Friday 16 November 2012

I Miss You Blogfest

The idea behind this blogfest came from Andrew Leon at StrangePegs, and together with Matthew MacNish at the QQQE, and Alex J. Cavanaugh at Alex J. Cavanaugh, they've decided to host the Oh, How I Miss You Blogfest. These three guys are awesome bloggers and writers. If you don't know them already, check them out pronto. These guys rock! 

The blogfest is actually pretty simple, list one to three bloggers you really miss and one to three bloggers you would miss if they stopped blogging.

Well, I've only been blogging since February but I can already list a ton of people I'd miss if they suddenly stopped blogging. Mainly people I've had the pleasure of interacting with through this blog. So if you're reading this, yes, I'd miss YOU! (: 

But if I had to chose one, it would be the person who got me out here in the first place, and that would be Tia Bach at Depression Cookies. Tia and I met over two years ago and she convinced me to dive into the writing community by starting up a blog. She told me the writing community was a generous and caring group filled with talented writers and bloggers willing to help out, and you know what? She was right. Over the years, we've become close friend and I've even had the pleasure of meeting her and her wonderful family in person. In short, Tia is the sister I always wish I had. She's a talented writer, published author, editor and extremely hard worker and an all around good person. Her blog posts are uplifting, positive, inspiring, and informative. And, it never ceases to amaze me how much work she manages to get done in addition to being a wife and mother of three wonderful girls. So Tia, I'm sending you big hugs and I thank you for getting me out of my writers closet and for being such a positive force in this writing community.    <3 

Now, when thinking about a blogger that has been absent for a while, a few did come to mind. However, there is one in particular I'd like to mention and that's author and writer, Jack Flacco. I tried getting back to Jack's site but unfortunately his blog has vanished and the only traces of his old posts are what's left in my blogger feed. ): I miss Jack and his posts. They were great, funny but also informative and he always left kind comments. I don't know what happened, but I do hope Jack is doing well and hopefully someday he'll come back to the blogosphere.  

So if you're reading this, Happy Friday! Love all you guys and hope you have a great weekend.


  1. Sad.

    You're the second person (Cassie) to mention this Jack guy... sounds like a fun dude... hope he reads your post.

    Ps. You are a *you* :)

  2. wonder what happened to him? Who knows he might just turn up out of the blue again!

  3. Hi Elise .. so glad Tia got you out into the blogosphere and how wonderful you were able to meet her with the family .. fun. Two people mention Jack -now he must be one 'hell of a chap' ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Elise our comments crossed - I so agree with you ... many, many supportiv- e bloggers ... H

  4. Tia is great, I will have to pop over and say hi, been awhile. I agree with Hilary and am glad she got you out of the closet and into the blogging world. Hope you have a great week-end!

  5. Others miss Jack as well.
    Thanks for participating in our blogfest!

    1. You're welcome, it's been fun!
      Hope the people who are being missed
      find a way to get back to blogging again.

  6. That's a lovely comment about Tia. Thank you for sharing. I almost forgot about Jack. :(

    I hope you don't ever go away. :)

    1. Awww, muchas gracias Mina.
      Not planning on going anywhere,
      I love you guys too much. (:

    2. I couldn't just choose three. I cheated. :) I hope you are having a great weekend!

  7. Nice thoughts regarding Tia! I don't think I know Jack, but it seems he is sorely missed!

  8. I love way too many blogs to day on just three. :D

    I'm off to check out Tia's blog.

    1. I think you'll like Tia's blog. She's doing NaNo right now so she has had to modify her blogging a bit. (:

  9. I had a hard time like you....I would miss so many!
    Tia sounds amazing, so does Jack-I hope he comes back :D

    1. I agree, so many awesome folks out there. Tia is great, if you get the check out her blog. (: I'd love for Jack to come back, and I hope he's ok.

  10. So you'll be coming up on a year of blogging soon! Congratulations. I couldn't choose when I posted about bloggers I'd miss. It was just too hard. I finally chose one.

    1. I know! One year has come up pretty fast. Feels like only yesterday I was trying to figure out word verification and how to turn of the non-reply function. :D

  11. I hope Jack comes back to blogging. He really is such a neat/talented/awesome person. And such a support to this writing community. Makes me sad his blog is gone too. <3

    1. A lot of people miss him. I really hope he's ok.

  12. Depression Cookies! I remember that blog. I need to hightail it over there and say howdy. Glad that you're part of this awesome blogfest! :)

    1. Yes! Got get yourself some Depression Cookies! Tia is great. And glad you're a part of this blogfest too! (:

  13. I'm so glad you mentioned Jack Flacco. I too hope all is well with him.

    1. Several folks mentioned him. Hope he's well too.

  14. Seems like you've been blogging for a lot longer. You'll have to have a party for your Blogoversary!

    1. Yes, a party is party is definitely in the works...(;

  15. Jack sounds like a cool blogger. It is sad when the good ones leave. I hope he comes back one day to the blogging world. There is always room for one more.

    1. Absoutely Jenn, there is a whole lot of room for everyone. (:

  16. Were we only supposed to pick one? LOL. Just kidding.

  17. Great tribute to the depression cookies author.

  18. I'm glad Tia got you into blogging- because I'd sure miss you if you stopped :) That's right- I picked you!

    1. Awww Rose!
      I hope you know I'd miss
      the hell outa you too!

  19. I hope Jack is okay. He's disappeared from Twitter and Facebook, too. Even his website is gone. :/ Odd.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Dani.
      Sorry to hear Jack is off Twitter and fb.
      I didn't know and it's troubling.
      Hope he's ok.

  20. I hope Jack returns to blogging, too. He was an excellent blogger.

  21. It's amazing how many bloggers have stopped. Sad kind of. Hope they're all doing well.

    1. Hi Joylene, thanks for stopping by! I share the same sentiments you do. Hope everyone is doing well, where ever they are.

  22. Elise, I am so touched from your comments. Encouraging you to become a part of the writing community was an easy thing to do, because I knew the writing community would be that much stronger with you in it. You are very dear to me, and I am so thankful to call you sister and friend. Love and hugs!

  23. I don't really miss any blogs, but there are several really good writers who used to be in my CP groups but gave up writing due to financial pressure, lack of time, or just plain getting burnt out from all the rejections. I miss them a lot, but I don't blame them. Writing can be soul-wearying.

  24. I only vaguely remember Jack, but now I wish I would have paid more attention.

    For the record, you would have been on my list of top 5(not way I could have only listed 3) if I would have had the time to participate in this one.

  25. All the posts I read, it seems like the one year mark is tough on people.

  26. Lexa: It's really sad when people have to give up writing because of the outside world getting in the way. I hope somehow your friends find a way back to writing.

    Sabrina: HUGS Sabrina! The feeling is mutual girl, I hope you know that. (:

    Elizabeth: Hi Elizabeth, thanks for stopping in. I'll be coming up on my one year in February and it does feel kinda strange, but I'm excited about kicking off year number 2. (:

  27. Great choice. Tia's a sweetheart, isn't she? :)

    Um. I think Jack pulled a fast one.
    Not nice, Jack. Not nice. :\


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