all, I'm so jealous:)


    IF you can make this happen, I will owe you BIG...

    Ifyou rememeber, I used to work for EuroDismal and one of the places we went to frequent frequently was The Bow Bells.

    If you take a look at the end of the first page of this PDF file

    There is an English pub by the name of The Bow Bells on the Rue des Bourdonnais.

    OMGosh, if you can get a shot of (and then *at*) the Bow Bells, I would be soooo impressed :)

    1. Are you sure it's still there? I tried looking up their address on rue des Bourdonnais but can't find Bow Bells anywhere. I'll be in that area though (probably have lunch in front of Notre Dame :P ) so I'll keep looking.

  2. prolly the left bank, where all the artsy-fartsy types lived/partied, back in the day... and pretended to work - ok, some actually DID... work, that is! :P

    1. Don't you mean the right bank and the area around Montmartre?

    2. could be, never having been there ;) lol

    3. see my post of 9-y-o hemingway's thoughts, on my fb page...

  3. It sounds amazing! I hope you have fun. I'll take any pictures you post and enjoy them all.

  4. I visited Paris many years ago, but I can't think of one thing I'd really want to see. You'll have a lot of options though - enjoy!

    1. I sure will, I just hope the weather holds up.

  5. I have never been to Paris, but I can't wait to see your pics, Elise. :)

  6. I was in Paris several years ago and one thing I'll say is don't bother trying to see the Louvre (the inside at least) in a hurry. It's just too big. We made that mistake and were like the Griswalds in European vacation trying to take it all in in a few hours. LOL. The area around there is beautiful enough, Pont Neuf and all that. We actually had a really cool time on the metro, too, with a geurilla puppet show on one train and awesome musicians in the stations. Paris is so cool. Have fun!

    1. Absolutely. I've been to the Louvre and you could spend an entire week inside visiting all the exhibits and still miss a few. I don't think I'll go in, but I depending on time, I may swing by the Musee d'Orsay. I LOVE that museum, but then again, I'm a big fan of the great impressionist.

  7. I've always feared that the Mona Lisa wouldn't be able to live up to the hype as the world's greatest painting, so I think I wouldn't go and see it.


    1. Honestly, I got the 'meh' feeling when I saw her. She's displayed behind bullet-proof glass and a rope barrier. Even though most people only stand a few seconds in front of her, the crowds are always thick and it's hard to simply enjoy the painting.

  8. I was briefly in Paris as a college student. We saw all the typical sights, but what I remember most are the street cafes and lovely pastries and dark shots of coffee. Enjoy your time!

    1. I'm definitely treating myself to a lunch in a café with a cup of espresso. (:

  9. Hi Elise .. Mark's sounds like an excellent place for lunch ... or a snack - and a good place for a photo .. just enjoy ... Montmartre, the Louvre, Champs Elysees, Tour d'Eiffel ... the normal shots ... but the Picasso Museum looks fascinating - but I think will take up more time than you've got ..

    Just enjoy ... and looking forward to the pics next week - Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary, I'm going to try and hit all the major spots you mentioned plus l'Arc de Triomphe, there is a spectacular view from the top of the entire city. I've never been to the Picasso museum, but if I have time.... (:

  10. Paris. Ooo-la-la. I'm not a big Woody Allan some, don't like others...but watch "Midnight in Paris" before you go. LOVE it. It's about a screenwriter's adventure in Paris as he grapples with writing his first novel. Have fun, and may you meet some of the people that he met during his trip. :o)

    1. I've never seen Midnight in Paris but I will now! Sounds like a fun movie. I remember seeing the movie French Kiss years ago with Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline, loved that movie. The more I talk about this trip the more excited I get. :D

  11. Hahahaha hmmm... I'd tell you, but I'm probably heading there in February, so I want to take my own snapshots. :-P

    Enjoy the trip!

    1. Oh how wonderful! I'm sure you'll have a great time and you'll come back with a ton of pictures, lol! Looking forward to reading about your trip if you post about it. (-:

  12. I'm currently reading Until I Die by Amy Plum and it's making me want to go to Paris soooo bad! I spent a few days there a couple of years ago, but it wasn't nearly long enough. Honestly, I'd just like to move :) Have a wonderful time!

    1. Oh, maybe I'll run into Amy while I'm there! (:

  13. I agree the Louvre is one of the 'can't miss' (though the Mona Lisa is small... that is the impression I came away with... 'I thought it'd be bigger') The thing I'd do, though, if I had it to do again, is find a prototypical street with little cafes and street carts, maybe on the Seine... just walk... get lost and feel local. Getting lost in a city is my favorite way to get to know it and notice things that really feel 'local'.

    1. I like your "getting lost" in the city streets idea. I think I could use some of that. (-:

  14. I want to see a video of you "prancing". Doesn't matter where, it's the prancing that counts! :)

    1. Hahah! You know DL, I'm an excellent prancer. :P

  15. I my gosh I'm so jealous. Definitely head for the Luvre--you could spend weeks in there alone!

    1. Oh Lynda if I had more time I would! I still may go to the Louvre Palace though and take a picture of the Louvre pyramid. (:

  16. I love Paris! I've been there several times. Of course there's the Louvre. I like going to Montmarte. It's kind of artsie, and the Sacre Cour is there. (It's a little out of the way of mainstream Paris). Montmarte is where Picasso lived. I also enjoyed the Musee Rodin. It's not too far from the Eiffel Tower. Jardin Luxemburg is pretty awesome, too!

    Can I come in your suitcase? I'll be your tour guide!

    1. Sherry! I'll save you a spot in my bag, promise! (: I've been to Musee Rodin! Stood in front of The Thinker..............

      And yes Sacre Cour is beautiful, and oddly not too far from Moulin Rouge...:P Oh I wish I could stay longer, so many things to see!

  17. Ah, memories of Paris...
    I visited once, many many moons ago... and to this day, my first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower is burnt onto my mind... indelible!
    Also, the Basilique Sacre Coeur and the Louvre... loved these spots!

  18. Sounds wonderful!

    I'll be glad to see anything you post. I'm not much of a traveler. The farthest away from Houston I've ever been is Omaha, Nebraska. LOL

  19. I'm not a huge help to you, because I'd love to see anything in Paris. I can't wait to see your pics!


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